Originally Posted by
Walter Sobchak
I know not of what obscure music or foreign films you are referring to. I am regularly ridiculed for having a square taste in music, and I would imagine that about sixty percent of the films I watch are in English. However, I cannot in good faith stand by as you attempt to connect by vapid bitches to terrorist activity.
Citing the Holocaust or Milošević tell me you completely missed the point I attempted to convey. How else can I comprehend a response to a post about people living in the past than going back even further?
The 2004 tsunami and the Haitian earthquakes of this year each claimed over two hundred thousand lives, but nary a peep from you or other popinjays. You can prattle on about how it affected us more, but it really does not hold much water. Maybe you were dodging debris in Brooklyn, but it did not affect me, or the kid in Wisconsin, or the girl in Arkansas. The resources allocated toward the Haitian earthquake have been far more pressing than a terrorist event that occurred almost a decade ago. The geopolitical effects will continue to be felt in our hemisphere for some time, but the television has not told us what to think about it, nor have we received the proper self-aggrandizement, so we sweep it under the rug. And besides, the presence of posters from halfway around the world joining in such behavior destroys your idea that it happened to "us". In the inflated ego that is America, people throughout the world are supposed to remember where they were when 4000 people were killed in another senseless act of violence in a conflict that has been waging for sixty years.
Obama, as far as I know, was a State Senator at the time of the attacks. Any attempt to tie him to it is tangential, at best.
I assume such a response will serve as an appropriate rejoinder to DragonHeart, chad, and Silver, although I will address two particular aspects of their posts.
Chad: Maybe the country stands for such things to you, but it really does not in most of the rest of the world. Also, I would bet a kidney that no poster here could recall, without the aid of a computer, either the month that the tsunami hit or the day in which the earthquake hit. Of course, such experimentation is moot with Google.
Silver: The fact that you think September 11th was an attack on anyone's "freedom" is more trivial and disrespectful to those that were killed than anything I could say or would say. The conflict is an adult one, and we do not need such Star Wars archetypal definitions, especially when they make no sense.