View Poll Results: How much money would it take for you to break ties with your best friend???

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  • $20

    3 14.29%
  • $100

    1 4.76%
  • $1,000

    0 0%
  • None of the above.

    17 80.95%
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Thread: What's the largest amount of money...

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  1. #1
    Chief Inspiring Officer What's the largest amount of money... Cyanist's Avatar
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    What's the largest amount of money...

    Okayz, I love money. I love looking at it, I love counting it, I love hearing about it, and I hate every little unnecessary thing that takes money away from me. That said, what's the largest amount of money you've ever held in your hands at one time? Answer truthfully now, please.
    ~I'm sorry I haven't been around very much~

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  2. #2
    #LOCKE4GOD What's the largest amount of money... Alpha's Avatar
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    Re: What's the largest amount of money...

    I used to work as a back office cashier at a supermarket. By that I mean, I was the guy who counted the money in the tills from the checkout staff, who scan goods and actually interact with customers, and then I reconcile the takings against what should be in their till (to check if they are accurate with their change and/or whether they are stealing). In practice, this meant I routinely dealt with thousands of dollars in notes every time I worked. I think the most I ever 'banked' (put in a bag to be picked up by a security guard and deposited) was in excess of NZ$30,000. So that's the most I've ever held in my hand. It wasn't my own money though, and when you work around money like that, it loses all real value. I never thought of them as something I could exchange for goods or services. They were just bits of paper with faces, numbers and birds printed on them that I had to count, organise, and balance.

  3. #3
    G'day What's the largest amount of money... NikkiLinkle's Avatar
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    Re: What's the largest amount of money...

    I used to work at Subway and one afternoon, the manager asked me to zip down to the bank with $5000 AUS. I was like 17 and I put the money in my Nightmare Before Christmas bag and walked to the bank, which was only like 5 mins away. I saw some of my friends on the way and I was like, "I have $5000 in my bag!!!" Haha. They were like, "You should just runaway with the money!" Obviously I did not, as I was a goody two shoes back then, still am mostly haha.

    Talking about my own money, it would be $2000.

    Money isn't important to me, but it sure does help to have some!

  4. #4
    Bananarama What's the largest amount of money... Pete's Avatar
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    Re: What's the largest amount of money...

    Do you mean as in physical dollar bills, or something along the line of checks?

    If it were physical dollar bills, it'd be somewhere along the lines of $25-30K, putting money into a safe at Macy's.

    If it were checks, If my rough math is right, $500-600K when I bring my companies payroll back to the office.
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  5. #5
    attempting to bribe the Mayor of Lambeth What's the largest amount of money... Xanatos's Avatar
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    Re: What's the largest amount of money...

    6000 KM, which is approximately 4000 $. My brother worked for this travel agency couple of years ago, his duty was to deposit or convert fairly huge amount of money every now and then, and on one of those occasions I happened to be with him.

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  6. #6
    Registered Goober What's the largest amount of money... Order's Avatar
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    Re: What's the largest amount of money...

    Largest ammount of money I held in my hands?
    I'm guessing you mean cash.
    Probably not very much.
    Outside of work, in my own money, probably 3 or 4 hundred US.

    But normally I don't carry cash. The card is king.
    If you lose your wallet, just call and have the card locked. With cash, you're SOL, nobody finds a wallet and leaves cash in it (execpt for me...)

  7. #7
    Il y a un furet dans mes cheveux :O What's the largest amount of money... Catalana's Avatar
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    Re: What's the largest amount of money...

    I am a poor little human ... I don't have a large amount of money : I held $20 only >< No I'm joking, well perhaps $300 days ago but never more ! I keep my money hidden somewhere hé hé ! I am Picsou's wife !

    Ohh, there is a ferret in my bedroom again...

  8. #8

    Re: What's the largest amount of money...

    Cash: Probably a few hundred.
    Check: $700 US
    Seen: Probably around $10,000

    My dad showed me the city's employee payroll's bonus for that Christmas holiday.

  9. #9
    I invented Go-Gurt. What's the largest amount of money... Clint's Avatar
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    Re: What's the largest amount of money...

    I'm smart. I mean really smart. It would scare people how smart I am. I'm so smart that I can't find another word for "smart," so I'm really starting to sound repetitive.

    With that being said, I don't carry much money, if any, on me. If I need to pay for something that will cost quite a bit, I'll put it on my card. At least if my card is stolen, I can call up the bank and cancel it, so that I won't lose any money.

    Then again, it is always a good idea to carry some money on you, just in case you get robbed at gunpoint, which has happened to me before. And if you do need to carry a large amount of cash, you have multiple pockets, so it would be smart to split it up between the pockets. If you do get robbed, its best that the thief only gets part of the money, and not the entire thing.

  10. #10
    Registered Goober What's the largest amount of money... Order's Avatar
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    Re: What's the largest amount of money...

    You got robbed?
    How did that happen?

    I can see how being at gunpoint it would be a good idea to hand over some cash, but that wouldn't stop you from getting shot if the guy was planning to in the first place.

    I carry a concealed handgun (I have a permit, I'm not a criminal) for that reason. That's not to say that it would be impossible to get the drop on me.

  11. #11
    I invented Go-Gurt. What's the largest amount of money... Clint's Avatar
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    Re: What's the largest amount of money...

    Quote Originally Posted by Order View Post
    You got robbed?
    How did that happen?
    Its what happens when your job requires you to be in largely bad parts of town at 3 am. Luckily, I quit that job, so now it's somebody else's problem.

    And how that happened was that some guy pulled a gun on me while I was on my way back to my truck, told me to give him my money, so I gave him what I had in one of my pockets, and then he left. If he told me to empty the other pocket, he would have got more money. Luckily, I'm a genius, and he wasn't.

  12. #12
    Permanently Banned loaf's Avatar
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    Re: What's the largest amount of money...

    I find it funny that Order has to tell us he's not a criminal. Like being a criminal is one of the two prerequisite to owning a gun and the other is getting a permit.

    I've held 14k. Been slapped by 14k. and that's probably it.
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  13. #13
    Registered Goober What's the largest amount of money... Order's Avatar
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    Re: What's the largest amount of money...

    Pew pew

  14. #14
    Asking all the personal questions. What's the largest amount of money... RamesesII's Avatar
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    Re: What's the largest amount of money...

    Quote Originally Posted by loaf View Post
    I find it funny that Order has to tell us he's not a criminal. Like being a criminal is one of the two prerequisite to owning a gun and the other is getting a permit.

    I've held 14k. Been slapped by 14k. and that's probably it.
    Quote Originally Posted by Order View Post
    Pew pew
    I wasn't planning on posting in this thread but this made me quite literally laugh my ass of (lmao)

    Thanks Order for the laugh of the day.

    I can carry 5k around with me every day on a nice shiny little card, wait I just remembered I hate credit cards.

    I suppose the most money I have held in my hand at one time would have been $1500 Australian dollars and that was when I was paying the bond on a rental property.

    Wait none of this counts unless each amount it transferred into respect countries dollar value these could all be different according to our dollar value I know AUS is 98c to USA dollar I did see what NZ was last night but I can't remember.
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  15. #15
    TFF's Resident Messenger What's the largest amount of money... Michael Swayne's Avatar
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    Re: What's the largest amount of money...

    Let's see, cash only would be $9,265. With checks included, $15,440. I was in charge of our school's yearbook fund, and those amounts were what we earned through one day of ad collecting and about 3 weeks of candy sales. The day was October 15, 2003. I remember it because that was the same day my advisor asked me if that was the most money I had ever held in my hands.

    The next time I had more than $1000 was the day Mom was taken. I had $3500 in my room. It lasted quite a long time. I won't answer any questions of where it came from or how it came to be in my possession. I think I have already answered those questions somewhere else here.

    Moving on...

    Right now I have $54. Tomorrow I will have $109. And about five minutes after I have $109, I will have around $20. But in return I will have electricity and Internet service for another month, so it's worth it.
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  16. #16
    Chief Inspiring Officer What's the largest amount of money... Cyanist's Avatar
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    Re: What's the largest amount of money...

    Oh, man, we gotz some high rollers here, eh? I've only had something in the area of U.S. 2,000.
    ~I'm sorry I haven't been around very much~

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  17. #17
    Crash Boom Bang What's the largest amount of money... Lily's Avatar
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    Re: What's the largest amount of money...

    Erm I dunno, proabably £1000, I think it was bills and landlord related boring shit as well

    Ive never really had need to carry large quantities of cash, Id rather just use my card for everything where I can.

    I just tend to be frivolous when Ive got a hangover and Im armed with my cash card

  18. #18
    Registered User What's the largest amount of money... Squall's Avatar
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    Re: What's the largest amount of money...

    When I was younger, my father let hold an envelope with a thousand dollars in it before he went to put it in the bank.

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  19. #19
    Death Before Dishonor What's the largest amount of money... Josh_R's Avatar
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    Re: What's the largest amount of money...

    Lately I have been doing some work in the cash office at Lowe's. The store I work at is a million dollar a week store, and total cash sales for the week usually average out in excess of 300-350k a week. So any given week I can be counting through this amount.

    Outside of work I have had exactly 11 grand in my hands. Paid straight cash for my car with it.

    Sitting here waiting for Rocky, and Che to notice me!!

  20. #20
    The King What's the largest amount of money... Tydis's Avatar
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    Re: What's the largest amount of money...

    100 dollars I ain't trying to go broke or anything are you crazy I have account so I limit my withdrawals and check my balance regularly anything else I ain't trying.

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  21. #21
    Registered User What's the largest amount of money... sayian's Avatar
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    Re: What's the largest amount of money...

    lol depending on how much overtime i work in a two week period, im always bringing 1000 to $1600 usd (least to most) but the most iv ever had that was all MINE was 10,000 when my corvette got hit by an 18wheeler
    ok keep on, its all shits n giggles until sombody giggles n shits....

  22. #22
    Registered User What's the largest amount of money... Diyala's Avatar
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    Re: What's the largest amount of money...

    6,000$ from mommy in my account as my yearly expense.
    I don't love money , I only love to feel safe by having it and love to buy things I like without being worried about it .I hate to ask mommy or anyone for money but also having the very much amount that I don't need isn't delighting to me at all
    Last edited by Diyala; 05-30-2012 at 02:53 PM.

  23. #23
    ~*Moogle! Kupo!*~ What's the largest amount of money... pixergirl's Avatar
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    Re: What's the largest amount of money...

    never happened since (doubt it ever will again) O_o
    This is bananas! B. A. N. A. N. A. S.! I said this ...Is bananas, B! A! N! A! N! A! S!


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