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Thread: The worms crawl out, the worms crawl in..

  1. #1
    Air from my lungs. The worms crawl out, the worms crawl in.. Violet's Avatar
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    Under a bridge, eating your goats.

    The worms crawl out, the worms crawl in..

    ..they're in your stomache and out your mouth..

    This is quite the morbid topic,I know, but I was thinking of the different ways people had their bodies handled after death. Burial.. Cremation.. left for science..birds picking at your remains(although I don't think anyone does this anymore, but you never know).. etc.etc.
    Some of you might be thinking "oh well, it's just gonna be my dead body, who cares what happens to it?" And, well, that is a good point but none the less, something has to happen to your body after you die. So, how would you want it handled?

    I was thinking cremation for me. But rather than being scattered somewhere, I'd prefer the ashes to be buried in a nice cemetery so people can visit my headstone whenever they feel like it.

  2. #2
    Lady Succubus The worms crawl out, the worms crawl in.. Victoria's Avatar
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    I'd be cremated too, and also a headstone. Though I wouldn't mind if someone had a portrait shrine of me in their house. That'd be cool too. ^_^

  3. #3
    Bananarama The worms crawl out, the worms crawl in.. Pete's Avatar
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    I'd like to be cremated as well, but I'd want my ashes scattered in a number of places. I'd like to have a regular funeral, casket and all, and then they can burn me up all they want. The ashes would be scattered as followed.

    1. Buried with a headstone because I'm traditional like that. It gives people a place to find me.
    2. Mixed into chocolate milk powder, like that South Park episode. That way I can live on!
    3. Scattered at Rockaway Beach; into the Atlantic Ocean. Not only do I love the ocean, but I have so many memories at Rockaway and the Atlantic in general.
    4. Scattered all over New York City via plane, because I want to be immersed in it, and it in me.

    I'm sure as I get older there'll be more significant places that I'd like to remain, but I kind of like what I've got so far. 2 is kind of a joke, and it's kind of not. I do like the idea of having something kind of elemental going on. Destroyed by fire, preserved in the earth, scattered in the wind, and one with the eternal sea, and in the hearts of many.... go planet?

    When it comes to the funeral, I'll get back to you, but I want Free Bird played, and for one of my best friends, if they're still living, to pour out a pint of Guinness or a 40 in my honor.
    Crao Porr Cock8- Rebels, Rogues and Sworn Brothers

  4. #4
    I'd like to be cremated (like hell am I waking up, buried and in a box), and distributed thusly:

    Half to act as soil fertilizer for a sapling tree, with a little plaque with my name on it or something similar in front of it. Like a headstone, only small. Somewhere to find me, and a tree there to know that some part of me is still alive, part of the earth, growing.

    Half to be thrown into the Atlantic ocean, my lovely, much missed, watery muse.

    I'd like my funeral to be laid back. Good tunes. No stuffiness, and absolutely no people proclaiming me as things I was not in life. I'm not hardworking, I'm barely popular, heck, half the time I'm barely coherent. And I'd like the people who'd remember that, the truth, to be there. And get drunk to some fine tunes before planting me a tree and throwing me into the sea.

  5. #5
    In my will, my burial is to take place at dusk. The preceding memorial service will feature the song "4th of July" by the band X. I am going to be buried in black slacks and a black dress shirt - no suit or tuxedo for me. By extension, I have been asked to be buried barefoot.

    I have changed this many times since I turned eighteen.

  6. #6
    Chocobo Sage Crazy Chocobo's Avatar
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    I honestly don't know as of yet, I can't stand thinking about death really. A few years ago I thought that being cremated would be better but I don't know now. I'm about to have lunch and here I am talking about dying haha. For my funeral, I'd like to have perhaps a sad song and a happy song played. I like to joke around sometimes anout stupid songs that I should have at my funeral but it's not really a funny matter at all. >_<

    But yes, I don't know yet. I HOPE I still have plenty of time to decide. O.o

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  7. #7
    I honestly haven't thought much of my death and how my body would be handled before now. Cremation seems like the way to go for the least amount of hassle, but a formal burial is something that my family seems to prefer. I suppose for now, I'd rather be cremated and have my ashes spread out in five separate places:

    1. Off of the highest building someone can find that is closest to my home. Hopefully something taller than three stories, but I won't be too picky. My fear of heights must be conquered at least in death, because I don't want to leave this place being a coward.

    2. Randomly at the beach. I hate water, but all the times I've spent at the beach have been fun. I wish there were more occasions for me to go there, but there aren't, so when I die, at least my ashes will have fun. I also enjoyed freaking people out my whole life so far, so at least people will be uncomfortable knowing they're walking on human remains. ^^ I've got no clue if this is allowed though...

    3. In a forest (providing there are any left by the time I die). Forests are nice, peaceful places and give you a great place to relax and think.

    4. In a nice urn to be put somewhere on some relative's hearth. That just seems like one of the traditional things to do in families.

    5. To be buried in some park near my home. Parks are my alternative to forests because I live in a suburb. Parks are green, and my grandfather always took me to one near my home at least five times a week. Just for the memories really...Always loved parks.

    That's what I've decided on for now. Random, but it has meaning for me. I don't care if people want to visit my remains. They can go look at that one urn. I just want my ashes to have the same fun I did while I was alive.

  8. #8
    Registered User The worms crawl out, the worms crawl in.. Dimi's Avatar
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    Originally posted by Crazy Chocobo
    I like to joke around sometimes about stupid songs that I should have at my funeral but it's not really a funny matter at all. >_<
    haha, I would want that at my funeral. Just to lighten up the mood when I die. Of course its sad because you're a loved one of many but I'd rather have people not look at my death in that kind of perspective.

    I have yet to decided on whether or not if I want to be buried or cremated. I suppose it doesn't matter because I'll be dead but then again, there's that financial burden that my family will have if I don't get life insurance. ><

    I would probably say cremated. I like the idea of my ashes being spread around the world. That way I can party even in death, bitches!!!

    A few locations I would want to have my ashes spread is...

    1) Las Vegas
    2) Have some of my ashes at my grand children and great children's house. That way, if they're misbehaving, I can keep their asses in check by haunting them.
    3) The Beach like Bleachfangirl had mentioned. The beach is nice and it'd be a nice idea to have that.

  9. #9
    ...means nothing to no way Furore's Avatar
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    I'd probably just get cremated and stuck in an urn with some sort of amusing slogan.

    If someone's wish on what was done with their body after death had to be honoured, I'd wish a taxidermist to preserve my corpse wearing a full scowl and with my right middle finger up in an eternal salute. I'd want lovely statue me placed next to the speaker in parliament so all the lovely politicians can see just how fond of them I am. ^^

    Who knows, it may encourage them to try to help the common man.
    Bloody hell, I'm more twisted than some of their law. ><
    victoria aut mors

  10. #10
    Arachnie Suicide The worms crawl out, the worms crawl in.. ChloChloAriadne's Avatar
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    I'd want to be cremated.

    I'd like my funeral to be.. You know, I don't really know. Call me odd, but of course I want people to cry. Of course I want people to miss me. I want it to be a memorable funeral, both a celebration of my life and a mourning of my death.

    Although it may seem odd, I even have a list of songs going that I want at my funeral. But I won't bore you with such.

    I want half my ashes buried so people have a place to 'visit' me and remember me, and half scattered over the graves of the ones I love.
    I've been on this site since 2006 woah

  11. #11
    Genocide Unfolds, I Forgive All Chez Daja's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bleachfangirl View Post
    I honestly haven't thought much of my death and how my body would be handled before now. Cremation seems like the way to go for the least amount of hassle, but a formal burial is something that my family seems to prefer. I suppose for now, I'd rather be cremated and have my ashes spread out in five separate places:

    1. Off of the highest building someone can find that is closest to my home. Hopefully something taller than three stories, but I won't be too picky. My fear of heights must be conquered at least in death, because I don't want to leave this place being a coward.

    2. Randomly at the beach. I hate water, but all the times I've spent at the beach have been fun. I wish there were more occasions for me to go there, but there aren't, so when I die, at least my ashes will have fun. I also enjoyed freaking people out my whole life so far, so at least people will be uncomfortable knowing they're walking on human remains. ^^ I've got no clue if this is allowed though...

    3. In a forest (providing there are any left by the time I die). Forests are nice, peaceful places and give you a great place to relax and think.

    4. In a nice urn to be put somewhere on some relative's hearth. That just seems like one of the traditional things to do in families.

    5. To be buried in some park near my home. Parks are my alternative to forests because I live in a suburb. Parks are green, and my grandfather always took me to one near my home at least five times a week. Just for the memories really...Always loved parks.

    That's what I've decided on for now. Random, but it has meaning for me. I don't care if people want to visit my remains. They can go look at that one urn. I just want my ashes to have the same fun I did while I was alive.
    That is my favourite post in this whole thread. What a great way to look at death.

    As for me. Well, if my family were rich after I died, then I'd want to be buried. I'd have a good coffin, a nice one, after all, I'm going to be sleeping there for a long time. It would be made of a strong wood, I won't really go into details, but one that is sturdy.
    I don't care for what I'd be buried in, just something I wore a lot when I was alive, maybe.

    The plot would be somewhere nice, maybe near a big tree, preferably a willow, but their roots are massive, so I'm not sure whether that would be possible. I'd also like for my husband to be buried beside me when he died... I always figured I might break the spell of men dying before women and die before my husband did... At the age of 92. Cause of death: slipped on a bar of pink soap which had been in the shape of a hamster.

    Such a me way to die.

    I'd want a brief funeral. A short one. I'd want the most depressing song ever played... then followed by the happiest. As for clothes, make them colourful, dress up and have fun. Funerals should be celebrated just as birthdays are.

    There would also be a giant ****ing cake there. A massive one. With all different flavours for all different tastes. I may not be here anymore, but cake shouldn't be tasteless at my funeral just because I can't have any.

    So there.

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    I was the holder of the highest amount of rep that ever lived on TFF. 1788. lolz. I ween.

  12. #12
    I don't think too much about death. But there was this one burial method somewhere in Europe I thought was pretty cool. They freeze your body, shatter it, bury the pieces and then plant something on top. Apparently its illegal in the U.S. though. Not too sure how my family would feel about that either, haha.

  13. #13
    Arachnie Suicide The worms crawl out, the worms crawl in.. ChloChloAriadne's Avatar
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    There's this one thing that's quite rare but people do do it.. Google it sometime, you'll find it.

    I think this is lovely, personally..

    Some people are being cremated and compressed into diamonds. I think it's quite lovely.. With the whole 'diamonds are forever' thing.. That said, it would be a little weird wearing your mum on a ring or something ><. Nevertheless, I find this kind of cool.
    I've been on this site since 2006 woah

  14. #14
    Soup Kitchen Jerk. The worms crawl out, the worms crawl in.. Polk's Avatar
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    I want to be made into a puppet!

    Think about it. What's more rewarding than being able to entertain/scare the shit out of little kids even in death? Nothing, that's what. I'm sure I could just be fixed up by a taxidermist so I don't rot or anything. But, I'd have to be a sassy puppet. No other way. You know, cracking a lot of wise.

    At my funeral, only one song will be playing on a constant loop: Wang Chung's "Everybody have fun tonight". Also, it'll have to be at some place where there'll be a lot of random people, like a mall. I'll be sitting in a chair, with my hand posed to high five everyone I loved, and any random person walking by.

    Or, you know, something classy like being cremated. My ashes will be used as the smoke at a Mr. Bungle Reunion tour show. Hopefully in Milwaukee.

  15. #15
    What is this I don't even Musashiden's Avatar
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    Personally, I'd like to be stuffed and mounted on a plaque with my mouth agape akin to a fish. Yeah. That'd rock.

    Since that's probably an impossibility, I'd go with a proper burial. I'd want to have "I'm But a Wave To..." by Cynic playing at the funeral and I haven't really thought of anything else I'd want. But I definitely don't want to be cremated. What if there's a zombie uprising? I'd totally want to be a part of that.

    Has anyone in this family ever even seen a chicken?
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  16. #16
    Like a Boss Sean's Avatar
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    Don't really care.

    I suppose I'd do whatever my family that is with me at the time would care to do.

    If there's a place I loved being at some point later in my life that is outdoors, I'd probably want to be cremated and have my ashes spread there.

  17. #17
    Call me oldfashioned, but I just want a regular burial, no cremation etc. Personally I don't believe in an afterlive, but I hope for one to be there, and I'd like my body to be in its complete state for that, besides that it just feels odd being burned, being dead or alive doesnt make a difference to me.
    But I don't think about this stuff all that much, for ****s sake I'm only 22 and plan to get old.

    Peace out

  18. #18
    Sir Prize The worms crawl out, the worms crawl in.. Sinister's Avatar
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    I have a simple request. I just want to disappear. I DO NOT WANT someone standing over my coffin looking down on what used to be me crying. I hate that woe-is-me bullshit. I don't want anyone to see me dead. I want to wander off somewhere private and die and never be found.

    Just mysteriously fade away... I don't want to die with loved ones. I don't particularly care for entombment or cremation, I just want to disappear and not die in a hospital. People will wonder whatever became of me and then eventually forget. That would be my fondest wish.

    I just don't want to be reduced to a dead mass to be inspected by people who knew me.


    Fear not, this is not...the end of this world.

    "I'm just a soul whose intentions are good..."

  19. #19
    Genocide Unfolds, I Forgive All Chez Daja's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Sinister View Post
    Just mysteriously fade away... I don't want to die with loved ones. I don't particularly care for entombment or cremation, I just want to disappear and not die in a hospital. People will wonder whatever became of me and then eventually forget. That would be my fondest wish.
    That's what my half sister did. Despite it maybe being best for her, it's hurt like **** for me for the past eight or nine years. Shit, I never forgot. I kept on searching for so long, but I knew it was hopeless... Beh.

    Quote Originally Posted by Tifa
    I don't think too much about death. But there was this one burial method somewhere in Europe I thought was pretty cool. They freeze your body, shatter it, bury the pieces and then plant something on top.
    Holy crap. That sounds ****ing awesome. I wouldn't mind something similar... if my family were really poor, they could even pull a sloppy "do it yourself".

    The person in my avatar is me.


    I was the holder of the highest amount of rep that ever lived on TFF. 1788. lolz. I ween.

  20. #20
    Sir Prize The worms crawl out, the worms crawl in.. Sinister's Avatar
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    My family wouldn't care aside from my Sister. But in the end...the old question. "Who's life is it anyways?" It may hurt her, but I wouldn't feel right knowing that she would have to watch them burn me up or lower me into cold ground.

    Besides, she's used to me up and leaving. I'd make it clear to her that I was dying before I left and that there's nothing that could be done. I just don't want a crematorium, morgue slab, hospital bed or a funeral home to be my final destination.

    Fear not, this is not...the end of this world.

    "I'm just a soul whose intentions are good..."


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