I usually don't start getting hammered til 6 in the evening. I work out for 3 hours plus I have work. If I workout hammered then I get sick, if I work hammered then I get a dishonarable discharge..
What's the earliest in the day that you have started drinking to get hammered?
I personally have started at 10ish in the morning for some tail gating to some sporting event that I'm pretty sure I had no interest in seeing. Just needed an excuse to get hammered, and it was free. So who can complain? I guess the people sitting in front of me at the game while I shouted my face out.
CPC8: Makin' it happen.Originally Posted by Alisyn
I usually don't start getting hammered til 6 in the evening. I work out for 3 hours plus I have work. If I workout hammered then I get sick, if I work hammered then I get a dishonarable discharge..
When me and the girls go out, we normally meet at 8pm, but I start drinking whilst I'm getting ready sooo about 6ish, it gets the party mood started, plus if you get enough drink into you before you head out, it makes your night a little bit cheaper lol.
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My complete FFVII nut sister: Unkown entity
My Freya obsessed, grammar nazi brother: Doc rocco
9:30am has been the earliest for me...9:30am-midnight...fun day.
Normally I start drinking when I feel like it...so any time, anywhere. But I don't drink as often as I did last year.
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About ten yeah but i only had two cans then several more later on in the day it was because i stayed my friends house and all we did was drink really
CPC8... Makin' it happen
Originally Posted by Ruin
Typo's change everything ^Originally Posted by Gypsy Elder
Only when I'm camping have I cracked into the booze early. One of those wake up at 8am deals and then start cracking a beer at 8:05am. Haven't done THAT in years though.
Nowadays I won't have anything until my guy gets home from work... I won't drink when I'm alone with my daughter. So around 7:30-8pm ish? If he's home and I'm getting ready to go out I might have a drink or two... normally around 6pm.
I've tried to do that drinking all day long thing. It doesn't work out for me because at some point I will need food, and sleep. I can't mix eating with drinking (unless I have one beer for dinner which I don't like to do too often). The earliest would probably be like 10am or something for a sporting event but it's been years since I've popped one open that early.
I prefer drinking in the evening after dinner.
earliest? It was 5am for me, we were drinking bottles of wine. It was bad and it got me really messed up quick, but then again me and my bestie were pre-gaming since like 9:30pm that day, so heehee! Didn't get to sleep until 8am that night thanks to Perkins lol
†SOLDIER† - "Yep still better than you"CPC8: It's hard out here for a pimp.™
hahas, updated July 28th (oldie but goodie!):
St pattys day/homecoming rediculousness is the only time I get started real early. 7am for me but thats a long time ago when I could handle 15 hours of drinking in a day.
On non-occassion days, it would depend on why I'm drankin. Bar nights maybe 7, sports is 2 hours before the event kicks off. It's not rare for the 11am "oh shit nfl is on in 2 hours lets get it going" to happen on sundays...after church of course.
tHe ChOsEn
rJ floW
Lionhart2001 aka Pete
Telegraph aka Calamity Taco
Neo Necron
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Human crack in the flesh, im the last of the best, one word to describe me? Spectacular yes"-Juelz Santana-
I have few drinks in the morning, though without intention to get drunk, usually when there's a match on TV. The earliest I started drinking to get hammered was somewhere around 19:30, warming up at my friends place before we hit to the city.
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Can't really get any earlier than that.
Until now!
I guess I should have clarified after waking in the original post. : /
CPC8: Makin' it happen.Originally Posted by Alisyn