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Thread: Worst Ex/ Breakup

  1. #1
    Bananarama Worst Ex/ Breakup Pete's Avatar
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    Worst Ex/ Breakup

    Ok, everyone, post your stories, be they funny or tragic about your worst ex or worst breakup with someone. I'll post mine later, and boy do I have some stories
    Crao Porr Cock8- Rebels, Rogues and Sworn Brothers

  2. #2
    Registered User Worst Ex/ Breakup
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    Re: Worst Ex/ Breakup

    Weeeell, I suppose I'll tell the story about my worst ex.


    It was a boyfriend I had in High School, and we dated from the middle of my Junior year to about the middle of the summer after I graduated. So it was a pretty long relationship. At first, it was alright, but after a while (like the middle of my Senior year) I just got tired of being in a relationship (and just got tired of him), so we sort of grew apart. We finally broke up after I came back from a camping trip that summer that I went away and stayed gone for about 3 weeks. He called me up to tell me that things weren't working and that we needed to move on, because I must not have cared about him too much anyway since I didn't even call him the whole time I was gone.

    I wasn't upset over the news. I was actually sort of relieved that I was finally out of that relationship. My only regret was not ending it sooner, but I was really young, and didn't want to hurt his feelings, so I put up with being his girlfriend for all that time.

    A few days later, I got a phone call from him and he wants me back. I tell him no and hang up.

    I don't really hear from him for a while, but I would run into people all the time that would ask me if he and I were still together. Sometimes, I would get people asking why I broke up with him because that's what he told them, to which I reply that he was the one that broke up with me. I felt like he was telling them that to make me look like an ass or something.

    Sometime later, he and his family had a falling out, so my family decided that he could stay with US! This is when things got weird.

    My family loved him, and didn't understand why we broke up in the first place. So when he moved in, I would try my best to be hospitable towards him, because he was a guest in my house, even if he was an ex. I thought it would only be for a few days at the most. As it turned out, he stayed for about half a year. I cannot even begin to describe how uncomfortable and angry I was with him being in the same house for so long and my parents allowing it. It only made things worse when he would come on to me, so I would give him the cold shoulder. When I would do that, he would make cutting remarks to me, but never when my parents were around. Oh no. He was a perfect gentlemen then. Also, he would leave notes in my laundry for me to find, and gifts outside/on my door, which creeped me out.

    My parents always sided with him when they saw that we weren't getting along, and told me I needed to be more friendly towards him, since he was helping out so much around the house (we were renovating some of the house at the time), and since him being around made my youngest brother happy. So pretty much, I was told that I was being selfish and bratty because I didn't care about how other people felt about him being there and for his situation with his family. They also didn't believe me when I told them that he was trying to come on to me, and it was making me feel uncomfortable. They said that he told them that he just wanted to be friends and that was it. Bull. Shit.

    Well, I finally just gave up, and shut down emotionally from just about everyone in my household. I hated that time in my life, but I had no idea what else to do. I was upset and uncomfortable that he was there, and even more upset that my parents seemed to care more about him than me. They would go out to dinner together, and run around town and just have fun with each other. They would usually do this when I was at work, so I guess that I wouldn't know about it, or they felt like they didn't have to invite me because I wasn't around.

    He finally got kicked out after he hurt one of my cousin's feelings. He wanted to take both of my little cousins out somewhere (I forget where exactly), but one of them didn't want to go with him. She wanted to chill with me that day. He got angry and yelled at her. She was upset that whole day, and when my mom found out what happened, she told him to get his stuff and get out.

    I didn't see him again until I had a class in college with him one semester. We sat on opposite sides of the room, and I never made any sort of contact with him. After that, I didn't hear from him until I saw that he sent me a friendship request in Facebook (which was veeery recently), of which I have ignored because I don't want anything to do with him at all.

    So that's my story. I am thankful that I was never in any sort of physically-abusive situation, but he was still a horrible ex because he just didn't seem to want to move on, and I wanted my freedom. No. That experience did not turn me away from love, and I still hope to find someone someday. I'm just hoping that they don't turn out to be as obsessive as he was.

    tl;dr- Guy was obsessed and wouldn't leave me alone.
    Last edited by Dodie16; 02-15-2010 at 12:24 AM. Reason: spoiler tagged
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  3. #3

    Re: Worst Ex/ Breakup

    Quote Originally Posted by Dodie16 View Post
    Weeeell, I suppose I'll tell the story about my worst ex.


    It was a boyfriend I had in High School, and we dated from the middle of my Junior year to about the middle of the summer after I graduated. So it was a pretty long relationship. At first, it was alright, but after a while (like the middle of my Senior year) I just got tired of being in a relationship (and just got tired of him), so we sort of grew apart. We finally broke up after I came back from a camping trip that summer that I went away and stayed gone for about 3 weeks. He called me up to tell me that things weren't working and that we needed to move on, because I must not have cared about him too much anyway since I didn't even call him the whole time I was gone.

    I wasn't upset over the news. I was actually sort of relieved that I was finally out of that relationship. My only regret was not ending it sooner, but I was really young, and didn't want to hurt his feelings, so I put up with being his girlfriend for all that time.

    A few days later, I got a phone call from him and he wants me back. I tell him no and hang up.

    I don't really hear from him for a while, but I would run into people all the time that would ask me if he and I were still together. Sometimes, I would get people asking why I broke up with him because that's what he told them, to which I reply that he was the one that broke up with me. I felt like he was telling them that to make me look like an ass or something.

    Sometime later, he and his family had a falling out, so my family decided that he could stay with US! This is when things got weird.

    My family loved him, and didn't understand why we broke up in the first place. So when he moved in, I would try my best to be hospitable towards him, because he was a guest in my house, even if he was an ex. I thought it would only be for a few days at the most. As it turned out, he stayed for about half a year. I cannot even begin to describe how uncomfortable and angry I was with him being in the same house for so long and my parents allowing it. It only made things worse when he would come on to me, so I would give him the cold shoulder. When I would do that, he would make cutting remarks to me, but never when my parents were around. Oh no. He was a perfect gentlemen then. Also, he would leave notes in my laundry for me to find, and gifts outside/on my door, which creeped me out.

    My parents always sided with him when they saw that we weren't getting along, and told me I needed to be more friendly towards him, since he was helping out so much around the house (we were renovating some of the house at the time), and since him being around made my youngest brother happy. So pretty much, I was told that I was being selfish and bratty because I didn't care about how other people felt about him being there and for his situation with his family. They also didn't believe me when I told them that he was trying to come on to me, and it was making me feel uncomfortable. They said that he told them that he just wanted to be friends and that was it. Bull. Shit.

    Well, I finally just gave up, and shut down emotionally from just about everyone in my household. I hated that time in my life, but I had no idea what else to do. I was upset and uncomfortable that he was there, and even more upset that my parents seemed to care more about him than me. They would go out to dinner together, and run around town and just have fun with each other. They would usually do this when I was at work, so I guess that I wouldn't know about it, or they felt like they didn't have to invite me because I wasn't around.

    He finally got kicked out after he hurt one of my cousin's feelings. He wanted to take both of my little cousins out somewhere (I forget where exactly), but one of them didn't want to go with him. She wanted to chill with me that day. He got angry and yelled at her. She was upset that whole day, and when my mom found out what happened, she told him to get his stuff and get out.

    I didn't see him again until I had a class in college with him one semester. We sat on opposite sides of the room, and I never made any sort of contact with him. After that, I didn't hear from him until I saw that he sent me a friendship request in Facebook (which was veeery recently), of which I have ignored because I don't want anything to do with him at all.

    So that's my story. I am thankful that I was never in any sort of physically-abusive situation, but he was still a horrible ex because he just didn't seem to want to move on, and I wanted my freedom. No. That experience did not turn me away from love, and I still hope to find someone someday. I'm just hoping that they don't turn out to be as obsessive as he was.

    tl;dr- Guy was obsessed and wouldn't leave me alone.
    Thanks for the

    I'll post mine later, with cliffs.

  4. #4
    The Sindrome Mike's Avatar
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    Re: Worst Ex/ Breakup

    While I was deployed to Iraq, my now ex-wife, cheated on me and spent all my money while I was deployed. She even had the audacity to use my money to pay for her and her boyfriend to take a trip to Ireland. She's lucky I am not a violent man or she'd be dead.

  5. #5
    The Bad Boy of TFF Worst Ex/ Breakup Block's Avatar
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    Re: Worst Ex/ Breakup

    I was dating a lesbian who would only sleep with me in threesomes. Who during our relationship got pregnant twice... neither were me. I have more, but that is definitely the saddest.

  6. #6
    Registered User Rocky's Avatar
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    Re: Worst Ex/ Breakup

    Worst ex/breakup thread eh? Sure I'll bite.

    So, all throughout high school, I was active in my church's youth group, doing random group activities and such. I got to meet a lot of friends that had the same mentality that I had about things, which was a nice change of pace compared to some of my friends back at school. Anywho, I met a lot of girls as well. I got in close with a couple of them, and we ended up talking a lot. I even went to her homecoming, but it was more of a platonic thing, neither of us saw being with the other in a relationship.

    Okay, flash forward to me graduating high school. I went on to school, while this girl I was close with was getting ready for her senior year. While I was at college, we drifted apart a bit, but it was all for the best; I was having a blast, she found a bf, etc. Come April of my freshman year in college, I found out she got dumped by her boyfriend because he cheated on her with another girl multiple times. She was distraught, prom was days away, etc. I came to her rescue (still in a platonic way) and went to prom with her, all was well, etc.

    Summer starts, I get back from college and get home, my youth pastor wants me to fill in last minute for a missionary trip to Jamaica, only $200. I was down for that and I had the money, so I went to Jamaica with my youth group, and it was one of the best experiences I've ever been a part of. The girl went along too, and there we finally clicked, so to speak. It was a wonderful feeling that we both shared the same attraction for each other, and it was the best feeling ever being with this girl. The summer was crazy but we ended up at least talking almost every day, and I couldn't have asked for a better summer.

    As summer comes to an end, me and her have a long talk about the future. She was going to college over 4 hours away from where I would be at. We eventually decided that it would be best if we broke up, since it would be her first year at college, she wanted to get settled in, etc. She was kind of on the fence until about a month after she got to college, but after that we ended it mutually.

    After all that happened, I found out the truth about her. It turns out she lied about a lot of stuff and talked a lot of shit behind everyone's backs. She turned out to be promiscious, partied a lot and got into fights with other people, which caused the police to get involved at several points. She lied to the police about what happened to make it look like she was a victim as well. When at college while we were deciding what we wanted to do, she ended up partying a lot and slept with a couple of guys there, which I found out from her former best friend/roommate. (she talks shit about her roommate too, which is why they do not live together anymore) After finding all this newfound information out, I felt really hurt after all that I did for this girl, so I called her up a few days before my birthday and let her have it. I asked her questions like "Are you really happy with who you are?" and got under her skin. She didn't say too much and I was being quite the ass, but only after that confrontation was I able to get over the situation.

    All in all, it sucked losing a good friend-turned girlfriend; she was the most serious I was with any girlfriend that I have had before. Something between that year of college we both changed a lot, but a lot of her changes happened to be very negative. I've been more careful with guarding my heart for any real chance of a relationship, as I don't want to go through anything like that again.

    Not the craziest of stories but a lesson that I learned the hard way, take note young kiddies, guard your hearts!
    †SOLDIER† - "Yep still better than you"
    CPC8: It's hard out here for a pimp.™

    hahas, updated July 28th (oldie but goodie!):
    Quote Originally Posted by from the CPC8
    Pete: Meier, don't even lie. I know you were going on a nice little tear before you settled down with the new gf

    che: rofl <3 Meier.

    Loaf: Meier is the best.

    Meier: Hey Pete, I said I started to, it just didn't end the with the same number of women. Then again this one is kind of on the outs with me if she doesn't straighten up and fly right so that means I will be back in it for the thrill of the kill. Got some in the reserves. Even got a rePETEr (<---- like that ay? AYYYYY?) on the back burner.

    Block: I do like the rePETEr except it kinda makes it sound like you're going to pork Pete. No homo.

  7. #7

    Re: Worst Ex/ Breakup

    Erm...My worst beak up was one of my best friends, before we dated too, he was one of my friend's, friends, that graduated. My friend used to sneak on campus at lunch to see everybody from time to time (like twice a week because he was a bum ) and he'd bring my now ex with him, so that's how I started talking to him. We started hanging out on our own as actual friends for the first time, when he was at one of my other friends birthday parties. I was like "oh hey I know that guy" and then after that we started hanging out all the time because I would randomly see him where ever I went since he apparently knew everyone I did.

    So we started hanging out a lot, but as good friends, like I could go to his house and hang out and it wouldn't be weird or awkward and his mom was awesome lol, and my dad didn't mind because he was cool with his mom. So it was like either I was at his house all the time or he was at mine. From like, my beginning freshman year HS (he was a Jr. didn't go to my school) till the end of Sophmore, that summer before Jr. year was when it was like "hey I think like you". So we were together pretty much all Jr. Year, then the summer before senior is when it got all stupid. He started doing drugs, and I'm not talking about weed here....

    He had this friend that I never liked, that was a super druggie that would always offer as a joke, but I was so sure he wouldn't do that. I would have felt better if it was weed even. So I found out because this guy I knew told me that they were all hanging out and he actually did some stuff which made me super worried, but I didn't have time to say anything until ...
    I found bruises on his forearms...>.>;

    Which explained why every time I would go over he'd put a sweater or some kind of long sleeve on, So there was always fighting about that....

    And, I guess it was the last straw when he came to my house one day at like 2:00 in the morning, (no one was home thank god) Drunk ass hell wanting to stay at my house because he couldn't drive-_- so we got into this huge thing of the "me trying to help the retarded boyfriend from doing stupid stuff because I care" to him drunk cussing me out and leaving. The day after he came over and tried to apologize and all that but I didn't really care at the time. I was upset because all I was trying to do was help and I get cussed out and called names whether you're drunk or not (he said some pretty nasty things). He apologized Like three other times but...

    We still say hi and stuff if I see him from time to time (way older O.O), but it's just a casual "Hi how are you?" Sucks because he's still an awesome person, but I'm not dealing with that bullshit.
    Last edited by GypsyElder; 02-15-2010 at 08:26 AM.

    Ta DA!!!:

    Alright, who censored my rocketship?

    From The Clint Eastwood
    I'm thinking about creating a hybrid. A dolphin-monkey. Half dolphin, half monkey. Do you think it's possible?
    I was thinking that since I'm artificially creating it, I'll create it with rocket fuel instead of blood, and thus it will be able to fly, using the dolphin's dorsal fins as wings. And from the air, it will look down upon us all and protect us against sharks, and search for bananas.
    Block says:" this one time i got SUPER blazed and was riding with my friend to mcd's and i ran my fingers through my jew fro saying "I just feel like dancing"
    by Alpha: "Hate breeds hate. Love breeds love. F*ck real politik."
    Originally Posted by Michael Swayne
    I find Gypsy to be a very interesting person. In fact, when my hair grows out some more, Gypsy has already laid claim to it when I cut it again.

  8. #8
    ...means nothing to no way Furore's Avatar
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    Re: Worst Ex/ Breakup

    I'm generally pretty lucky in that I get along with most exs, some I even count among my better friends or did at some point in a couple cases...

    Only really bad one I can think of was when I dated this girl for about a week, she dumped me and started lying about me to a few people behind my back. Not long afterwards an ex turned friend told me about it and also that people knew me well enough to know it was BS. It annoyed me and left me feeling a bit upset, but no real harm done in the end.

    It might possibly have ended up quite badly for me if people didn't know me well enough...
    victoria aut mors

  9. #9
    Permanently Banned loaf's Avatar
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    Re: Worst Ex/ Breakup

    I met a girl at work who was my co worker, I asked her out. After date and a few weeks of staying at my house she left and finally went with some other dude she liked. Claiming we weren't official. I don't care, even though we had so much in common, I wasn't the type for her, she needed someone to take care of her and what not. Wasn't me.

    and when I mean take care of, like a place to stay, food money. She got fired from our job.
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  10. #10
    This ain't no place for no hero Worst Ex/ Breakup Tiffany's Avatar
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    Re: Worst Ex/ Breakup

    My ex was a psycho who had some serious anger management issues. After nearly 5 years of emotional and physical abuse I ended up having to charge him with domestic assault.

    He confined me in my apartment, wouldn't leave, wouldn't let me leave, threw me on the couch and slapped me upside the head when I tried to call 911, for a total of 6 hours. I finally managed to get out and then went to the cops and pressed charges. He's contacted me twice since his restraining order lifted, finally had to get the cops to intervene again.

    If he contacts me again, he's back in jail. Total crackpot.

  11. #11
    Sharing is caring, and caring is ment to be shared Worst Ex/ Breakup The Dark Crystal's Avatar
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    Re: Worst Ex/ Breakup

    My worst break up was just a high school relationship, but here it goes.

    I dated a girl from my Freshman to my junior year, and during my Junior year I had to move from Tyler to Amarillo (Long story). We still stayed together for another year, but the long distance kinda got to her I guess. I then get this random phone call from her and she is crying. I asked her whats wrong and she replied that she had cheated on me, and she wanted to apologize. Well i was pissed and hung up the phone the very first time i heard what she said, and didn't answer it again that day. The next day i called her back to tell her i accept her apology, and if we could just be friends. After an awkward phone conversation we hung up and went our separate ways.
    Last edited by The Dark Crystal; 02-15-2010 at 10:03 AM.
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  12. #12
    Bananarama Worst Ex/ Breakup Pete's Avatar
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    Re: Worst Ex/ Breakup

    Damn and I thought I had some shitty stories. I had one girl show up at my house every day after I got off of work, weeks after we broke up. She'd call my house and my mom would constantly have to tell the girl that I wasn't home. Then, she'd get into an argument with my mom, saying she could see me in the window.

    My other ex was a total whackjob. She drove down to my house from Binghamton, 200 miles/ 4 hours away, just to get into an argument with me because she dreamt I cheated in a dream. She wound up throwing cough drops at my window, but I was legit asleep. Later that morning, she called up my buddy and drove to his house to crash. The next day, she called me screaming and crying because she lost all of her cough drops.

    When we broke up for reals, she wound up bringing some random dude to my friends birthday party, making out with him at the bar in front of all my friends. Then, on the way back from the bar, the kid tried to get into a fight with me. I walked away before telling him I'd put him through a window.
    Crao Porr Cock8- Rebels, Rogues and Sworn Brothers

  13. #13
    Registered User Worst Ex/ Breakup kupo's Avatar
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    Re: Worst Ex/ Breakup

    unfortuantly iv'e never had a "good" break up with's 2 of the guys and im not sure which one is overall worse...

    ex #1 - we dated for about 6 months my soph. year of college until i realized that i saw him more as a good friend than someone i'd want to date. he seemed ok with it first and i thought 'oh cool, a true mutual break up. awesome.' this was a few days before before we were off for spring break. sometime in those few days before break, he had secretly installed a keylogger onto my computer and so everything i wrote was emailed to him every week or so. he started somewhat stalking me over break. for example, he had friends stalking me while i was at the beach (my hair was bright pink and turquoise then so i was kinda hard to miss), call me about 50 times a day to make sure i wasn't doing anything "wrong", hacked my AIM account and started talking to my friends as if he were me and lots of stuff like that. needless to say this scared the shit outta me. when i got back up to school, i had to stay with a non mutual friend off campus for about a week because i was scared i was going to run into him. i didn't go to class either. i lost it and finally got a restraining order on him.

    ex #2 (aka the father of my child) sr. yr of college - i told myself i would have left him if i wasn't pregnant. he was an emotionally abusive person, but he tried to make what he said as if it wasn't. i had lost touch with most of my friends cause he would make me feel guilty if i saw them, or went to church, or did anything that didn't involve our mutual group of friends. iv'e been diagnosed as clinicly depressed since '06 but had pretty much kept it under control without having to be on meds (i dont like depending on medication to keep me "well"). in nov of '08 i had sunk into dep. really bad and had been talking to my friend "joe" about it. we were really good friends and nothing more. my bf "chris" didnt like that i was talking to him and would constantly peer over at my comp screen. on the night of nov. 16th i completely broke down and stayed on the phone with joe for about 3 hrs telling him i was scared about the relationship i was in and that i was extremely unhappy. at this time our son was 11 months old. the next morning chris wants sex. i dont (usually the case) but apparently he didn't care. i was raped (this had happened multiple times) and after i started crying after he was done he dragged me off our loft bed and threw me out of the apt wearing only a t-shirt and shorts (it was like 40 degrees outside too). the whole time this was happening our son was sleeping on his mattress under our loft bed. about 5 hrs later i was able to get back in, grab my son, get as much of my stuff as possible into my van, with the help of our roommate (chris was in class at the time) and leave to a friends house. the next day i left to move back to houston with my parents.
    he was faily compliant with sending me checks every month for about a $100...long story short he dosen't believe he has to work in college because he gets financial aid. eventhough he runs out of money about 2/3rds through the semester and calls him mom for some. oh yeah..i forgot to mention he's 30 now. i got sick of his crap so back in august i sued him for child support. my case STILL HASEN'T BEEN FULLY PROCESSED AND ITS THE MIDDLE OF FEB. WTF. basterd

    sorry, that was a little more rant-y than intended.
    Last edited by kupo; 02-15-2010 at 10:59 AM.

    "With each passing day, the world finds new and exciting ways to kill a man." - Balthier

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  14. #14
    My couch pulls out but I don't. Worst Ex/ Breakup midgetbob's Avatar
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    Re: Worst Ex/ Breakup


    Get sent to Fort Bliss to reclass. She goes to Fort Sam Houston to reclass. We were already having problems and the big "D" was already on the verge of being on the table. I suddenly get a phone call demanding I fly to her and hang out for the weekend or vice-versa, a "weekend together" will solve everything. I say no, I'm heading to the field.

    I get a call the next week saying she's pregnant. I laugh, figuring this was about to happen (I'm a cynic? jaded?), and ask her what she's got in mind now (as adultry is a punishable offense under UCMJ - Uniform Code of Military Justice). She gets angry and hangs up. Next day she calls back crying and claiming she was raped and I never support her etc etc.

    CID gets involved and just happens I know Fort Sill (I've been stationed here in the interim) CID Agents really well. Some I went to High School together with, and just happens some of them had my case. Together along with CID random places working on the case we find out the following:

    1: This is the 3rd time she has claimed rape. 1st: instead of pressing charges, the guy paid for her car insurance for a year. 2nd: instead of pressing charges, the guy paid her $5000. 3rd: Current case, her and another girl and 3 guys would go out regularly. Once drunk, they'd pass each other around etc... and she got preggo.

    2: She's had affairs with about 9 military people in the 5 month separation we had while at new schools. (I knew of 5, and was simply waiting for perm. duty station again before filing etc)

    3-12: Meh, you know enough

    So ya... that was a fun fun fun time of my life No really... being able to hold something like that over someone's head you have loathed more then satan himself... priceless.

  15. #15
    Do the elements trust you? Worst Ex/ Breakup bahamuts heir's Avatar
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    Re: Worst Ex/ Breakup

    Quote Originally Posted by kupo View Post
    unfortuantly iv'e never had a "good" break up with's 2 of the guys and im not sure which one is overall worse...

    ex #1 - we dated for about 6 months my soph. year of college until i realized that i saw him more as a good friend than someone i'd want to date. he seemed ok with it first and i thought 'oh cool, a true mutual break up. awesome.' this was a few days before before we were off for spring break. sometime in those few days before break, he had secretly installed a keylogger onto my computer and so everything i wrote was emailed to him every week or so. he started somewhat stalking me over break. for example, he had friends stalking me while i was at the beach (my hair was bright pink and turquoise then so i was kinda hard to miss), call me about 50 times a day to make sure i wasn't doing anything "wrong", hacked my AIM account and started talking to my friends as if he were me and lots of stuff like that. needless to say this scared the shit outta me. when i got back up to school, i had to stay with a non mutual friend off campus for about a week because i was scared i was going to run into him. i didn't go to class either. i lost it and finally got a restraining order on him.

    ex #2 (aka the father of my child) sr. yr of college - i told myself i would have left him if i wasn't pregnant. he was an emotionally abusive person, but he tried to make what he said as if it wasn't. i had lost touch with most of my friends cause he would make me feel guilty if i saw them, or went to church, or did anything that didn't involve our mutual group of friends. iv'e been diagnosed as clinicly depressed since '06 but had pretty much kept it under control without having to be on meds (i dont like depending on medication to keep me "well"). in nov of '08 i had sunk into dep. really bad and had been talking to my friend "joe" about it. we were really good friends and nothing more. my bf "chris" didnt like that i was talking to him and would constantly peer over at my comp screen. on the night of nov. 16th i completely broke down and stayed on the phone with joe for about 3 hrs telling him i was scared about the relationship i was in and that i was extremely unhappy. at this time our son was 11 months old. the next morning chris wants sex. i dont (usually the case) but apparently he didn't care. i was raped (this had happened multiple times) and after i started crying after he was done he dragged me off our loft bed and threw me out of the apt wearing only a t-shirt and shorts (it was like 40 degrees outside too). the whole time this was happening our son was sleeping on his mattress under our loft bed. about 5 hrs later i was able to get back in, grab my son, get as much of my stuff as possible into my van, with the help of our roommate (chris was in class at the time) and leave to a friends house. the next day i left to move back to houston with my parents.
    he was faily compliant with sending me checks every month for about a $100...long story short he dosen't believe he has to work in college because he gets financial aid. eventhough he runs out of money about 2/3rds through the semester and calls him mom for some. oh yeah..i forgot to mention he's 30 now. i got sick of his crap so back in august i sued him for child support. my case STILL HASEN'T BEEN FULLY PROCESSED AND ITS THE MIDDLE OF FEB. WTF. basterd

    sorry, that was a little more rant-y than intended.
    The a**hole sounds exactly like my birth father
    You just don't get it at all! There isn't a thing I don't cherish

    cuz I'm bored
    lamest death threat: (final fantasy1)"I, Garland, shall knock you all down!"
    my ff family: pm me if you want to join I might think about it
    my imaginative older brother ethan
    My awesome, Final Fantasy IX loving twin, ViviMasterMage
    Short, Innocent-looking, English-obsessed Brother, Fate.
    Fluffy, Vanilla-colored Moogle, Meigumi/Bob
    my hyper and random sister, Firefly
    my Sephiroth obsessed and Okami playing cousin, Dodie16
    Soul-devouring, knuckleburning younger brother, Alther
    -98% of all teens have tried smoking pot and drinking. If you're one of the 2% who hasn't, copy this and put it in your signature

  16. #16
    Only plays for sport Unknown Entity's Avatar
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    Re: Worst Ex/ Breakup

    I used to hang around with a real shady bunch of characters. Not all of them were dodgy, so I quit hanging out with them, and me and the not-dodgy people started to hang out. I was fifteen, and it was nearing the end of the summer when I met my ex.

    We hung out for about four months, in the process "falling" for each other. This is really cliché, but we actually got together on New Years Eve whilst at a party. One of my friends I'd confided in told him I had a crush, and it turned out he felt the same. I guess it being when it was, it felt special going into the New Year with someone else. Well, not exactly into - I went home at 9pm because I wasn't supposed to be there.

    We were the shyest couple ever, and took everything slowly until the last minute. It took us just over a month to gain enough courage to give each other a peck on the lips. My ex and some of his friends were finishing off their gap year before University, so decided to finish off the next six months in America starting the 17th of February. At some point before the 12th, I dropped an "I love you". Worst mistake ever.

    All of a sudden, he wanted to rush everything before he left. I knew I wouldn't be seeing him for six months, and I didn't want a rush - there was time for that when he got back. On the 12th, me, him and some friends where hanging at another friends house in South London (I live in North London). It seemed like an okay night, until I got asked for sex and said no. How does one go from a peck on the lips to sex?

    I asked him politely if he'd walk me to the bus stop so I could go home because I wasn't familiar with the area. I don't know why I asked him of all people, but I guess I wanted to talk to him in private. We rowed about halfway to the bus stop, because he still couldn't take no for an answer, and then he just walked off back to the place we'd come from, leaving me. I was half tempted to follow him, but decided it wasn't worth it, so proceeded to find my way to the bus stop on my own.

    ... and got lost. I had to go into a pizza shop and ask for directions. I burst into tears at the counter, got given a free can of Pepsi, and the owners wife walked me to the bus stop. Once I was back on the other side of the Thames, I felt better because I knew where I was.

    Not only was I dumped, but it was one of the most scariest experiences of my life. When you're young, and you get lost, you start to imagine being kidnapped and/or never seeing your warm bed again.

    "I used to be active here like you, then I took an arrow in the knee."

    Suddenly... clutter.:

    Me and the lovely Joey is two cheeky chimpmonks, we is. Because TFF cousins can still... do stuff. ; )

    Quotes to have a giggle at.:

    Quote Originally Posted by Bleachfangirl
    I'm none too scary really. Just somewhat violent...
    Quote Originally Posted by MSN Convo
    Gemma the friggin' Entity. says:
    Bleachie says:
    ...*runs around with a stick*
    Hm, no one's here...
    Gemma the friggin' Entity. says:
    Bleachie says:
    Quote Originally Posted by Joe
    Now that we've apparently discussed wanting to see each other sleep with a game character... how goes?

    All my banners are now done by me! Soon, I will be great! Muwahahahaha... ha... eck! *coughs* ...ha!
    Biggest fan of Peanut Butter created by The Xeim and Halie Peanut Butter Corporation ^^

    Warning free for over eight years. Feels good.

  17. #17
    Waiting for your sister to turn 18 Worst Ex/ Breakup chrono's Avatar
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    Re: Worst Ex/ Breakup

    Quote Originally Posted by Mike View Post
    While I was deployed to Iraq, my now ex-wife, cheated on me and spent all my money while I was deployed. She even had the audacity to use my money to pay for her and her boyfriend to take a trip to Ireland. She's lucky I am not a violent man or she'd be dead.

    That have more self control than i do.......

    The fact that she was messing with another guy would not have bothered me to much but using my money on the guy while im in a foreign country ducking under bullets and whatever else.......instant choke out. No bruises, no cuts, no marks.....a perfect arm triangle choke would have been in order(so serious).

    I have not had any bad breakups. If i do not talk to any of my past partners it is because i choose to do so. I am actually pretty tight with one of my ex's. I could still have sex with her if i wanted to and everything(i dont have sex though).
    C:\Documents and Settings\Owner\Desktop\bit torrents\jiu jitsu\helio.jpg

    Sometimes I just want to be with my family and watch a movie and eat some popcorn. But when I step on the mat I know there is no other place I'd rather be." -Marcelo Garcia

    To fight is a man's instinct; if men have nothing else to fight over they will fight over words, fancies, or women, or they will fight because they dislike each other's looks, or because they have met walking in opposite directions” - George Santayana

  18. #18
    Like a Boss Sean's Avatar
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    Re: Worst Ex/ Breakup

    Short version;

    Went to prom with this chick, we got along, turned into a relationship, she needed to get away from her mother (who was taking all her money) so she moved in with me, I started getting pretty depressed since all my friends were gone off to college somewhere, my grandfather had just died, my dad had just had a stroke, and my brother was going through chemo for cancer, so I was pretty out of it 9 times out of 10.

    She felt I was ignoring her too much, but rather than attempting to fix the problem she cheats on me for 2 months while we're still living together, she moves out, we break up, 11 months later I find out she just had a baby and I ****ing freaked. I kept running over timelines, checking my call records to see when the last time we talked was, all to make sure I was in the clear.

    The good part;

    This guy she cheated on me with and got knocked up by ends up marrying her, they divorce a year later, she moves back in with her mother, then a year later gets knocked up by the same guy again and they get remarried; they're apparantly in the process of a second divorce currently.

    Why my friends, who have her added on facebook, feel the need to update me on her life is beyond me, but at least it's ****ing humorous.

  19. #19
    Worst Ex/ Breakup Shan'do Spike's Avatar
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    Re: Worst Ex/ Breakup

    Well, happily, none of my stories are anything near as bad as the bad ones in here. Then again, I also don't have that many of them, since all my relationships have lasted a long time. Really, I only probably have one breakup that counts. Thankfully, for purposes of this thread, it was a badish breakup.

    So near the end of my first semester of my senior year, I started dating this girl that I met during the play we were both in. It went really well for a really long time. We decided to stay together when I went to school (I'd call this mistake number 1, but since I'm currently dating someone that I stayed together with after graduating college, maybe I shouldn't..); I'm from Phoenix, but I went to school outside LA, so it was a short flight (hourish) and a medium drive (5 and a half hourish) to visit. It went well most of the time, even though distance sucked (and still does..).

    So anyway, about halfway through my second semester, we had a fight and broke up. I already had tickets home for the next weekend, so I visited anyway. It did not take long for us to, um, un-breakup. I'm a bit of a hopeless romantic, so given that this was my first real relationship (sorry, Sierra, if you're still here, but you know it's true ), I was sort of head-over-heels. I was glad we got back together, and it was great. Unfortunately, during the one week we had broken up, I had to decide if I was going back to Phoenix or staying in Claremont for the first half of the summer (there were summer courses I was debating taking). And, well, since we had broken up, I picked summer courses.

    Now, everything still went fine, but it kind of sucked that I extended the long distance time by 6 weeks. But I endured, until, well, about a week before the classes were ending when I got a message on my phone that was something like, "Hi, Kevin, we really need to talk. Can you call me back?" (<-This is always a great thing to hear.)

    So, I did, and she told me that she thought we should break up (nice of her to wait until I was juuust about home to tell me). She asked if we could, um, refrain from seeing each other for a few weeks so that we could give stuff time to heal. I was okay with this, but given that this dumping came literally out of nowhere, I was still super totally in love. Hooray. Anyway, during this time, she starts spending a lot of time with this other guy Michael (he had been one of her friends before; I knew the guy) (she posted this stuff on her Livejournal; we were friends, and she knew I could/would read the entries; it wasn't me stalking or anything).

    Now, I'm actually decently perceptive, and even though she told me repeatedly they weren't dating (a red flag, given that I was never dumb enough to ask), it was obvious enough to me that they weren't. Which was fine, except that when she broke up she told me she just didn't want to be in a relationship (ahh, cliches). Even that was fine, except for the fact that she kept lying to me about it. And even THAT was fine, except that she kept leading me on and acting as if she still was super-interested in me. That's the part that actually pisses me off. ****ed up things like she'd be hanging at my house; I had to get some work done, so she borrowed my laptop to get some stuff done. She gave it back to me and had accidentally left herself on her LiveJournal page (I didn't realize this entry was protected against me until later) where she was telling people she was at her boyfriend's house while he did homework.

    But, basically, she kept me dangling for a good eight months with shit like this over and over. Even after she finally (four months later, once I was back at school) admitted that she and Michael were dating (she never admitted it, but I found out from one of my friends who told me later that they had been since a couple of days after we broke up. For all I know, she was cheating on me while we were supposedly still dating. And even after that she kept treating me like I was her boyfriend. Which did oh so many great things for me in the whole trying to move on business. Also, this completely nuked any shot I had of dating someone I had met at school that I really liked because I still wasn't anywhere close to over my ex (she's still one of my best friends, but we had pretty much based permanently into the friend zone at that point.

    This went on until at least the next March, when Caroline and Michael broke up. Of course, she ran right back to me. And I, being the idiot that I was, was thrilled because of aforementioned inability to get over her and was totally okay with it (you know, at the time. Pretty bitter about it now). We dated for about nine more months until we broke up at the end of Christmas break over my juinor year. She just kind of blurted it out her last night there while we were in the car. I was broken up for about five minutes before I realized I was ecstatic. The relationship had completely run its course, and I was pretty much over her within 10 minutes at that point. Then again, she had decided she was a lesbian at that point (which she also never told me, but Facebook statuses later made abundantly clear). She had changed a lot for the worse going to college; she basically started doing a bunch of shit just because her parents wouldn't approve of it. It was obnoxious to see her become a shell of herself.

    Glad I could take way too long to tell that story. It was fun. It completely messed me up my entire third semester, and I'm now exceedingly bitter about it and am totally upset I wasted so much of my time. But it wasn't nearly as bad as people who seem like they had good chunks of their lives ruined by it. I feel awful for you guys .
    Whether we fall by ambition, blood, or lust
    Like diamonds we are cut with our own dust.

    -Ferdinand, The Duchess of Malfi, V.V

  20. #20
    Sir Prize Worst Ex/ Breakup Sinister's Avatar
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    Re: Worst Ex/ Breakup

    Most of you were here for my story, I imagine. I'm not big on relationships. I've had maybe three or my life. All of them are kind of special to me when I remember them. Most of them ended because parents moved away or we were forced apart...etc... So none of them had the distinction of being "The Worst". I've had few people bug me to go out with them when I didn't want to and they continued to stalk me...but I wouldn't say they were relationships or exs.

    Not too long ago after I had gotten used to life in a dorm. I met a girl with dark chocolate hair and kind of olive-tanned skin. I won't lie, even the way she looked was artful not to mention how she spoke, moved..ect... We usually just nodded to each other as we passed around campus. I then find out that she is working towards a degree in ecology which is not too different than my own degree. Pretty soon we were taking classes together and talking. I made a mention about going somewhere to get food and then coming back to study together and ala pretty soon it was high-class restaurants and movies. And we became steadily more friendly until we were officially 'together'.

    Then over the summer she stayed at my house and it was like getting an injection of amazing into my life, really. I met her family and they seemed pretty taken with me and seemed like a nice pair of parents. I proposed to her near a fountain in Lexington square. She accepts. All of a sudden I'm a fiance...I'm engaged.

    Then we have a major argument. She wants to see my parents. I beg, plead...kick and scream and every other emasculate form of protest. I had successfully kept her away from them and she seemed to think it was rude. Finally threatening me, I take her to my parents. They were icy as usual even though my girlfriend was perfect. She did everything letter perfect. My sister made a complete ass of herself and was horribly rude. My parents, who were furious about me not telling them I was engaged or even in a relationship, then had a private conversation with me about 'dumping' her which my sister quickly related to my girlfriend.

    To fast-forward through tons of embarrassment and broken-heartedness. We separated.

    I'm over it now, but it's still kind of a subject of complete confusion to me. I guess the lesson I've learned and put into practice since then is to never let it happen again.*ends Burn After Reading reference*


    Fear not, this is not...the end of this world.

    "I'm just a soul whose intentions are good..."

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