Okay, I know that sounds like a dumb question, but it's just something I've been thinking about. Why do we have middle names?
I honestly have no idea why we do. When we fill out forms and stuff all they ask for is the middle initial and not the full name most of the time. Actually I can't think of anything where I had to give my full name.
Middle names are like the appendix. They probably served some sort of purpose at one time, but now they're really just there for no particular reason. Well, no reason that I can think of anyway.
So does anyone have any insight to this question? Or maybe you would like to share your middle name and if it means anything to you or your family?
My middle name is Anne. It doesn't have any special significance that I know of. I have no family named Anne and my parents never spoke of having any friends named Anne. So I suppose it's just because there had to be a first, middle, and last name put on the birth certificate.