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Thread: Whats your religous status?

  1. #1
    the psycho in me wants pie!!! Whats your religous status? kurohime's Avatar
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    Whats your religous status?

    i've often wondered what alot of peoples religions are. it can be wiccan, catholic, christian, budhism(think i spelt that right) or any type of religion that you can thik of that i did not mention.
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  2. #2
    This ain't no place for no hero Whats your religous status? Tiffany's Avatar
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    Re: Whats your religous status?

    I believe in faith, I don't believe in organized religion.

    From my own personal experiences with churches here (raised Baptist) there was just a bit too much to sit well with me. Sure, I probably shouldn't blame all churches because of the people at one or two that I attended, but meh... its how I feel.

  3. #3
    I want to play a game. Whats your religous status? Zargabaath's Avatar
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    Re: Whats your religous status?

    Since you said religious status I guess I could throw in my 2 gil here. I'm an atheist; have been for around 7 years now. Before that I was catholic but as confirmation got closer the farther away I got. I did not get confirmed which did not fly with my parents well at all, but eventually they let it go.

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  4. #4
    Gingersnap Whats your religous status? OceanEyes28's Avatar
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    Re: Whats your religous status?

    Quote Originally Posted by Tiffany View Post
    I believe in faith, I don't believe in organized religion.
    Yup. I've got my various beliefs that I won't really get into here, but I guess I have a Christian bent. I was raised in a Presbyterian church, and I really liked it. It was good for me, gave me a safe place to go, and they were more intellectual than preachy. I appreciated that. I have never liked bossy churches. But yeah, there is so much in the Bible that I just can't take literally or seriously, so I don't really belong in an organized religion.

    But I do believe in a higher power/energy.

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  5. #5
    Registered User Whats your religous status? winterborn86's Avatar
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    Re: Whats your religous status?

    I'm not too sure what I am lol, I celebrate the holidays like easter and christmas that are supposed to be christian/catholic celebrations but I don't celebrate them for the reason of Jesus being born and rising again etc I celebrate them cos I love chocolate egss and prezzies and I don't actually believe in Jesus, god, heaven and hell, so I'm defo not a catholic, but I wernt sure wether I'm still classed as a christian for celebrating the above hols or weather I have no religion because I don't celebrate them for religous side of it and don't believe in any of the stuff I mentioned. Kinda confused. My mum once said I'm a christian but I don't feel like I am becaus eof everything I just mentioned, if any one knows let me know too lol

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  6. #6
    Mr. Person Taco-Calamitous's Avatar
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    Re: Whats your religous status?

    Well, to be a christian is to believe in Christ. If you don't believe in Jesus, God, etc., then you aren't a christian. (Although one might also argue that the Devil believes in God... does that make him a Christian? Ooooh snap.)

    I'm a practicing Catholic, I suppose. Though as time moves on, I move more towards the 4 Square church my friends attend. More welcoming, less of the traditions of standing up, sitting down, standing up, kneeling down, repeating some phrase, sing some songs, take eucharist, go home. Anyhoo...

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  7. #7
    I want to play a game. Whats your religous status? Zargabaath's Avatar
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    Re: Whats your religous status?

    Quote Originally Posted by winterborn86 View Post
    I'm not too sure what I am lol, I celebrate the holidays like easter and christmas that are supposed to be christian/catholic celebrations but I don't celebrate them for the reason of Jesus being born and rising again etc I celebrate them cos I love chocolate egss and prezzies and I don't actually believe in Jesus, god, heaven and hell, so I'm defo not a catholic, but I wernt sure wether I'm still classed as a christian for celebrating the above hols or weather I have no religion because I don't celebrate them for religous side of it and don't believe in any of the stuff I mentioned. Kinda confused. My mum once said I'm a christian but I don't feel like I am becaus eof everything I just mentioned, if any one knows let me know too lol
    Christmas has a secular meaning behind it now as well that non-christians can celebrate as well, the same can be said about Thanksgiving, for Christmas it is: good will towards humans. Good will towards humans is something that is not exclusively Christian but can be celebrated by all; I celebrate Christmas and as I said earlier I'm athiest.

    As for Easter there really isn't a secular message/reason to celebrate the holiday if "you" are not a christian but there are plenty of secular aspects, easter eggs (and the easter egg hunt), peeps, cards, jelly beans, etc.

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  8. #8
    Whats your religous status? Jin's Avatar
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    Re: Whats your religous status?

    Quote Originally Posted by Telegraph
    4 Square church
    I used to be part of that church as a kid. The rules were firm, but fair: no spikes, whips or holding, square 1 must bounce the ball once before it is in play, the ball is out if it lands on a line, etc, etc. I rarely made it passed square 3, but I value the time I dedicated to it nonetheless.

    My spiritual beliefs cannot really be called religious as there is no demarcation between the sacred and the profane amongst them. It would be more accurate simply to call them philosophical beliefs (though perhaps philosophical disbeliefs is even more accurate. I don't really want to get into specifics.

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  9. #9
    the psycho in me wants pie!!! Whats your religous status? kurohime's Avatar
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    Re: Whats your religous status?

    Quote Originally Posted by Zargabaath View Post
    Since you said religious status I guess I could throw in my 2 gil here. I'm an atheist; have been for around 7 years now. Before that I was catholic but as confirmation got closer the farther away I got. I did not get confirmed which did not fly with my parents well at all, but eventually they let it go.
    i used to be baptist, but my i began studying wicca when i was like 13
    but the people down here in the south do not like other religous beliefs other than christianity so, i was judged by the people at my church so i lost my faith in christ and god. So now im wiccan. i lost alot of friends cause their parents wouldnt let them hang around someone like me. my mom is wiccan to so im not alone. also i do have a couple of friend that are atheist. the christians at our school call us satanists, but i tell em' that everything is gonna come back to them 3 fold. ya, know. doesnt bother me one bit bother me one bit.
    Last edited by kurohime; 04-18-2010 at 01:27 PM.
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  10. #10
    Memento Rhapso Whats your religous status? Rhaps's Avatar
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    Re: Whats your religous status?

    I'm a Jenova's Witness!
    Seriously though, I used to be Baptist because my mom was. I got tired of always being told I was going to rot in hell by the preacher because of my "satan music" and left to be an Episcopalian like my dad. Not strictly, mainly faith based like mentioned above. Although, when I was a kid, I didn't know what religion really was, all I knew were the different things and religious things people told me when I was little, so I put them all together. If only the world could bond that way, ignoring labels and uniting as one, Oh well, we'll be degenerates forever lol

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  11. #11

    Re: Whats your religous status?

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  12. #12
    attempting to bribe the Mayor of Lambeth Whats your religous status? Xanatos's Avatar
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    Re: Whats your religous status?

    I think I responded in few similar threads might as well in this one. I was raised as Roman Catholic, not really the best when it comes to following the rules but so far I've been nothing than firm believer. My relationship with the church is fair to say the least, not on mass every sunday but I do my part.

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  13. #13
    The Lone Dagger Whats your religous status? Xithor's Avatar
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    Re: Whats your religous status?

    My parents were both raised catholic but I have been a baptist Christian my entire life since we have moved down to the southern US. I have a strong faith and appreciate all the opportunities and blessing that God has provided for me

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    Registered User Whats your religous status? Rebekah's Avatar
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    Re: Whats your religous status?

    Mine is the same as Tiffany. I believe in God but my parents don't go to church or anything. Its too organized. I think that as long as I believe in God and try to live the best I can and help people he is happy. I just think I don't need to go to church or anything to show that I believe in him.

  15. #15
    I invented Go-Gurt. Whats your religous status? Clint's Avatar
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    Re: Whats your religous status?

    I'm not that big of a fan of religion. I mean, take Christianity, for example. If that religion taught to have sex with hot nuns in their church/brothel hybrids during mass, then I'd be part of that religion. I'd be going to church three time a week; once on Wednesday and twice on Sunday. They don't do that, though, so my attention is lost.

    I mean, the Islamic religion promises 72 virgins at death, but what good does that do? What is a dead person going to do with 72 virgins? My best guess is that he'll just lie there and be dead. Now if they promised 72 virgins in life, I'd gladly join that religion.

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  16. #16
    Bananarama Whats your religous status? Pete's Avatar
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    Re: Whats your religous status?

    If you've ever seen Rescue Me, it would explain it all.

    I did the whole Catholic school until college thing. Now I'm pretty non practicing, and kind of just try to be a good person. I believe in God, because with the number of people I love who should be dead, including myself, who aren't, it;s very hard not to believe.
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  17. #17
    A Plain Old Derp Whats your religous status? Padraic's Avatar
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    Re: Whats your religous status?

    I was born catholic, but only was baptised... (no communion or such) But I believe that there is someone out there... not neccesarily a higher power, just someone to pray to, and/or talk to... Though I know there is no point since nothing will come out of it, but it feels good just thinking someone could help me.

    PS: I don't follow the catholic faith. Its just what I was born under. because blood isn't everything

  18. #18
    ...means nothing to no way Furore's Avatar
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    Re: Whats your religous status?

    I'd call myself Christian as I believe in the Abrahamic God, though also believe Jesus to be the son of God which most other Abrahamic religions would see as idolatry.

    I was baptised Roman Catholic, but the hypocrisy of what I saw of the institution as a whole (not neccesarily in general, just that which I interacted with) turned me off that community. I found many other denominations I took a look at were the same and figured I'd remain Christian but not associated with any denomination in particular.

    I believe because it feels right to me, a lot of it makes sense where nothing else does and those unexplainable miracles never hurt neither (even if the vast majority are likely just very well orchestrated hoaxes).

    I'm also a fan of aspects of some Eastern philosophy and have found there is a great deal of wisdom even in some of it that would seem outdated/nothing special at first glance.
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  19. #19
    I feel epic... Whats your religous status? Ralz's Avatar
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    Re: Whats your religous status?

    Well, I USED to believe in God and such. And that was about it. Never went to church or anything, just believed in God, nothing more.

    Until a few years ago, when life became rough and it never got easier. God sort of... vanished, in a way. Now, I just laugh at all the religious nutjobs talking about the supposed apocalypse coming in 2012, and I'll not getting into that. I don't believe in God, anymore, not some guy who comes outta nowhere and makes everything better. To be selfish, when it happens to me, then I'll start believing. Until then, no dice.

    So, I guess I'm atheist, then. I don't mind. Saves me time to do whatever I want on Sundays.

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  20. #20
    Soup Kitchen Jerk. Whats your religous status? Polk's Avatar
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    Re: Whats your religous status?

    Can I talk to you about Mike Patton?
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  21. #21
    Let's make it rain. Whats your religous status? Jonathanx221's Avatar
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    Re: Whats your religous status?

    Quote Originally Posted by Rebekah View Post
    Mine is the same as Tiffany. I believe in God but my parents don't go to church or anything. Its too organized. I think that as long as I believe in God and try to live the best I can and help people he is happy. I just think I don't need to go to church or anything to show that I believe in him.
    I agree with you. I believe. I used to go to church, I learned enough from it to get by. I try and be a good person, I pray and such. If doing all that doesn't earn me a ticket to heaven, then that's bullsh*t.

  22. #22
    Imperius Rex Whats your religous status? Storm's Avatar
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    Re: Whats your religous status?

    I'm atheist. I don't worship a god, however I am quite spiritual. It is hard to explain, but they're what I can only really call energy forces. I tend to feel great presence when walking through forests, but in some other places, the energy is really heavy and draining. Most places are quite neutral. I don't really know exactly what it is I feel, and I don't really want to talk too much about it, as people are probably reading this now and thinking that i'm a nutter!

    I find it interesting how there is a diversity of different faiths and non-faiths, and discussions can be great to read, until they become full of slander and ignorance from either or both parties.

    Quote Originally Posted by James K. Polk
    Can I talk to you about Mike Patton?
    What a legend!
    Last edited by Storm; 04-19-2010 at 02:39 AM.
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  23. #23
    Only plays for sport Unknown Entity's Avatar
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    Re: Whats your religous status?

    Quote Originally Posted by Storm
    I'm atheist. I don't worship a god, however I am quite spiritual. It is hard to explain, but they're what I can only really call energy forces. I tend to feel great presence when walking through forests, but in some other places, the energy is really heavy and draining. Most places are quite neutral. I don't really know exactly what it is I feel, and I don't really want to talk too much about it, as people are probably reading this now and thinking that i'm a nutter!
    I don't think you're a nutter at all. I'm pretty much the same.

    I was raised as a Christian, but questioned it's teachings and my faith in God. I felt like I was being brought up in a world where that's the only thing that mattered, and if you believed anything other than what was being taught, you were committing a sin. So I became an atheist.

    However, I've always been spiritual, and have believed in ghosts, spirits, and energy. I've decided that if I ever do decide to convert to a religion, I'd convert to Buddhism. I think it's a good way of believing in something, without having any beliefs forced down your throat.

    When it comes to other religions, I don't have anything against them.

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  24. #24
    Registered User Rocky's Avatar
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    Re: Whats your religous status?

    I'm a believer in Jesus Christ dying for my sins, so I'm a Christian, more specifically I'm a practicing Lutheran. I keep an open mind about religion, as I think there are lots of different ideals we can draw from that would be benefical to our daily lives. I may be Lutheran, but I am a firm believer in Karma, for example. I truly believe that people end up getting what they deserve eventually, whether it be "good" or "bad". Anyways, I don't push my beliefs on anyone, and I think if anything, people should study their faith a bit more before putting it into practice.
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    hahas, updated July 28th (oldie but goodie!):
    Quote Originally Posted by from the CPC8
    Pete: Meier, don't even lie. I know you were going on a nice little tear before you settled down with the new gf

    che: rofl <3 Meier.

    Loaf: Meier is the best.

    Meier: Hey Pete, I said I started to, it just didn't end the with the same number of women. Then again this one is kind of on the outs with me if she doesn't straighten up and fly right so that means I will be back in it for the thrill of the kill. Got some in the reserves. Even got a rePETEr (<---- like that ay? AYYYYY?) on the back burner.

    Block: I do like the rePETEr except it kinda makes it sound like you're going to pork Pete. No homo.

  25. #25
    Sir Prize Whats your religous status? Sinister's Avatar
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    Re: Whats your religous status?

    Quote Originally Posted by Jin View Post

    My spiritual beliefs cannot really be called religious as there is no demarcation between the sacred and the profane amongst them.

    I'm Taoist. If you consider that a religion, then so be it. If you consider it a philosophy then that's fine too. Secular or Sacred, the world is either all one or all the other to the point where it little matters. I like to have a spiritual air about me because it gives people the impression that I am enlightened or wise. That impression can be very useful. That deception is nearly a tradition in Taoism history that has been used to foster peace and make selfish gains.

    I'd tell you more, but Taoists aren't really evangelists. We don't care about spreading the word or converting people. We worked hard to obtain all the questionable knowledge and wisdom we have and that is one of our finest weapons.

    Last edited by Sinister; 04-19-2010 at 04:18 PM.

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  26. #26
    Death Before Dishonor Whats your religous status? Josh_R's Avatar
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    Re: Whats your religous status?

    I am an atheist. I have been one for oh I don't know 3 maybe 4 years. I was raised in a strong Christian home, but after a while I began to question my religion. I began to see the flaws in all religions.

    Also I am not one of those in your face atheist. I have came across a few of those in my time. The ones that are loud about their beliefs. I knew a guy who would make fun of all religions, he would insult Jesus and all that shit. I don't do that.

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  27. #27
    Like a Boss Sean's Avatar
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    Re: Whats your religous status?

    I was born and raised Catholic in a Catholic school from K-6

    For my 8th grade year I was in a Lutheran school.

    Since around my sophomore year of high school, I've been a non-believer in anything religious. I wouldn't even call myself an atheist, since, although I do not believe in any sort of deity, I don't want to label myself as anything when it comes to religion, I despise it that much.

    I think organized religion is a bunch of bullshit, especially Christianity, as I feel most (or all) of them were brought about as a way to scare people straight.

    I believe in SOME teachings of religion, such as following a morally correct life.

    I feel people are free to think and feel how they wish, just don't force your views of religion on me and I won't force mine on you.

    The biggest motivation I have towards my beliefs towards organized religion was when I was dating a Jehova's Witness. Apparently you aren't supposed to "date" outside their religion, and since I didn't believe in religion, my ex girlfriend's church was against our relationship, and the leader of her church was even at her house one day to tell me I'm a sinner and will go to hell and drag her down with me.
    Last edited by Sean; 04-20-2010 at 12:07 AM.

  28. #28
    I will finish the hunt Whats your religous status? Cheesevixen's Avatar
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    Re: Whats your religous status?

    Many people that know me have come to believe I never grew up with religion. An though it is true I never grew up with Christianity I did in fact grow up with a basic belief in God. Having religion many times forced into my head in the most wonderful ways. Yet as I grew up and began to learn the basic facts on how the world worked, how humans worked..... my faith in God began to fade. The more I learned about life and reality the harder it was to believe that there was anything beyond this. I wanted to believe in an after life. I was scared to think for a moment I was not looked after by a Sheppard of some sort. To think that there would be nothing after this and no Lord to come lay my head on is something I do fear. So I tried to climb my way back to God. An as hard as I prayed I felt nothing but my breath on my hands. As I sang the hymnal the words turned to sand in my mouth. As I spoke to God I had never felt more ignorant. I pursued Christianity....begged for the belief, and now as the years keep passing my heart grows further from it all. I have given it all up to him yet I still feel nothing. And then my mother told me something last night that was almost the last straw with my relationship with God. She said she wasn't angry at God for us dying. She was angry that she had been dead for thousands of year and had only gotten this little window of life for herself. For every year that passes she still fades. Every memory of a loved one fades with time. I don't know but after years of searching for him and trying to feel him I am at my journey's end with it. I do not speak of religion, and probably won't post a note like this again, but I had to tell you all. I did not grow up with out God. I grew up to find there was none for me. So I guess I am agnostic or an atheist. Mostly I think I am just a person in this world dying from the day I was born.
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  29. #29
    Sentinel DragonHeart's Avatar
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    Re: Whats your religous status?

    I suppose I would classify myself as non-religious. I know what religion I was born into (Presbyterian), but I've never practiced it or any other religion. Pretty much the only time I enter a church is for funerals. I don't have any particular animosity toward religion, it's just never been a part of my life. I think I'm old enough now that the window of faith is pretty much closed to me--I feel that, never growing up with any specific faith or beliefs has made it virtually impossible for me to start now. I can't say I have any desire to, either. As I said, I have nothing against it, religion just isn't for me.

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  30. #30

    Re: Whats your religous status?

    I believe that if I hate everything hard enough, I will fractrure reality, thus allowing me to travel from universe to universe in order to gain immortality and my dream to find the universe of final fantasy tactics.
    Last edited by Antidrall; 04-24-2010 at 09:37 PM.

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