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  1. #1
    .............. are you self conscience???? smurphy's Avatar
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    are you self conscience????

    Hey folks I thought I would join the trend of starting threads while completely plastered( or whatever term you use, "wasted" or hammered") and will ask you, are you very self conscience and how much so when you are drunk?

    Just thought I would ask as I was on the dance floor tonight(for the first time, cos Im a manly man) and despite the amount of shots I had I still felt like a f*cking idiot swinging side to side.Sad thing is I will remember making a foo of myself when I wake up in the morning.
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  2. #2
    (ღ˘⌣˘ღ) are you self conscience???? che's Avatar
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    Re: are you self conscience????

    Conscience is the sense of what is right or wrong. Conscious is being aware of your existence, etc. I predict everyone who posts in this thread will admit they are bad dancers and how they are aware of it, making it a boring ass thread. We all know black people dance the best, and there are only 1 and a half black people who frequent these forums.

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  3. #3
    Registered User are you self conscience???? Halie's Avatar
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    Re: are you self conscience????

    Che has poked holes (sort of) in two threads in a row, he must be in a bad mood.

    I think I get quite fearless when I'm drunk, though I don't get drunk often enough to be sure. If I have to dance, then I normally do it in a jokey, funny way because if I tried to be serious about it I'd look even more stupid. Dancing funnily on purpose makes my friends laugh with me, not at me.

  4. #4
    Queen are you self conscience???? Crescent's Avatar
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    Re: are you self conscience????

    Quote Originally Posted by Xana View Post
    Che has poked holes (sort of) in two threads in a row, he must be in a bad mood.
    I noticed that too..the other thread topic is great for laughs

    I dont stereotype. EVERYONE can dance! Just some a lil more creative than others. I used to dance n perform on stage for a club when I was 19. I can honestly say when it comes to dancing its when im the least self conscience. You just lose yourself n nothing/no one else matters..if you think ur not a great dancer or others let u kno, man jus put on some headphones (lock the doorsXD) n go crazy in your room! Best way to unwind. I dont drink. I dont need to be under the influence to make a fool of myself..Being silly is being 'Me'XD

  5. #5
    Bananarama are you self conscience???? Pete's Avatar
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    Re: are you self conscience????

    Booze doesn't make you do things, it just lets you do the things you wouldn't normally do.

    I'll remember saying and doing dumb things, and I usually just hope it doesn't end up on facebook. I'm a horrible dancer sober, so the booze might help.
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  6. #6
    Asking all the personal questions. are you self conscience???? RamesesII's Avatar
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    Re: are you self conscience????

    I dance with my kids and that's where it stops, I don't dance in public I don't dance when drunk I play pool when I am drunk.

    The only time multiple people saw me dance was at my wedding.

    EDIT- Wait I didn't really answer the question. So I guess that makes me self conscious, I know I can't dance so I don't.
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    Permanently Banned loaf's Avatar
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    Re: are you self conscience????

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