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  1. #1

    Your Liniage

    Where does your family hail from? What blood line does yours come from?
    Not a family tree, just where to a reasonable date.

    Rather easy if you know. Yet hard if you don't.

    I was adopted, so I don't know anything beyond where I was supposable born.
    Guessing is the only other think I can do, lol.
    "What is it that makes you right over all others? What another tell you does not count."

    "You say we are completely different, I believe otherwise.
    You claim we are vastly superior, I beg to differ."

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    "Using a finite power of the infinite given will always
    grant to you what is truly wanted by
    your heart and make it attainable,
    where as the infinite will not."

    "The world owes you nothing,
    not even an explanation."

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  2. #2
    Registered User Your Liniage Halie's Avatar
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    I have various bloodlines...On my mothers' side, there are German, Irish and American relatives, and I'm not entirely sure how that works...but we recently tracked some German and American relatives living somewhere. My mums' dads' family is Irish.

    On my Dads' side, I'm pretty sure there's only Welsh and English relatives, but I'm Welsh and a quarter Irish, I think. I'm not so sure, it's quite confusing. My accent doesn't sound it though. I've been told I speak like a Welsh/American/English mixture.

  3. #3
    HRH Albha Your Liniage Aerif's Avatar
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    I have rather uninteresting heritage as far as I know. My parents were both born in the West of Scotland, who were in turn raised by a Scottish parent and an Irish parent.

    Therefore, my parents recieved a rather strange half irish, half scottish accent, which passed on to me and actually means that nobody understands me. I've had to develop my accent into an Irish/Scots/'Posh' English accent, which tends to confuse a lot of people.

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  4. #4
    Genocide Unfolds, I Forgive All Chez Daja's Avatar
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    Mum's side is Polish and Russian. There are possible links to Ukraine, but I'm not 100%. Not much is known about my grandparents and their parents. My mothers' family were secretive with each other and never really talked much.

    All I know is that I'm Polish, Russian with some British.

    And that my mum's parents were both in the army, and that's how they met.

    My other grandparents are British, but I don't know if there's any other heritage in there. Probably Irish, seeing how much they all drink, pleh............

    In any case, my mum's side is the interesting one.

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  5. #5
    Cilla vs. Games Your Liniage Priscilla's Avatar
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    My mother is from France so I am half French. I'm not sure about my Dads side because it doesn't impact me. I mean if his great Grandad was from another country it doesn't really mean much to me because it doesn't effect me as much in a sense. But I think they came from Scotland. But anyway there family has been here for a while so they are just Australian in my eyes. So i'm French/Australian.

    We have this topic at school all the time. Girls go "I'm half German because my Great Grandad was born there".
    Uhm. No.

    Oh and all of you guys have really interesting heritages. I wish I did =]

  6. #6
    Finally Back! :D Your Liniage Benjisan's Avatar
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    haha hey cilla if u want a confusing heritage list check mine out:

    Mother's side - German / Aboriginal / Australian

    Father's side - Maltese / Italian / French / English (i think)

    lol thats a lot of countries to have heritage from doncha think??

  7. #7
    Au revoir. Your Liniage Doc Rocco's Avatar
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    My mother's maternal side were English, but owned a large estate in India from the time of Victoria being empress. Her paternal side were coppersmiths in London, but were Taylor. Go figure.

    I know nothing of my father's side, except they owned a small farm in the mountains of Sicily. Which makes me half Italian and half English.

  8. #8
    The Old Skool Warrior Your Liniage LocoColt04's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Priscilla View Post
    We have this topic at school all the time. Girls go "I'm half German because my Great Grandad was born there".
    Uhm. No.
    Haha, yeah. That's definitely not how it works. I assume you correct them regularly?

    Okay, so let's see here.

    My paternal grandfather is 100% Italian, born in northern Italy.
    My paternal grandmother is 50% Spanish & 50% Italian, born in Spain.
    My father is 25% Spanish & 75% Italian, born in Argentina.

    My maternal grandfather is 75% German & 25% mixed (English, Dutch).
    My maternal grandmother is 75% German & 25% mixed (English, Scottish, Irish).
    My mother is 75% German & 25% mixed (see above), all three here in the States.

    So, after all that, here's what I've got.

    3/8 Italian
    3/8 German
    1/8 Spanish
    1/8 grab bag
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    reppin' SOLDIER since 2004CPC8 class of 2009
    Quote Originally Posted by 2009 TFF Awards nominations
    Best TFF Couple
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    Psiko and Hyzenthlay
    Rocky and LocoColt04 and Meier Link and Pete
    Unknown Entity and Mistress Sheena
    Quote Originally Posted by Andromeda View Post
    I thought I was going to be able to play with Loco and then I remembered he doesn't game. He just turns on the game for an hour and then forgets about it for two months only to remember that he bought it.
    Quote Originally Posted by Rowan View Post
    Che's not a girl. Not good enough explanation. Please elaborate.
    Quote Originally Posted by che View Post
    Yes I am. I will bust out my vagina right now.

  9. #9
    Air from my lungs. Your Liniage Violet's Avatar
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    On my mom's side, there's Irish, German, and Swedish. On my dad's side, there's German and British and possibly some Scottish. I'm mostly Swedish since my mom is like.. 75 or 50 percent. We've done some research on our family history, and my dad said that on his side, we're related to King Richard Lionheart(who was the good king in Robin Hood, haha) from the Crusades, which I thought was pretty tight. All I know about my mom's side is that they were pioneers.
    Last edited by Violet; 03-31-2008 at 04:12 PM.

  10. #10
    Like a Boss Sean's Avatar
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    On my dad's side:

    Dating waaay back they originated from the name Kilkenny in Ireland, later mixed in with German, and my father's mother was 1/2 german, putting more german into my bloodline.

    On my mom's side:

    Her grandfather was full blooded Filipino and came over from the islands in the early 1900s. No one knows his last name, what he did, or where he was from, as he hid all that information from his entire family, he just took the last name Claro from a cigar box he saw. My grandfather was 1/2 Filipino, his wife was party German, mixing MORE German into my blood line.

    Me: I'm 1/8th Philipino, 1/8th Irish, over 1/4th german, and mixed for the other half I suppose. Just following back the males (from my father and back) in my family leads me to Ireland, though.

  11. #11
    From all that I know, am told, and can assume, I'm at least Half Korean and Half German.

    I can assume so since I was born in South Korea, but have the physical characteristics of an European. I'm usually tall, my dad says that I'd be an oddity if I ever returned, lol, and I have a rather larger frame then most others.

    If the other thing I assume is correct, then my bloodline can be traced back to somewhere pretty close to German's Royal Family from before World War I, all the way back to the times of German Knights. But that's just thoughts and assumptions, so it's not really confirmed or researchable.
    "What is it that makes you right over all others? What another tell you does not count."

    "You say we are completely different, I believe otherwise.
    You claim we are vastly superior, I beg to differ."

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    "Using a finite power of the infinite given will always
    grant to you what is truly wanted by
    your heart and make it attainable,
    where as the infinite will not."

    "The world owes you nothing,
    not even an explanation."

    PROUD member of the PWNers Club!!
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  12. #12
    For all I know, I'm entirely Vietnamese. My maternal grandfather at one point said he was maybe one-half or one-fourth Chinese, but I won't ever know for sure. Everyone on my father's side of the family was Vietnamese up until at least my grandparents. I don't know anything or really care to find out before that.

    So if my grandpa was really one-half or fourth Chinese, I'd be one-eighth or one-sixteenth that and all the rest Vietnamese...nothing interesting about that.

  13. #13
    Sparkly Beanie Baby of Doom! Your Liniage Tallulah's Avatar
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    I am nine-sixteenths Scottish, as my dad is Scottish, and so was my mum's grandfather (my nan's dad)

    I am also descended from a pirate, on my mother's side.

  14. #14
    The Quiet One Your Liniage Andromeda's Avatar
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    I don't know how many generations it has been, but I'm descended from French ancestors. We moved from Artois, France to the US in 1660 due to religious beliefs. We were protestants and well you don't live too long in Catholic Europe being protestant. So we left. I would imagine that if we were Catholic that we would probably still be living in France, or perhaps left much later.

    From what I understand my family line is the only line allowed to capitalize the "B" in our name. This is since our ancestors were nobility of some sort. So I would guess that normal pestants or whatever that had the same name could not capitalize it. It some stuffy thing rich people did back in those times. But that is the explanation I was given why we have a capital "B" in our name. It sort like the McClouds or Mc-whatevers. Though technically I think our last name would be two words with the first two letters lower case. Since in the French language that would how it would be written. I've seen different ways it has been written, so I don't know which is the proper spelling space or no space. But it is fun sometimes to do it

    People already never capitalize my "B" so when they do get right eventually I can toy with them in that they are still not spelling correctly. Its just one of those names that you don't realize should be capitalized because in general it never is except for our family. And even still its not a Mcwhatever, so people do not even consider it improperly spelled.

    Though I have more troubles with people saying correctly than anything else. So misspelling is the least of my problem.

    From the other side I can't really say it is accurate since my Grandmother was an orphan. Though my grandfather has a German last name, but I don't know how far removed it is from actually being full-blooded German. At this point the blood has mixed so much that I'm an American mutt. I would be like 1/64th French or something very minor like that.
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  15. #15
    Amor fati. Your Liniage Tiger Lily's Avatar
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    For the purposes of this discussion, I'm a full-blooded Scot. Now when I say that I mean that I may have some English or Irish ancestry a while back on my maternal grandfather's side. But I'm not sure of that and what I AM sure of is that all of my other ancestors are fully Scottish.

    On my paternal grandfather's side I'm directly descended from a derivative clan [which is kind of like a proper clan, only they split away from the original and made their own one], and on my maternal grandmother's we can trace it back to the Leslie clan. My paternal grandmother's fully Scottish too but I don't think we can trace to her clan. Her maiden name was Cowie though. Two direct traces to clans.. I've got some decent ancestry there, lol.

    Mum also thinks we may be related to Banjo Paterson [he wrote Waltzing Matilda and stuffs]. Kind of a broad statement, but hey. If I'm related to a bigshot poet then that works for me. ^^

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    Froggie, Rocco, Craven, Cilla
    Beanie, Martin, Fishie,
    Bleachie, Xeim, Omega

    Because we're clones.

    Classic Quotes:
    George: oh these ff people got tactics
    Rachel: Yes. Final Fantasy Tactics. *shot*

    Callum: why have you got a slurred russian swear word in your pm
    Callum: khoi is practically the biggest insult you could ever give anyone lol
    Rocco: Does he know it's a fish?

    Cilla: She needs a reality check.
    Rachel says: She is a kissass.
    Cilla: She really is.
    Rachel says: Her personality annoys me. D:
    Cilla says: Her name annoys me.
    Rachel says: She is stupid. xD
    Cilla says: She has herpes, I reckon.

    Bean: Irvine could go for a walk in NORG's ass.

    TFF owning Morons:

    Rach....Enough said
    [^ win!!]

    Rocco: WE WIN x infinity.

    Rocco is straight, but has awful timing:

    Rocco: I swear, if I ever see him, I'll steal him and shove him in my cupboard.
    Rocco: Lovingly, of course.
    Rocco: And we can get married in the TARDIS. *0*
    Rocco: <333333
    Rocco: *fangirl squeal*

    Nathan: Did you just come out of the closet?
    Rocco: Oh, yeah.

    Rocco says: You can change your DP as well.
    Rocco says: Even though that man is incredibly sexy.

    Froggie: Rocco.
    Froggie: You need to be bisexual.
    Rocco: I am.

    Member of the FF Cult.

    This signature was last accurate circa 2010. Keeping for posterity/lols.

  16. #16
    Gingersnap Your Liniage OceanEyes28's Avatar
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    I don't know much about where I come from.

    The Reid side of the family is fairly Scottish, I believe. And my dad's mom was a bit German with darker hair, which is probably how he ended up with his dark hair.

    And my mom's side I'm even less sure about. Apparently, there's some deep dark family secret about my grandma getting pregnant with my mom by this large redheaded man outside of wedlock and then married another man and had the rest of her children. And there's certainly a difference between my mom and her sister. My mom is short, fair skinned, curvier, and a redhead while my aunt is taller and lankier with darker hair and more olive skin. My cousins and I do not resemble each other.

    So... maybe my actual grandfather is Irish or Scottish? (if we're going by stereotypes)

    I have no idea. But from what I can tell by my appearance, my lineage is very Western European.

    Oh, and uh... my grandmother on my mom's side swears we're related to Elvis. Like I'm his seventh cousin or something. I have no idea.

    My dad's side of the family had kids really late. My grandfather was born some time around 1907, I think. Close to the beginning of that century, I know that. That's a little weird to think about. Hmm.

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    HEY DO YOU LIKE MUSIC? Because I make music.

  17. #17
    The Townsend (paternal) side originate up the north of England. My father was born in Yorkshire, but his lineage traces back to the Scots. I'm 1/16th Scottish... which is pretty negligible I guess ^_^.

    Maternally, my roots can be traced back to the Saxons. So some part of me is.... where Saxons come from. Saxonland? I dunno...

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  18. #18
    The Old Skool Warrior Your Liniage LocoColt04's Avatar
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    Wouldn't the Anglo-Saxons be originally derived from the Germanic tribes? I mean, if you want to look that far back, that was when the English language was developed. But yeah, the Saxons were based in Britain, so that makes you pretty dang British, Joe.
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    Quote Originally Posted by 2009 TFF Awards nominations
    Best TFF Couple
    Martin and Priscilla
    Psiko and Hyzenthlay
    Rocky and LocoColt04 and Meier Link and Pete
    Unknown Entity and Mistress Sheena
    Quote Originally Posted by Andromeda View Post
    I thought I was going to be able to play with Loco and then I remembered he doesn't game. He just turns on the game for an hour and then forgets about it for two months only to remember that he bought it.
    Quote Originally Posted by Rowan View Post
    Che's not a girl. Not good enough explanation. Please elaborate.
    Quote Originally Posted by che View Post
    Yes I am. I will bust out my vagina right now.

  19. #19
    Registered User Your Liniage Dimi's Avatar
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    Hmm, let me see if I can get this right...

    On my mom's side of the family, my grandfather is part Italian and French while my grandmother is Puerto Rican. From my grandfather, I recall my mom telling me that his mom was Italian and his father was French but my grandfather was born out here in the U.S. while my great grandparents were born out there. And if I recall, my great grandfather was born in Milan. I'm not sure about my great grandmother though.

    My dad's side is a lot easier to remember. Both my grandparents from his side are Mexican and Indian. My dad and his brothers and sisters were the first of their generation to be born out in the U.S. My grandfather is from Chiuhahuah (sp?), Mexico and I'm not sure about my grandma. I'm think either Mexicali or somewhere else.

  20. #20
    Only plays for sport Unknown Entity's Avatar
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    Erm... lets see...

    Ok, on my mum is half irish and half british - you can't tell that she has any irish in her, and i was surprized when she told me. so that kinda makes me quarter irish.

    On my dads side... i don't really know to be honest with you - he wasn't around much. But i know just a little bit of Japanese comes in some place there... although you can only really see that in my aunts eyes...

    I have family all around the world so its hard to work out if my family are actually from the place, or if they moved there, lol! I got family in America, Austrailia, Spain, Germany, Japan and of course Britain. I think that it, lol!

    "I used to be active here like you, then I took an arrow in the knee."

    Suddenly... clutter.:

    Me and the lovely Joey is two cheeky chimpmonks, we is. Because TFF cousins can still... do stuff. ; )

    Quotes to have a giggle at.:

    Quote Originally Posted by Bleachfangirl
    I'm none too scary really. Just somewhat violent...
    Quote Originally Posted by MSN Convo
    Gemma the friggin' Entity. says:
    Bleachie says:
    ...*runs around with a stick*
    Hm, no one's here...
    Gemma the friggin' Entity. says:
    Bleachie says:
    Quote Originally Posted by Joe
    Now that we've apparently discussed wanting to see each other sleep with a game character... how goes?

    All my banners are now done by me! Soon, I will be great! Muwahahahaha... ha... eck! *coughs* ...ha!
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  21. #21
    Your Liniage Hell's-sword's Avatar
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    I am welsh on my dads side and english on my mums side thats about all i no, i dont like getting complicated on this stuff.
    We have spent our time drenched in opulent splendour but when midnight chimes will gilded souls surrender.

  22. #22
    Asking all the personal questions. Your Liniage RamesesII's Avatar
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    I think my dads name comes from Germany or some small village close by there and i don't know where my mums side comes from
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    The finer details of a signature:

    CHE- "I pee sitting down after I have sex because for some reason after I have sex and I try to pee, it goes everywhere."
    Nuff said^

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    My brother Meier Link, proudly supporting the World Wide Institute of Booze since 1982.
    My Spasmodic, spamtastic, spammer nephew Fate.
    My brother HUNK, he who wears the number 1 headband.
    My glowing Goddess of Egyptian thingy's, Unknown Entity.
    My Unique and unpredictable mother Kilala ^^.
    My little arcade freak brother nra4.
    My brother Captain of the Dragoon warriors, Mallick.
    My razzle, dazzle, razamatic, razphony brother Ralz
    My younger brother Ryu-Kentoshii Hirokima, the Legendary Samurai who Doesn't take "No" for an Answer.


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    - ASS Creed III

  23. #23
    Your Liniage L Lawliet's Avatar
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    Meh, my family is very monotonous when it comes to that. I can track my family roots up to my greatgrandparents and they're all Portuguese. I have an aunt, an uncle and a cousin who moved to England though but they're also Portuguese since they were all born and brought up here.

  24. #24
    I don't really know much about my family besides the fact that my mother is Japanese and my father is Fil-Am (half Filipino, half American).

    "Be excellent at what is good, be innocent of evil."
    ROMANS 16:19

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    Final Fantasy Fan Cid, my high-flying cousin
    Rocky, my older brother from another mother xD
    Unknown Entity, my Vincent-loving aunt
    LoVeLeSs, my awesome granddaughter
    diaryofjane, my music loving sister
    brnthsdiscout, my FF lovin' sister
    Dark Squall, my God Father.

  25. #25
    Your Liniage Jin's Avatar
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    I can't trace my routes back very far, or rather, I have yet to find the energy or desire to trace them back very far, so this will be limited.

    Dad's side:

    This is always hard to figure out because it comes down to how much of a genetic race Jews still are. Considering they're a Semitic race and the majority of European Jews are quite European looking, I'm going to ignore it as a race, but for the purists, I thought I'd put it out there.

    Russian. I'm sorry to anger any Ukranians or Belorussians in the audience, but they're the same race, just maybe with a little more Polish or Lithuanian blood in the latter two from intermarriage. Also it's difficult to determine given they were both part of the Russian Empire throught most of the 18th century and beyond. Anyways, My dad is Russian and I don't know if he has anything else in him or not as he was just as lazy and or dissinterested as I am about it.

    Mother's side:
    What a mess. We don't keep in contact with her family, so I can't give details, but from what I've been told, she is half German, a quarter English and a quarter Welsh.

    So for a running total, that's:
    50% Russian (or let's just say East Slavic - or Jew, whatever)
    25% German
    12.5% Welsh
    12.5% English

    Cheers to fractions.

    Until now!

  26. #26
    I invented Go-Gurt. Your Liniage Clint's Avatar
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    My family history only dates back as far as 1910. There are a few things before that that I know through tales passed down from generation to generation, but they don't really hold any substantial proof.

    The entire half of my mom's family is Czechoslovakian, but when my great-grandparents left that area, it was still part of the Austrian-Hungarian Empire, and that can be backed up seeing as though my great-grandfather on my mother's mother's side fought for that army during World War I. So this makes me 50% Czechoslovakian.

    My father's side is a bit tricky, though. There was a Norseman Viking long ago; I estimate somewhere around 1200 AD. His ship sunk in the Mediterranean Sea, and he and some of his crew washed up on the shores of Sicily. This is the start of the infamous "white Sicilian," the kind of people who would eventually go on to create the Sicilian Mafia. While they were there, they defeated the Moors and sent many of them packing back to Africa in boxes, if you get the expression. My original family name, Tuttomondo, which extends from tutto il mondo, means "all of the world," corresponds with the Viking story. My dad is 50% Sicilian, which makes me 25% Sicilian.

    The rest is a mixture of many things. As I stated earlier, I have some Norse ancestors, but that probably only accounts for less than 1% of my bloodline. My father's mother has blood from every single country currently in the United Kingdom, as well as some from Poland. And I think that's about it. I just like to refer to myself as a European American/Canadian. It makes it easier.
    Last edited by Clint; 03-05-2009 at 08:37 PM.

  27. #27
    Permanently Banned loaf's Avatar
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    First off, it's Lineage.

    My family is mainly Native American and like a few European countries. My last damn is Danish so I'm guessing my family comes from Denmark which is my dads side. Both my mom and dads grand parents were full blood Native Americans. I know on my moms side she claims that we have like this tiny amount of Asian somewhere there, I'm not sure if it's entirely true but you can kinda see it in my sister. Other then that I don't know the rest of me.

  28. #28
    Vagabond Thief Your Liniage Rikkuffx's Avatar
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    I'm half irish and half Italian. But since i barely know my dads side i consider myself more italian because mom is italian and I know here side very well. Plus I was pretty much raised italian and this year im learning the recipes.
    My moms grandma is from Naples,Italy and my dads mom and dad came straight from ireland I still have cousins and aunts in Ireland too.Oh and i'm not too sure where in ireland all i know it county something,
    ~TFF Family~
    Doc Rocco-My illegitimate and nefarious son
    Fishie-My lusty neighbor who loves to egg old people!
    Martin-My awesome Tff lil bro who lets me cry on his shoulder!
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    Halie-my slightly crazy but wondeful sis <3
    My geeky maple story loving bro-joesteel64

  29. #29
    Registered User Rocky's Avatar
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    My mom is fully Dutch. I have relatives in Holland and Amsterdam, which is pretty crazy. They came from a long line of farmers over there, and I think at that time my great-grandad moved over to the United States from Holland and lived out the american dream.. Yes, my mom has her own pair of clogs, and yeah, my grandma can speak fluent dutch. She's pretty legit. And, she makes some badass sweets. In conclusion, this leaves me to become 1/2 Dutch, at least.

    My biological dad's side is a total mystery. He was adopted by my grandfather at the age of an infant, and I'm not sure if even they know what he is a part of. All I know is that my real dad's real mom had dark hair and some some blue, almost purple eyes. I believe she is a gypsy. If I was to take a guess what my dad was, I would say somewhere like western european, like french/british/italian. Actually, I think Italian might be kinda accurate.

    So, this makes me:
    1/2 Dutch
    1/2 Draw a nationality out of the hat
    †SOLDIER† - "Yep still better than you"
    CPC8: It's hard out here for a pimp.™

    hahas, updated July 28th (oldie but goodie!):
    Quote Originally Posted by from the CPC8
    Pete: Meier, don't even lie. I know you were going on a nice little tear before you settled down with the new gf

    che: rofl <3 Meier.

    Loaf: Meier is the best.

    Meier: Hey Pete, I said I started to, it just didn't end the with the same number of women. Then again this one is kind of on the outs with me if she doesn't straighten up and fly right so that means I will be back in it for the thrill of the kill. Got some in the reserves. Even got a rePETEr (<---- like that ay? AYYYYY?) on the back burner.

    Block: I do like the rePETEr except it kinda makes it sound like you're going to pork Pete. No homo.

  30. #30
    ...means nothing to no way Furore's Avatar
    Join Date
    Mar 2007
    F*ckin' Australia!
    My Lineage is mostly Dutch with perhaps a German and English ancestor somewhere up the line. All four of my grandparents were Dutch and I believe my Uncle has traced my Mother's sideup to several centuries ago. My dad's side has a family tree of a few generations and most of my ancestors on that side have been big men, likely with good pain tolerances like myself. My grandfather was intelligence for the Dutch during World War II and got a commendation from Field Marshal Montgomery and my great grandfather was a Burgermeister of a Dutch city. I believe some of my ancestors also produced Tobacco at one stage as some cigar tins and a few curios bearing my surname have been passed down.

    And further up my dad's side I believe there was nobility due to the family signet ring and passed down stories. It's got an unusual coat of arms though...
    victoria aut mors

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