I wish i was still 22 ._____________.
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I wish i was still 22 ._____________.
I'd quite like a retirement subforum. I like the older members far more than the younger ones ha ha ha. :p
I am nearly years older than many of the people I went to Basic with. 5 years older than my roommate. I could have babysat some of them.
I felt old when I heard Smashmouth on the Classic Rock radio station back home. Also, Nirvana. Smashmouth is classic rock now? That's weird... Anyhoo...
Wuv, Yer Mom
The Classic Rock station started to play Metallica a couple years ago. They have sense done that. Tele, it doesn't have to be old to be a classic.
We never had Reading Rainbow in England. :( At least not to my knowledge. However, we did have a show called 'Rainbow', featuring a pink hippo, a yellow frog with a zip on its mouth, and a bear of ambiguous sexuality. No wonder we're screwed up!
Anyway, I tend to feel old at work, as I am on average about seven years older than most people, even some of the managers! Although a lot of them place my age at 24-26. I was even swapping grey hair stories with a girl who is a good eight years younger than me; I felt much less freakish. Ah, they keep me young, they do... :D
Also, I was reading an article about the origins of webcams, which helpfully pointed out that the early Nineties, when webcams first started being developed, was twenty years ago. Way to make me feel old, BBC News! *shakes fist*
Zippy was a frog?! I never knew that.. come to think of it, i never knew what he was supposed to be, other than the fact i thought he was cool haha
Anyway, i feel old when my hangovers start lasting more than one day. its not good. I thought i was dying sunday morning and Monday too ): And when id rather just go out for summat to eat, or to the cinema than go out on the piss.
I knew I was old when I sat on the can and my balls hit the water...
Kidding, but in reality, it kind of blows my mind that I'm older than some pro athletes. Kind of makes me wonder what I did with my life.
Well, I don't really feel old... I work in geriatrics for Christ's sake, that's ****ing old.
However, I knew I was getting older when Friends and Everybody Loves Raymond started airing on Nick at Nite and I Love Lucy became too ancient to air at all.
Also, since it's Christmas time, Tim Burton's the Nightmare Before Christmas came out in '93.
I can't believe its been that long for Nightmare before Christmas. Both my husband and I love it, we had Jack and Sally figurines on our wedding cake and my garter was NBC as well. :p
Lily - I hear you on the getting old with how long hangovers last!
IKR? I love that movie. That sounds adorable! Pictures?! The cake must've been awesome, too.
Random, but I used to want Zero as a pet.
What's that? Share photos of stuff from my wedding? Well frig, twist my rubber arm why dontcha?
Feel free to skip over if you don't care about wedding stuffs:
Okay, I'll stop with my photowhoring. Hey, you did ask after all.
You guys are freaking adorable, and that cake is amazing.
It has!
Also, according to my local radio station's facebook, today is the 20th Anniversary of the text message. Holy hell.
You know you're old when you've seen a post made by Jin.
@Tiff: That cake is amazing (I feel like that's an echo...) and Sally's carrying her basket! :3 && that black and white picture of you two is especially gorgeous.
&&& like che said y'all are adorable. Thanks for sharing! <3
Aww, shucks. :)
The cake was awesome fo' sho'. It was red velvet and we did a buttercream icing rather than fondant. Mmmmmm! The black and white photo actually won us a contest for another photography session too. Woot! /bragging.
Ahhh ive just noticed your pics, they are amazing! ;O I love your garter and cake toppers! I'm getting married, which also makes me feel old, as I never thought id see the day i ever got married haha, and having a bit of a geeky shindig, Im customising my own dalek cake toppers. Not got very far, just need a veil for the black one and a top hat and bow tie for the gold one xD
SQUEEE!!!!!! I love, love love them Lily!!!
We also incorporated FF into our wedding as well (of course! ;) ) My bridesmaids walked out to the Crystal Theme and we did our wedding march to Terra's Theme. Its a nice song plus Terra's Theme is the last song that played before my hubby proposed to me at the FF symphony. <3 He's the shitznit.
You MUST share all geeky things with your wedding!!!! :D
He missed an opportunity to propose to me at a doctor who convention, he confessed he didnt because he thought id die if he made a scene haha! I wouldnt have minded that kind of scene!!
we're having the main FF theme to walk into, Im pretty sure the boy doesn't think Im being serious. But I so am. Im not having no boring wedding march haha!
you know you're old if you know that Levar Burton isn't just some nerd that shows up at Sheldon Cooper's apartment for a sausage fest.
Oh, and also if you know who Cap'n O. G. Readmore is.
Levar Burton is Geordi La Forge, chief engineer of the Starship Enterprise: NCC1701-D. Well **** me, I guess I AM old.
It's worse if you think of Levar Burton as the host of Reading Rainbow, as that predates Star Trek TNG.
Sure, but for that i'd have to actually admit to having watched Reading rainbow.
That's funny, how did this suddenly turn into "you know you're young when"? :lol:
Levar Burton as we all know him
I'm younger than all of you, but I know Levar Burton as Kunta Kinte. :D