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Thread: Your Job, where do you work?

  1. #1
    Let's make it rain. Your Job, where do you work? Jonathanx221's Avatar
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    Your Job, where do you work?

    I thought it would be interesting to see if anyone worked at Little Caesars, I do. And it's terrible. I need a new job, does anyone have what most would consider "A dream job"?


    Little Caesars is far from a dream job, and I eat too much of it, it's disgusting.

  2. #2

    Re: Your Job, where do you work?

    I work at Vans skate shop:

    I'm usually working in the shoe section, so I'm always moving, trying to help stupid customers who try to argue with me over shoe sizes and moochers... or in the back organizing what ever gets left out.

    Overall it's really fun, and everyone I work with is cool so I don't really have any major complaints. it's retail -_-
    Last edited by GypsyElder; 03-20-2010 at 08:41 PM.

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  3. #3
    Bass Player Extraordinaire Your Job, where do you work? Joe's Avatar
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    Re: Your Job, where do you work?

    You know this place? That section in the front of most wal-marts that has all those fruits and vegetables? Yeah. I keep my local wal-mart's stocked. Badass, I know. I'm the youngest person there, and can work circles around the other people in my area xD

    Also, the avocados in the hot linked picture seem to be ready to go bad. Someone should rotate fresh stock in before taking pictures.
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  4. #4
    The pizza guy! Meier Link's Avatar
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    Re: Your Job, where do you work?

    I am not going to say where I work, but I will say that I work for a daughter company for a very large airline based out of Germany. I love my job but I don't concider it my dream job.

    I am currently the Sr. Tech over the bonding department and have been in that positition for a few years now. If I could get back into my old position which was lead of new product development (aka hydrolics and special reversers) I would consider it my dream job again.
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  5. #5
    ...means nothing to no way Furore's Avatar
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    Re: Your Job, where do you work?

    I work wherever my contracts have me working.
    Still my usual site for the better part of the last year is an area comprised of several buildings containing shops and a large parking area.

    It's a dream job btw. Do the occasional patrol, do whatever I want in the mean time so long as I stay onsite, chat/smoke with site visitors (other security guards and night people not looking to cause damage) and occasionally bash heads. Not too good for people who're easily intimidated, but if you have the size and a disregard for your own safety, best job ever.
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  6. #6
    Let's make it rain. Your Job, where do you work? Jonathanx221's Avatar
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    Re: Your Job, where do you work?

    You guys all have way better jobs than I do.... Freakin Little Caesars, I really love the vans skate shop job by the way, the wal mart job, sounds fun. You guys are all lucky! I need a better job ASAP!

  7. #7
    Registered User Your Job, where do you work? kupo's Avatar
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    Re: Your Job, where do you work?

    i teach in a class of 1-3rd graders. im more of an aid really, but i do get to do some of the lessons. mostly art lessons since thats what im getting certified in (plus...the "main teacher" isn't too art savy). i'd rather teach high school art but eh, i get what i can get right now. of the 3rd graders is a final fantasy fan thanks to his older sister

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  8. #8
    Let's make it rain. Your Job, where do you work? Jonathanx221's Avatar
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    Re: Your Job, where do you work?

    Quote Originally Posted by kupo View Post
    i teach in a class of 1-3rd graders. im more of an aid really, but i do get to do some of the lessons. mostly art lessons since thats what im getting certified in (plus...the "main teacher" isn't too art savy). i'd rather teach high school art but eh, i get what i can get right now. of the 3rd graders is a final fantasy fan thanks to his older sister
    That's amazing. =] That sounds like a fun job.

  9. #9
    Sir Prize Your Job, where do you work? Sinister's Avatar
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    Re: Your Job, where do you work?

    My last job was general manager and consultant for a local nursery for agricultural/floracultural hybrids and supply. Efflorescence nurseries. I was fired or quit from that job and have been "at liberty" for the last year or so. I'm running off of savings. That's not going so well of late, so I'll probably be applying soon.


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  10. #10
    Death Before Dishonor Your Job, where do you work? Josh_R's Avatar
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    Re: Your Job, where do you work?

    Quote Originally Posted by Jonathanx221 View Post
    I thought it would be interesting to see if anyone worked at Little Caesars, I do. And it's terrible. I need a new job, does anyone have what most would consider "A dream job"?
    Ah i rember those days. I worked at Little Ceasars or as me and my coworkers called it Lil Skeezers. It sucked and the pizza was shit.

    For a while I worked at Gamestop which was f*cking awesome. Prolly the best job I have had.

    Currently I am a Independent Contractor. So I do whatever the f*ck that people need done. We will be getting a lot more work now that spring is coming. People will need lawn care, or some older people call us to fix their garden. Soon I will be rolling in cash.

    I also am a amateur MMA fighter. Don't make to much cash. My first fight I got $150 for the win. Bought me a couple 360 games. I am trying to get my pro fight going. That'll be a couple 100's in my pocket if I win..

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  11. #11
    This ain't no place for no hero Your Job, where do you work? Tiffany's Avatar
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    Re: Your Job, where do you work?

    Before my daughter became my job I worked in an Automotive factory. We built the seat frames for 2 major domestic car companies.

    When I worked on the lines, I ran a robotic welder. I got promoted to Team Leader so I didn't have to work on the lines as much, but much more stress in getting numbers and making sure there weren't any quality defects.

    It was NOT a dream job. Factory work sucks ass.

    So far, being a stay at home Mom IS a dream job. I love being at home with my daughter... the pay cut is kind of hard to swallow though.

  12. #12
    艶かしき安息、躊躇いに微笑み Your Job, where do you work? ZantetsukeN's Avatar
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    Re: Your Job, where do you work?

    I work in a place that sells and distributes flower and vegetable seeds. It's actually more awesome than it sounds. I work in the warehouse at the moment, but I do all sorts there. It's fun.

  13. #13
    SeeD Instructor Your Job, where do you work? theblackmonster's Avatar
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    Re: Your Job, where do you work?

    i work for the family buisness on my moms side, we produce and manufacture airplane parts for grumman, lockheed martin, the government. i see alot of cool stuff all day and i get to do a bunch of sweet jobs, my grandpa is the president so in a way this is def my dream job lol.

  14. #14
    ...means nothing to no way Furore's Avatar
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    Re: Your Job, where do you work?

    Quote Originally Posted by Josh_R View Post
    I also am a amateur MMA fighter. Don't make to much cash. My first fight I got $150 for the win. Bought me a couple 360 games. I am trying to get my pro fight going. That'll be a couple 100's in my pocket if I win..
    Advice from me, read the waivers very carefully. Sometimes you're not protected enough by them in the event of something going wrong, other times you gain obligations you mightn't want. Pissed me off how dodgy some of that shit was when it could have been considerably simpler.
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  15. #15
    Death Before Dishonor Your Job, where do you work? Josh_R's Avatar
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    Re: Your Job, where do you work?

    Quote Originally Posted by Silver View Post
    Advice from me, read the waivers very carefully. Sometimes you're not protected enough by them in the event of something going wrong, other times you gain obligations you mightn't want. Pissed me off how dodgy some of that shit was when it could have been considerably simpler.

    Oh trust me I read them very carefully. My first fight they tried to pull some fast. Stated pretty much if an accident occured in the octagon that they were not liable. How the f*ck would they not be lilable. After me and my coaches ranted for a while a new contract was drafted.

    Sitting here waiting for Rocky, and Che to notice me!!

  16. #16
    Permanently Banned loaf's Avatar
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    Re: Your Job, where do you work?

    My job is, wait, nvm I don't have a job.

    For the OP who complains to work at Little Caesars. At least you have a job. I'd take any job right now.
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  17. #17
    Registered User Your Job, where do you work?
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    Re: Your Job, where do you work?

    I'm going to go ahead and jump on the whole "be thankful to be working" train. I'm technically still hired at the place where I work, but I had to take an extended leave because of some health-related issues, so I haven't had a whole lot of money flowing my way. In fact, I've had NO money coming my way since I had to take leave. My job isn't a "dream job" in the slightest, but the pay is/was good for what I do. I work as a waitress, btw. Yep. Good ol' food service industry. *shrugs*

    Yeah, your job probably sucks now, but you still can go find something else. And you're still young. Not a whole lot of "dream jobs" are open for you right now, but in time I'm sure you'll find something you'll enjoy doing.
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  18. #18
    Registered User Rocky's Avatar
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    Re: Your Job, where do you work?

    I'm a caregiver for kids that have special needs. It doesn't pay the bills and it is basically a job that pays for the bars on the weekends if that, but the job is something I thoroughly love doing and something that I'd love to be able to do once I get done with college. (just in a higher-up position of course) You have the undying gratitude of parents everywhere, and if anything it gives you an excuse to go to the mall and pick up chix
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    hahas, updated July 28th (oldie but goodie!):
    Quote Originally Posted by from the CPC8
    Pete: Meier, don't even lie. I know you were going on a nice little tear before you settled down with the new gf

    che: rofl <3 Meier.

    Loaf: Meier is the best.

    Meier: Hey Pete, I said I started to, it just didn't end the with the same number of women. Then again this one is kind of on the outs with me if she doesn't straighten up and fly right so that means I will be back in it for the thrill of the kill. Got some in the reserves. Even got a rePETEr (<---- like that ay? AYYYYY?) on the back burner.

    Block: I do like the rePETEr except it kinda makes it sound like you're going to pork Pete. No homo.

  19. #19

    Re: Your Job, where do you work?

    I work at a liquor store. We're driven by tourists in the summer. So they're cool enough to keep us on with slightly reduced hours in the winter with little work to do other than holidays. And in the summer it's insanely busy and you never have a moment to chill.

    Overall it's a good job. There's a weird dynamic there. Everyone is treated differently and the bosses can be quirky. But especially in a recession for living where I do, it pays well and it's a good gig overall.

  20. #20
    Cilla vs. Games Your Job, where do you work? Priscilla's Avatar
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    Re: Your Job, where do you work?

    I work at EB Games.
    I've worked there for three years this month. It's ohkay. I've met a lot of amazing people during my time there and it's helped me grow as a person.

    My last shift is on the first of April because I'm moving overseas that month. Even though it was fun working there, I am looking forward to leaving and getting a new job.

  21. #21
    Let's make it rain. Your Job, where do you work? Jonathanx221's Avatar
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    Re: Your Job, where do you work?

    Quote Originally Posted by Loaf View Post
    My job is, wait, nvm I don't have a job.

    For the OP who complains to work at Little Caesars. At least you have a job. I'd take any job right now.
    It's terrible, but you're absolutely right, at least I have one.... I'd give it up if I didn't have to pay for phone and internet.

  22. #22
    Sharing is caring, and caring is ment to be shared Your Job, where do you work? The Dark Crystal's Avatar
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    Re: Your Job, where do you work?

    I just got a job working at Stetson's, a night club in Humble, as a bar back. I only work Thurs-Sat right know, which sucks a$$, but if i hang around for awhile I have no doubt I will start to move up pretty fast. I also have a bunch of friends working up their, so that's a plus, and they have introduced me to a lot of cool, and weird people!
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  23. #23
    Let's make it rain. Your Job, where do you work? Jonathanx221's Avatar
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    Re: Your Job, where do you work?

    Quote Originally Posted by Black Waltz View Post
    I just got a job working at Stetson's, a night club in Humble, as a bar back. I only work Thurs-Sat right know, which sucks a$$, but if i hang around for awhile I have no doubt I will start to move up pretty fast. I also have a bunch of friends working up their, so that's a plus, and they have introduced me to a lot of cool, and weird people!
    That's awesome. I work tonight, I'm not looking forward to it. It get's so hot working around ovens all night, and making food sucks. We're not allowed to have breaks where I work, and my boss is a jerk. I don't wanna work around food anymore! I'm gonna kill my boss!

  24. #24
    SOLDIER 3rd Class Your Job, where do you work? Copperfire's Avatar
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    Re: Your Job, where do you work?

    I sometimes work in all sorts of places. Lately the regular place I'm being sent is to a particular construction site. But I've worked in stores being renovated, stores getting upgrades, a movie theater, hotels, and at public events. But mostly construction sites.

  25. #25
    Death Before Dishonor Your Job, where do you work? Josh_R's Avatar
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    Re: Your Job, where do you work?

    Quote Originally Posted by Rocky View Post
    I'm a caregiver for kids that have special needs. It doesn't pay the bills and it is basically a job that pays for the bars on the weekends if that, but the job is something I thoroughly love doing and something that I'd love to be able to do once I get done with college. (just in a higher-up position of course) You have the undying gratitude of parents everywhere, and if anything it gives you an excuse to go to the mall and pick up chix
    Hell of a job. I had a class in high school called peer tutoring. That is what it was. You took care of the special needs kids. Doing things like that are cool. And most special needs kids that I have met are the shit. They are all cool.

    Sitting here waiting for Rocky, and Che to notice me!!

  26. #26
    Sparkly Beanie Baby of Doom! Your Job, where do you work? Tallulah's Avatar
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    Re: Your Job, where do you work?

    Quote Originally Posted by Jonathanx221 View Post
    That's awesome. I work tonight, I'm not looking forward to it. It get's so hot working around ovens all night, and making food sucks. We're not allowed to have breaks where I work, and my boss is a jerk. I don't wanna work around food anymore! I'm gonna kill my boss!
    Hmm, that sounds bad. You should be entitled to at least half-hour's break, or 45 minutes if you work 6 hours or more. That does not sound right at all! You should talk to someone in employment law about this; do you have an equivalent of Citizen's Advice where you are?

    I currently work at McDonalds. I have been there for nearly a year, and it is a fun little job, challenging (in terms of keeping up to speed; all the tasks they ask you to do are easy!) but tiring. I am usually on front, taking payments and assembling orders etc., and a lot of good communication is needed with the kitchen staff. It can get annoying, though. The business manager, Steve, has decided I am really good at Window 1, which is the payment window at drive-thru, which is literally only taking/confirming orders and till. Since they took away all the condiment tasks (bagging up napkins, straws, sauces etc.) this job has become deathly BORING! Only one manager, Robbie, strives to keep me away from this terrible placve, as he knows I hate it so much!

    Also, this evening a whole bunch of about 20 bad-mannered students (college students who should have known better!) decided to come in, just as I was about to leave. I had to stay on till whilst one of my colleagues, Donna, assembled the food for me. I technically worked an extra 35 minutes, which is worth the hassle.

    Another downside to the job is that I can work any, and I mean ANY hours. We have 'close' shifts where we are scheduled to work until 1.30 in the morning, but cannot leave until everywhere is acceptably tidy. One time things piled up and up on us, and we did not leave until 3.30am! However, we get time-and-a-half between midnight and 6am, so that was the only upside!

    Our drive-thru is open 24 hours on Friday and Saturday nights, so some staff do overnight shifts! I have been lined up with my first overnight next Saturday, and seeing the people I am working with (Chris, the best manager there; Johnny, the funny one, and Kat, one of the more experienced, helpful members of staff), I'm quite looking forward to it.
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  27. #27
    Dragoon Your Job, where do you work? TigermusiQ's Avatar
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    Re: Your Job, where do you work?

    I'm unemployed atmo, I got a call rom the counsil recently about an application of a job though so I'm hopeful. My last job I worked at a pasty shop as a baker and got laid-off two months after they opened, just after Christmas (they were sinking soon after).

    Before that I was an assistant site manager and that was cool and awesome pay (£10 p/h 60 hours p/w) but I lost myself in it, I didn't want to become something I hated so I basically told everyone I was considering something else so they laid me off just after Christmas (recurring theme)...

    I call out these prayers to the sky, heavy with thought, see your face.
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  28. #28
    Let's make it rain. Your Job, where do you work? Jonathanx221's Avatar
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    Re: Your Job, where do you work?

    Quote Originally Posted by TigermusiQ View Post
    I'm unemployed atmo, I got a call rom the counsil recently about an application of a job though so I'm hopeful. My last job I worked at a pasty shop as a baker and got laid-off two months after they opened, just after Christmas (they were sinking soon after).

    Before that I was an assistant site manager and that was cool and awesome pay (£10 p/h 60 hours p/w) but I lost myself in it, I didn't want to become something I hated so I basically told everyone I was considering something else so they laid me off just after Christmas (recurring theme)...
    It's like a christmas present, laying you off. Ahaha, I've been working at Little Caesars for two years, and it's my first job. I'm a retard there basically, I don't work most of the time, I run around and make fun of people and take thousands of breaks. Ahahaha, they gave me a managers spot for literally a week and took it away simply because i didn't feel like talking so I put duct tape on my mouth and ran around trying to run the store without talking, it was difficult. =]

    I can't take making pizzas seriously, I have to goof off. If I took it serious, I would have killed myself by now. But anyways, Yeah, I plan on quitting, or keeping the job, and going to college to become an IT. Maybe. Dunno what I wanna do yet.

  29. #29
    Sentinel DragonHeart's Avatar
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    Re: Your Job, where do you work?

    Just keep in mind that you never know where your coworkers will end up in the future...

    I'm a photo tech at CVS right now. I hate the job but we have a good crew and an awesome boss, so I've somehow survived it for almost eight years, now. Yeah that's a long time, considering it's my first job.

    I'm looking for something else though and I'll probably sign up for college courses later this year. And as always, I'm working on my writing, have a few pieces I'll likely try selling after revisions.

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  30. #30
    All is One.One is All. Your Job, where do you work? Firefly's Avatar
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    Re: Your Job, where do you work?

    Well I started my first job ever (if you call it a job),Imma babysitter And for $100 a month,it seems not worth it since I take care of 5 kids every other day for 6 hours. Well anyway,my dream job is to be a Wildlife Photographer or a Vet.
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