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Thread: YLOD Club - (Yellow Light of Death)

  1. #1
    Registered User YLOD Club - (Yellow Light of Death) WilsonDean1990's Avatar
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    YLOD Club - (Yellow Light of Death)

    Here's my Story:

    -Bought My Playstation Release Day (March 2007)
    -It Died after 1 Year and 2 month, Sony Replaced it
    -New Playstation Arrived and lasted till yesterday
    -Phoned up Sony and they want to charge me £130 for a new one
    -I Expected a product that cost me £500 would last me more than a year and a half
    -Damn Sony

    I think I might fix my PS3 myself for around £20 which is a big difference from £130, then when the new Final Fantasy XIII PS3 is released I'll buy that.

    Anyone else experienced YLOD? Join the club lol
    Last edited by WilsonDean1990; 02-14-2010 at 02:08 PM.

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  2. #2
    Waiting for your sister to turn 18 YLOD Club - (Yellow Light of Death) chrono's Avatar
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    Re: YLOD Club - (Yellow Light of Death)

    That sucks man but i have an original 80 gb(its on right now)

    And i have had no problems at all. YLOD has not happened to anybody i know and i heard the failure rate for ps3s were very low.
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    Sometimes I just want to be with my family and watch a movie and eat some popcorn. But when I step on the mat I know there is no other place I'd rather be." -Marcelo Garcia

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  3. #3
    The Bad Boy of TFF YLOD Club - (Yellow Light of Death) Block's Avatar
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    Re: YLOD Club - (Yellow Light of Death)

    I'm a launch 20gigger and I'm still rolling hard. Thank goodness! Sorry to hear about the failure my man... two in a row, that's rough.

  4. #4
    Permanently Banned loaf's Avatar
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    Re: YLOD Club - (Yellow Light of Death)

    Quote Originally Posted by chrono View Post
    i heard the failure rate for ps3s were very low.
    Lol omg you can't be serious. Ps3 failure rate used to be higher back when 40, 60 and 80gb were the only ones on the market. I would know since I was shipping the broken/failed PS3s that got returned at my old job at Best Buy.

    But nowadays, 360 and Ps3 about the same.
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  5. #5

    Re: YLOD Club - (Yellow Light of Death)

    I just thought up a game called the yellow light of death. You find a street with lots of lights on it, and you try to run as many as possible by narrowly escaping death until you finally win! Wooo!

  6. #6
    TFFF Ghost YLOD Club - (Yellow Light of Death) Howling Wind's Avatar
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    Re: YLOD Club - (Yellow Light of Death)

    I know for a fact PS3 and 360 are not the same. PS3 has maybe a 10/11% failure rate while the 360 is like.. close to 50 or even 54. Everyone I know who has a 360 has had theirs crash. But that doesn't mean the PS3 won't have crashes and for yours I am sorry. I hope you get a good one soon. ^^

    And that it keeps working!

  7. #7

    Re: YLOD Club - (Yellow Light of Death)

    Quote Originally Posted by Howling Wind View Post
    I know for a fact PS3 and 360 are not the same. PS3 has maybe a 10/11% failure rate while the 360 is like.. close to 50 or even 54. Everyone I know who has a 360 has had theirs crash. But that doesn't mean the PS3 won't have crashes and for yours I am sorry. I hope you get a good one soon. ^^

    And that it keeps working!
    This is true, actually. And if your PS3's have died twice, the user usually isn't taking care of it properly (like in my case, not just being an ass), or you might actually have terrible luck.

    It's too boring for my mind-wandering ass to sit down and figure out, but what's having a PS3 die on a 10% failure rate after the first PS3 died on a 10% failure rate? Bad luck.

  8. #8
    The Bad Boy of TFF YLOD Club - (Yellow Light of Death) Block's Avatar
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    Re: YLOD Club - (Yellow Light of Death)

    that's a 1% phenomenon. for those that don't know the math.

  9. #9
    Postingway YLOD Club - (Yellow Light of Death) Maciariello's Avatar
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    Re: YLOD Club - (Yellow Light of Death)

    Yellow Light of Death is something I hope never happens to mine. I love my backwards compatibility!

    Quote Originally Posted by Loaf View Post
    Lol omg you can't be serious. Ps3 failure rate used to be higher back when 40, 60 and 80gb were the only ones on the market. I would know since I was shipping the broken/failed PS3s that got returned at my old job at Best Buy.

    But nowadays, 360 and Ps3 about the same.
    This is the first time I've ever heard anyone say the failure rate for both systems is about the same. I have no doubt you have the experience you said you do, but I find it very hard to believe just as many PS3s are returned as 360s. I mean no disrespect, I just find it hard to believe.

    Doing a quick search on google, here are a few articles that outline the general failure rates for the three next gen contenders. Keep in mind that these shouldn't be considered 100% correct, but rather give some insight as to the general failure rates. Also, these articles may seem anti-360 in nature, but it's only because they claim the failure rate is much higher compared to PS3 and Wii.

    All the articles below also outline roughly the same thing because they're all from around the time of August 2009 (the most recent report I could find). It's possible since then the numbers have changed.


    The Consumerist


    There are more articles online, so don't take these three as the final word. They're just the most recent I could find and illustrate the differences between the three consoles from a failure-rate perspective.
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