Being naked is relaxing!
I'm always naked and thinking about you, Che.
Nope, never get naked.
I get naked sometimes, and I'm PMing you pics to prove it.
I might try to be more naked from now on.
My roomates do it, and I hate it.
My roomates do it, and I love it.
We should have a TFF nudist group.
Last edited by GypsyElder; 02-23-2010 at 03:27 AM.
Joe, this man below has all you need to go from stringbean to stud.
Other than that, I am still a fan of being naked. I don't wear shirts unless I have to. In the summer, my parents know when I'm getting ready to go somewhere when I put a shirt on. True story.
SOLDIERcHoSeNCrao Porr Cock8- Rebels, Rogues and Sworn Brothers
I went for the always naked and thinking of Che option. It just seemed that the truth would set me free. Finally I can relax.
I'm naked quite a lot, actually. More than I'd have realised had this topic not caught my eye. I shower a lot, I like sex and I generally find it liberating to be naked. Not in a creepy perverted way. Just in such a way that it can make you accept yourself. Wearing clothes to cover up flaws is pointless, I think. So yeah, I'm for the naked way of living. NUDIST GROUP FTW! Except if it's a group of just me and Che... Then; NUDIST GROUP FTL!
You know what else is good? Playing games naked online. Ohhhhhhhhh yeah.