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Thread: What's special about being in a relationship for one year?

  1. #1

    What's special about being in a relationship for one year?

    Sorry the title's that long. But this is the question I've been asking myself for quite a while now:
    What the hell is so special about being in a relationship for EXACTLY one year?

    My "example": A former friend of mine (haven't talked to him for quite a while now ^^") has been in a relationship since the end of November 2010. I know the EXACT date just because he's got this date EVERYWHERE on his profile.
    EVERY month, he or his girlfriend (who's also on the site we're both registered at) post a blog entry saying "Oooooooooooh, honey, it's been [insert number between 1 and 11] months now! I love you soooo~ much!"
    Since the 6th or 7th entry, it's become a bit longer, saying "ooh, honey, I can't wait for our relationship to last for one year!!1111oneoneeleven!!".
    EVERY time I ask myself: WHY??? And everytime I think about posting a comment, asking them what's that special about a relationship lasting for a year.

    So, I decided to ask all of you. Maybe I'm not romantic enough for this...?!
    When my boyfriend and I were together for one year, we just shrugged our shoulders and went on with everything. We didn't celebrate our relationship AT ALL. (Besides, it's only six more hours until our relationship lasts for exactly 1 year and 5 months. WHO THE HECK CARES??? I'm not even sure about that, to be honest. XD)

    As I said, maybe I'm not sensitive enough for this kind of stuff. Is it that great to be in a relationship for that long? Is it some kind of aim of them? Are they just happy they sticked to each other for that long? I don't know.

    (And yes, this thread MAY of course be used for funny theories about those couples who celebrate every day they still stick to each other. But maybe someone can explain to me what's so special about that...)
    Last edited by Freya; 09-08-2011 at 01:58 PM. Reason: Wow, there's lots of typing errors in my post. Should've read it again BEFORE posting, stupid me -_-"

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  2. #2
    Lady Succubus What's special about being in a relationship for one year? Victoria's Avatar
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    Re: What's special about being in a relationship for one year?

    Yeah. You're pretty much not romantic or sensitive enough for it. Not everyone is.
    Anniversaries are important to some people. It's not really an aim, it's more a testament to how happy they are for being together for that long.

    A year is actually a very long time.

  3. #3
    Fueled by Coffee What's special about being in a relationship for one year? Elise's Avatar
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    Re: What's special about being in a relationship for one year?

    I think I understand your point Freya. I don't think anniversaries are like an accomplishment, if you think of it as such then it's like saying: being in love or in a relationship is too hard that I am so happy I made it through the first year! People who behave like your friends do; write the dates everywhere and smack their love in people's faces, imply that for them it's an accomplishment or an aim, so I would agree: what the hell are you accomplishing?!

    However, I think it's very sweet and romantic when two people celebrate it in private, just for them, and use that specific date as a day to relive all their past memories and appreciate what they really have. Some people say that the first year is always the longest, I don't know if that would make a difference for you.

  4. #4
    Memento RK What's special about being in a relationship for one year? Yoko's Avatar
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    Re: What's special about being in a relationship for one year?

    A year may be a long time, but it doesn't depict the rest of your life. That's what one of my ex-boyfriends told me before he broke up with me.

    Anyway, some people like to keep track and let the whole world know how much they love each other. Others simply do not. It doesn't mean you love your partner any less.

    People show how much they love the other in different ways. The first year is usually a milestone in most relationships. One whole year with the same person can be monumental. It's special...and usually a pretty significant thing. At least, I thought it was when it happened for the first time...Now, I don't think I'd care. Things have changed.

    If they were married, I think it would be different.
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  5. #5
    I invented Go-Gurt. What's special about being in a relationship for one year? Clint's Avatar
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    Re: What's special about being in a relationship for one year?

    A year on Jupiter is nearly 12 years on earth. Using the standards set by the Jupiterian government, I'd say that one Jupiter year is very significant for those types of situations. You are so closed minded, Freya.

  6. #6
    Boxer of the Galaxy What's special about being in a relationship for one year? Rowan's Avatar
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    Re: What's special about being in a relationship for one year?

    If thats your argument then its similar to saying why would you celebrate your birthday? What you've managed to stay alive for another year? People celebrate these days that marked a special occasion. For me its 1 year from the day I met my sweetheart and an excuse to make her feel special and do something as a couple. People view relationships differently, but I like to remind my girlfriend how special she is to me and anniversaries are a great opportunity to do so.

  7. #7
    Only plays for sport Unknown Entity's Avatar
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    Re: What's special about being in a relationship for one year?

    I take anniversaries a little seriously. Not in a complete, dippy-loving, every months girly way, but I do get a little upset if the other half forgets. A year is a long time to me, and a lot happens in one, and I think being in a relationship for a period of time that long is an achievement that deserves celebration.

    It's also special for other reason. If you think back a year, you can see how much you've both changed as a couple in that year.

    I don't like it when people ram their relationship down everyone else's throats though. I don't need to know about their weekly, monthly, or yearly anniversaries.

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  8. #8

    Re: What's special about being in a relationship for one year?

    I suppose it just depends on the couples in question. Some people are just overly more affectionate or just post it on their Facebooks to show off the fact that they have a partner ( i can't count how many times i've seen people manipulate their partners to make their exes who are usually my friends jealous).

    Personally, i value my privacy and as such i don't feel the need to tell everyone about how long a relationship with my partner has lasted for. If i did decide to celebrate it however, i would probably just have a quiet dinner with my girlfriend or take her out somewhere nice. No need to let the whole world know.
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  9. #9
    Gingersnap What's special about being in a relationship for one year? OceanEyes28's Avatar
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    Re: What's special about being in a relationship for one year?

    I don't care for anniversaries as obligatory gift-giving times, but I do acknowledge them if I remember them. I enjoy doing nice things for my significant other and sometimes I like spending money on him (he feels the same for me), but I don't want to put possible negative pressure on a day that should be somewhat celebratory. It's not a HUGE deal to make it to one year, but it is a success for the relationship.

    In the meantime, I don't list my relationship status on facebook. If you know me, you know my relationship status already. Or hell, if you look at even a few of my pictures. Boyfriend is listed as "in a relationship" but apparently did so so that girls would stop expecting to hook up with him at parties...... But now he gets offers to cheat on me. Triflin.

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  10. #10
    Genocide Unfolds, I Forgive All Chez Daja's Avatar
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    Re: What's special about being in a relationship for one year?

    I always get my partner at the time a card and a gift to mark the date but I don't find first years all that special. Especially when I've had quite a few by this point. I usually get bored around the 2 year mark and very unexpectantly drop my partner which is something I'm trying to work on doing less.

    Most of my partners have found first years special and insisted on the dinner/date thing, which is nice but not a necessity. Five years is a little more impressive; not many couples seem to reach five years these days, myself included.

    I'd say 50 years is a good time to celebrate. Or 50 sexual partners. Whatever floats your kinky little boat.

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  11. #11
    Shake it like a polaroid picture What's special about being in a relationship for one year? RagnaToad's Avatar
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    Re: What's special about being in a relationship for one year?

    It is quite random to celebrate things every year, but that's what people do.

    I must say I get annoyed when people share these monthly things about their relationship with everyone too. It's irritating when couples get hung up on these numbers.
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  12. #12
    Registered User What's special about being in a relationship for one year? Pug's Avatar
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    Re: What's special about being in a relationship for one year?

    Well its possible people are just hung up on numbers. But.

    Its a way of being romantic. If your so mad about someone youl want to show them all the time, and an anniversary is just one in a thousand ways that they can find of showing the other person how much they love them and will find every excuse to do so.

    Though not everyone is that passionate. Especially after a year xD And I dont think everyone can fully understand passion or looking at someone with total infatuation, awe, love, respect, ego and all sort of that stuff. Not that theres anything wrong with that its just some people are crazy on the emotional scale.

    Edit: Though posting it all over a site? No idea about that one

  13. #13
    I'm like a sexy female Darth Vader What's special about being in a relationship for one year? motscroises's Avatar
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    Re: What's special about being in a relationship for one year?

    My ex was so lax on the whole 'treating me special' thing that I really relied on special occasions like this to force him to do stuff with me. I probably wouldn't have cared THAT much if he actually took me out every once in a while. As far as being annoyingly lovey-dovey though, I always figure that people who have to advertise how 'cute' they are as a couple are actually really insecure. Maybe I'm wrong! But that's what I always just figured.

  14. #14
    Registered User What's special about being in a relationship for one year? Pug's Avatar
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    Re: What's special about being in a relationship for one year?

    Quote Originally Posted by Pug View Post
    Well its possible people are just hung up on numbers. But.

    Its a way of being romantic. If your so mad about someone youl want to show them all the time, and an anniversary is just one in a thousand ways that they can find of showing the other person how much they love them and will find every excuse to do so.

    Though not everyone is that passionate. Especially after a year xD And I dont think everyone can fully understand passion or looking at someone with total infatuation, awe, love, respect, ego and all sort of that stuff. Not that theres anything wrong with that its just some people are crazy on the emotional scale.

    Edit: Though posting it all over a site? No idea about that one
    Quote Originally Posted by motscroises View Post
    My ex was so lax on the whole 'treating me special' thing that I really relied on special occasions like this to force him to do stuff with me. I probably wouldn't have cared THAT much if he actually took me out every once in a while. As far as being annoyingly lovey-dovey though, I always figure that people who have to advertise how 'cute' they are as a couple are actually really insecure. Maybe I'm wrong! But that's what I always just figured.
    See ^^

    Edit: I can be big on the emotional scale myself >.> Should have added that
    Last edited by Pug; 09-15-2011 at 07:25 PM.

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