Rose McGowan, an American actress released the following statement regarding her general disapproval of the X-Men: Apocalypse poster:

‘There is a major problem when the men and women at 20th Century Fox think casual violence against women is the way to market a film.'

She went on to wrap up her interview with Hollywood Reporter, regarding the matter, with:

"I’ll close with a text my friend sent, a conversation with his daughter. It follows: ‘My daughter and I were just having a deep discussion on the brutality of that hideous X-Men poster yesterday. Her words: 'Dad, why is that monster man committing violence against a woman?' This from a 9-year-old. If she can see it, why can’t Fox?"


Lets overlook the blatant lie about the 9 year old saying " why is that monster commiting violence against a woman" - is there really anything wrong with this billboard?

I was reading through some comments, and the pick of the litter was as follows;

"Daddy, why is the bad guy committing violence against a woman?"
"Well son, that's because women are people too. And treating them equally means that in a super hero movie with representation of strong female heroes, the bad guys will have to fight against them as well as the men. You can't win a war by putting a woman with a gun at the front lines and crying misogyny if the other army dares to hurt her. It's actually patronizing and sexist of you to think the woman somehow needs special treatment or privileged representation in popular media."

Any thoughts?