Just call me Broseidon, lord of the brocean.
So that's the question, who is your bro? If you are unfamiliar with "bro"s then I suggest taking a peek at this video really quick to get an idea:
So now that we know what "bro"s are it's time to call your bros out and give them an appropriate "bro" title.
Che = Barak "Bro"bama
rocky = Marco "Bro"lo
Telegraph = "Bro"nan "Bro"Brien
Pete = "Bro"seph and The Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat
silver = Kyle "Bro"flovski
I'll get more people later!! Sorry if you didn't make the first round!
Last edited by OceanEyes28; 01-22-2010 at 07:43 AM.
Just call me Broseidon, lord of the brocean.
No love for any of the "Bro Hoes"? Just in case you don't know what the term "Bro Hoe" encompasses, here's an informative video. You can tell it's super informative, because the narrator has a british accent, and we all know that if you have a british accent, you really know what the hell you're talking about:
Click at your own risk.:
Dodie16 = "Bro"die16
Meier Link = "Bro" Namath
Soldier #819 = Othell"Bro"
Unknown Entity = "Bro"sie O'Donnel
That's all I got for now. But there will be MORE!