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    Asking all the personal questions. WoW kid goes skitz(understatement) RamesesII's Avatar
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    WoW kid goes skitz(understatement)

    Well i first heard about this on the radio yesterday morning.

    As far as i know a kid goes absolutely spastic because his mum canceled his WoW account and of course he wasn't happy about it.

    YouTube - World Of Warcraft Freakout

    Any way... please discuss.

    My parents used to restrict our time limit on the playstation so we learnt limits etc but it was always a pain in the ass if it was time to turn it off i i hadn't saved i haha but this is just overboard.

    Have you ever done this or had the shits when a game was deleted etc?
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  2. #2
    Bass Player Extraordinaire WoW kid goes skitz(understatement) Joe's Avatar
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    Honestly, that video made me laugh so hard. Especially when he did that thing with the remote control. great find dude!

    I remember cursing at my sister once when she erased my Kingdom Hearts file haha. I had like 79 hours on it, had all the keyblades, ultima weapon, killed sephy/ice titan, and a bunch of other stuff I was working on. Hooooboy I was PISSED.
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  3. #3
    Just kind of there. WoW kid goes skitz(understatement) Calvan's Avatar
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    My mom would delete all of the games off the computer every time she got mad at me or my brother. That ended up being every other week weather we did anything wrong or not.

    She finally stopped doing it when i freaked out on her when she deleted all of my Sprites, Comics, Art, Writings, WIPs ect. To "Punish" me for some mystery crime when i was 15.
    Needless to say i got a jump drive on my next birthday and immediatly moved everything i wanted onto it.
    Last edited by Calvan; 06-29-2009 at 01:43 AM.
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  4. #4
    Only plays for sport Unknown Entity's Avatar
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    I LOL'D!

    I'd never freak out that bad if something went wrong. Yeah, I was upset when my PS3 broke that time, and I lost all my Final Fantasy VII data (I had almost everyones third limit breaks, had all the materia possible at that point in the game - most of it maxed, and we were all about level 50), so that just understandable, but I didn't go into a blind rage, strip my clothes off, try and ram a remote up my arse (is that what he was doing?) and wack a shoe over my head. =/

    Kinda funny though... XD

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    Quote Originally Posted by Joe
    Now that we've apparently discussed wanting to see each other sleep with a game character... how goes?

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  5. #5
    Asking all the personal questions. WoW kid goes skitz(understatement) RamesesII's Avatar
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    Yes he was ramming a remote where the sun don't shine, what i found funny is that he got undressed under his blanket and then walk into the closet close the door only to walk back out again haha.
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  6. #6
    Genocide Unfolds, I Forgive All Chez Daja's Avatar
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    Do you really think this is real or done for a joke? I'm not too sure myself. I know some kids get really obsessed by this, but on the other hand it just looks too schizo to even be real. Christ, I never threw a tantrum like that in my entire live. Especially not when I was that age.

    Yeah, just watched the entire thing. Definitely a joke.
    Last edited by Chez Daja; 06-29-2009 at 08:54 AM.

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  7. #7
    Asking all the personal questions. WoW kid goes skitz(understatement) RamesesII's Avatar
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    Do you really think this is real or done for a joke? I'm not too sure myself. I know some kids get really obsessed by this, but on the other hand it just looks too schizo to even be real. Christ, I never threw a tantrum like that in my entire live. Especially not when I was that age.

    Yeah, just watched the entire thing. Definitely a joke.
    When he put the blanket over himself that makes it look like a joke, but the way the brother acts when he gets back and gets the camera makes me think it is real.
    Last edited by RamesesII; 06-30-2009 at 12:54 AM.
    A mouth of a perfectly happy man is filled with beer.
    --Ancient Egyptian Wisdom, 2200 B.C.

    Crao Porr Cock8, Go and get a Cock8 up ya.

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  8. #8
    Shake it like a polaroid picture WoW kid goes skitz(understatement) RagnaToad's Avatar
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    Umm yeah, fake...

    I do remember I finished Final Fantasy IX one afternoon and we had to leave to go to my grandparents. I asked my mom for 5 more minutes, but after the battle the cutscenes just kept on coming. And I wanted to do that Black Jack thing, which turned out to be the lamest mini game ever. And because me and my brothers mostly played Final Fantasy VIII and IX, apart from the occasional Tekken 3 or racing game, there were lots of times when we hadn't saved when we had to go to bed. Hard times. For a kid...

    My parents used to hide our GameBoy (we had one that me and my 2nd youngest brother shared) when we fought for it or when we had been too "wild" inside the house. And I'm talking about a month without being able to train your Venusaur on Pokémon Blue. My mom really did not understand what a punishment that was. I wouldn't do that to my own kid. A month is a lifetime to children.

    But yeah, kids need boundaries. I don't get why my parents have not taken away the computer time of my youngest brother earlier. I knew he was going to get into trouble at school etc. because he cared more about WoW than about real life. Only when he came home with some really bad exam results (he's 14 years old), they took it away. I would have literally gotten some slapping around when I was his age. And a lot earlier.

    You shouldn't underestimate the effect any good form of entertainment can have on a kid. But it goes away. Luckily.
    Last edited by RagnaToad; 06-29-2009 at 03:00 PM.
    Crao Porr Cock8: Getting it while the getting's good

  9. #9
    Don't bash it till you've tried it WoW kid goes skitz(understatement) MILK's Avatar
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    yeah the thing is definately staged...never gets out of fram brother is perfect on timing....he flails around too much like someone is watching.....other then that i quit WoW because it just got boring no offense to any of the fanatics but the game isn't that made my grandma check on me once when i was sick so i couldnt play FF 8.....hard times for a young one

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  10. #10
    A friend showed this to me the other day. It's an obvious fake. The timing is too convenient. He sets up a camera, seconds later the brother comes in. And the brother seemed to know he was going to go do something camera worthy?

    Still, pretty funny.

  11. #11
    The pizza guy! Meier Link's Avatar
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    Deffinantly a set up but still funny all at the same time.

    For one; one kid leaves as the other just happens to be walking in the room. If he was really that upset he would of screamed at him for being in his room.

    Secondly why would be stick a remote up his ass?

    Third, if you notice he beats his chest like king kong at 1:08

    On a fourth note, if was truely that upset his veins in his neck would be buldging out, he is not tense enough to be that pissed off.

    5th, He leaves and the other kid returns just as fast as he left. See number on for an end result.

    6: the voice that yells shut up resembles the voice of the other kid, not the kids father or anyone else.

    Ok yeah I noticed that much just watching once.

    But it was halarious, knowing some of the avid WoW players. It would be funny to see my friends freak out like that seeing they are in their 30-40s.

    I never acted like that in any way possible or in any way at all. I was a hot tempered kid and still have a temper on me today and I know that I didn't react that way to something along those lines or others.
    Last edited by Meier Link; 06-29-2009 at 07:49 PM.
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  12. #12
    Asking all the personal questions. WoW kid goes skitz(understatement) RamesesII's Avatar
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    For one; one kid leaves as the other just happens to be walking in the room. If he was really that upset he would of screamed at him for being in his room.
    I am going to rain over your parade here Meier mwhaha... actually he does scream at his brother as the run into each others path he says 'Get the f*** out of my room.

    And beating himself on the chest is no different then himself hitting himself with a shoe in the head but you neglected to mention that, it is plausible to some extent i mean it is his brother so he would at least have some idea how he was going to react to the news his mother just canceled his account that he worked on for so many amount of years haha. But like i said what really gives it away for me is why would he put a blanket over himself to get undressed? like he knew the camera was there idk but yest nonetheless it was hilarious.

    Apparently the was another timje the next day after the brother showed the tape to school etc and he went skitz again and went up a tree but i only heard the audio for that so i can't tell if it is for real or not.
    A mouth of a perfectly happy man is filled with beer.
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    Crao Porr Cock8, Go and get a Cock8 up ya.

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  13. #13
    Air from my lungs. WoW kid goes skitz(understatement) Violet's Avatar
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    You don't think people can throw tantrums like that? You haven't seen much, then. There are real stupid people out there. Hell, most of them would never admit to throwing tantrums like that, and it wouldn't shock me if someone on this very forums has thrown a huge fuss over a game.

    Throwing controllers.. screaming at the top of their lungs. I lived with 4 siblings, and one of my brothers would throw the worst tantrums (maybe not like in the video, but close enough) over simple things. So, whether this video is real or fake, either wouldn't surprise me.

  14. #14
    Shake it like a polaroid picture WoW kid goes skitz(understatement) RagnaToad's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Violet View Post
    You don't think people can throw tantrums like that? You haven't seen much, then. There are real stupid people out there. Hell, most of them would never admit to throwing tantrums like that, and it wouldn't shock me if someone on this very forums has thrown a huge fuss over a game.

    Throwing controllers.. screaming at the top of their lungs. I lived with 4 siblings, and one of my brothers would throw the worst tantrums (maybe not like in the video, but close enough) over simple things. So, whether this video is real or fake, either wouldn't surprise me.
    I am 100% sure that it is fake.

    As for a motive to make such a video:

    I think he was just looking for an excuse to shove a remote up his arse.
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  15. #15
    The pizza guy! Meier Link's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Violet View Post
    You don't think people can throw tantrums like that? You haven't seen much, then. There are real stupid people out there. Hell, most of them would never admit to throwing tantrums like that, and it wouldn't shock me if someone on this very forums has thrown a huge fuss over a game.

    Throwing controllers.. screaming at the top of their lungs. I lived with 4 siblings, and one of my brothers would throw the worst tantrums (maybe not like in the video, but close enough) over simple things. So, whether this video is real or fake, either wouldn't surprise me.

    I know kids can throw tantrums like that, my son does it at two. To me the whole thing was too staged. I just seriously doubt the validaty of this. All together is was pretty fircken halarious. Almost reminds me of something I would expect to see in a movie.

    I know if I was to do something like that when I was a kid my parents would of busted to door down, smacked me upside the head and then took everything out of my room and left nothing but the hinges for the door, a matress with a sheet and a basket to put my clothes in.
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  16. #16
    #LOCKE4GOD WoW kid goes skitz(understatement) Alpha's Avatar
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    I can definitely see someone throwing a real tantrum to this extent, I mean we all react differently to such things... being told to get off the PlayStation when you haven't saved is a kick in the teeth. One time I had sat down to play through a whole Blitzball league to get Wakka's Sigil, and I was on the second-to-last game. I hadn't saved the whole time... and had to get off (reason escapes me). Sure, I didn't pull a tantrum to this extent, but I could've. I'm not one to pull tantrums, but I'm guessing spending that much time on WoW is probably a little worse than having to re-do 8 games of Blitzball.

    As to whether it's real or not; I'm not sure. A lot of it seems very convenient, such as the timing, but I couldn't nut out for that period of time without a real stimulus. Either way, it's funny.

    Also: where the Hell do his clothes go when he goes under the blanket??

  17. #17
    Oh Boy! WoW kid goes skitz(understatement) Lavos's Avatar
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    This is staged. But it is still hilarious. The only instance I did something like that is when I was 5 and had a Toy Story game on the PC (Before I got a PLaystation) And it was sooooo hard. Finally I took out the disc, ran up and down the hall scraping it against the wall, and threw it out the window. Conviniantly, a car ran over it in about 5 mins.

    But this is


  18. #18
    ...means nothing to no way Furore's Avatar
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    WoW kid should shut up.
    At least he didn't get filmed being raped by a dog like Wii boy.

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  19. #19
    #LOCKE4GOD WoW kid goes skitz(understatement) Alpha's Avatar
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    ^^^ funny 'cos he keeps on playing Wii, what a champ!

  20. #20
    Imperius Rex WoW kid goes skitz(understatement) Storm's Avatar
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    It was too fake to be funny for me. Or maybe thats just because I find thrashing around throwing a childish wobbly more annoying than amusing.
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  21. #21
    Sparkly Beanie Baby of Doom! WoW kid goes skitz(understatement) Tallulah's Avatar
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    I certainly hope it was staged. There's something wrong with that kid if he can throw a tantrum like a four year old! If he acts like that anyway he doesn't deserve a WoW account!

    Not that WoW is much to get worked up about. I had a stupid pompous, stuck-up EX-friend who was pathetic enough to dedicate his life to this garbage.

  22. #22
    attempting to bribe the Mayor of Lambeth WoW kid goes skitz(understatement) Xanatos's Avatar
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    Even though I know this is fake it's still hilarious. But face it, there are surely many kids who really react and behave like this. There were many times my parents said I should stop playing playstation or computer but I never did react to it like a maniac.
    I just didn't have balls for it. My dad would knock me down. Anyhow I don't see what's the big deal with WoW . It's just a game there is no reason to react like that.
    Well my conclusion is that anyone who behaves like this kid is spoiled brat or needs some serious help.
    Last edited by Xanatos; 07-01-2009 at 01:18 PM.

  23. #23
    Certified tech, come at me! WoW kid goes skitz(understatement) SuperSabin's Avatar
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    You guys should watch the video while at the same time listening to Beastie Boys - Brass Monkey. It really fits along with the video and it describes the angry kid too rofl.
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  24. #24
    Master of the Shadow Key WoW kid goes skitz(understatement) KeybladerXIII's Avatar
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    I feel for the kid. I felt like doing the same thing when I was playing FFXII during a storm and the power cut off. Now I have to do all that Giruvegan/ Great Crystal crap again. However, I have self-control and did not go all blitzkreig like he did.
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  25. #25
    Tsuna Feesh WoW kid goes skitz(understatement) Fate's Avatar
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    That's a nice shirt you're wearing.
    I thought it was fake during the very first part. Now I know it is. I mean, why would there be a camera in the room at a time that was that precise? Unless they were planning it, right? Guess I was right. But the video is very funny.

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  26. #26
    this deffinatly looks believeable. i saw my friends uncle throw one just like that for the same reason... and hes a grown man.

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  27. #27
    Gingersnap WoW kid goes skitz(understatement) OceanEyes28's Avatar
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    You guys act like you've never had your WoW account cancelled before. You obviously have no idea. There is no way you can ever understand.

    It's like watching your parents die or finding out you can't have children. But worse.

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  28. #28
    Though I may be damned... WoW kid goes skitz(understatement) LokentheWolf's Avatar
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    Well I dunno, the kid seems to be one of those trash talkers on Halo, you know the kind that you hear say "Oh F you so and so, I so owned your ass cause your such a little b." And then you hear him scream something like "NO DAD DONT! DONT! NO IM SORRY!" and the whole game stops while you and everyone else on the map finds him, and listens as his dad beats him and everyone laughs because 12 year old kids shouldnt speak like sailors. Thats a true story when I was addicted to Halo 2 btw. >.>;

    But if you watch his other videos, this kid has issues, HUGE issues. And the brother is betraying him on some other game, screaming at the "guy" who is really his brother on his mom's lap top, until his mom says "Okay, Im sorry but enough. Stop playing, we go through this *EVERY DAY*". Link And then the other one where they get him a truck, thats really trashed, and he takes a bat to it. Link!. If anyone needs to be beat, its this kid for the last one.
    And in other news, Today is Nintendog adoption day. Remeber that all remaining puppies will be euthanized at the end of the day so to make your selections before 7:30.

  29. #29
    Bananarama WoW kid goes skitz(understatement) Pete's Avatar
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    My cousins friend killed himself because his mom cancelled his WoW account. He left a suicide note saying that his life would never amount to anything if he didn't finish his quest.

    Found him in the bathroom with a belt around his neck, tied to the shower curtain rod.

    Ok, so that didn't really happen, but I'm sure people have done stupid shit like that before. Long story short, go outside. Throw a baseball or toss a frisbee. Do something and not be a complete lardass. It'll be... nice.

    EDIT: Or, you can also have a drink, or several, as Ragnatoad has pointed out to me. Props to him
    Last edited by Pete; 07-14-2009 at 04:32 PM.
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  30. #30
    TFF's Token Imp WoW kid goes skitz(understatement) Martin's Avatar
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    What's funny is I saw this video on noob dot us - funny videos, funny pictures and entertainment for the average Joe
    And there is a sequel. If this was staged fair enough. But it has a remix on there that is piss funny... and the sequel is about a truck he was bought...

    World of Warcraft freak out REMIX is rather obviously the remix...

    WoW freak out kid freaks out about his new gift is the gift.


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