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Thread: what is your favorite season and how does it mean to you...?

  1. #1

    Red face what is your favorite season and how does it mean to you...?

    spring,summer,fall and winter... whatever season it is there is every meaning.. has their own beauty and essence and it ca also relate of how can you picturize yourself, or others.... whether it's good or bad, whether it's happy or sad, whether it's exciting or boring whatever it is... there is a feeling of art...

    for me, i like spring... because of the bloosoms everywhere!! it reminds me of having new way of living after the hardships of life (which is cold winter) a time of refreshing things and moving on to another chapter of life...

    what's yours...??

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  2. #2
    Genocide Unfolds, I Forgive All Chez Daja's Avatar
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    I like Autumn best. There's a gentle tired feeling, the leaves are all different greens, oranges, yellows and browns.

    Autumn's kind of always been my favourite time of the year. It's a lot of fun. Halloween, pumpkin pies, that nature-like smell in the air... Of course, the latter occurs in the spring time, too... But Autumn is a lot more interesting to me.

    That and it's cooler than the Summertime... which I... hate, almost.

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  3. #3
    I'd have to say summer. Just for the beach parties haha. Normally i hate big parties but last year we had 30+ people down the beach having a laugh. Always starts with a BBQ then a whole lot of chit-chat and then when it starts getting dark a big fire and some guitars go down a treat! Normally stay until 2-3am, can't be beaten haha.

    I really like autumn aswell, just because there's a lot of tree's around here and a pretty large wooded area... so the colour of the leaves make it a really nice place to be.

    There's no season i don't like XD.

  4. #4
    what is your favorite season and how does it mean to you...? Ayse's Avatar
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    I like a mixture of all of them. I wish the seasons would mix themselves up through out the year so we had a varitey of weather rather then just the same type of weather for long periods of time.

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  5. #5
    what is your favorite season and how does it mean to you...? Dragoon_Nick's Avatar
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    Where the polar bears play at night and where the beavers are furry...
    Its definitely Summer for me. There are mant reasons to why i prefer this particular season but in the end, it comes down to social activity.

    Summer doesn't have any schools open meaning we just have free time to do anything we want (in North America, where we're Normal). The temperature is warm, we can swim, play soccer, football and even tennis.

    Summer is just a season of life, it totals anything else.

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  6. #6
    Chocobo Sage Crazy Chocobo's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Harmonistmas View Post
    I like a mixture of all of them. I wish the seasons would mix themselves up through out the year so we had a varitey of weather rather then just the same type of weather for long periods of time.
    Same here! It gets dull having the same weather for 3 months in a row.

    My favorite season though would probably be Spring. That is when all the flowers bloom and everything feels fresh! I love flowers and just going outside to see all the different colors is wonderful.

    My least favorite is Winter because that is when everybody gets sick with the cold and flu. It sucks!

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  7. #7
    Registered User what is your favorite season and how does it mean to you...? Flash's Avatar
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    I like both winter and summer. In the winter it snows and we get out of school(well it used to).* In the summer we are out of school on summer break with no school work to do and i get to go see my grandmas and grandpas.

    I could care less for the other two seasons, even though my b-day is in the spring.
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  8. #8
    Summer, summer, summer.

    I live in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Candada. Our summers consist of a) mosquitos, b) drunks, c) more mosquitos.

    Yet, it's our warmest season with the most time avaliable hit the beach, so yes. I'd have to say my fav. season = summer.

    Winter/Fall/Spring < Summer
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  9. #9
    ...means nothing to no way Furore's Avatar
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    I think I like all the seasons for some reason or another...
    Probably in the order of best to worst:
    Spring, Autumn, Winter, Summer.

    Spring being my favourite as things are renewed. There's always something new brought with the springtime...
    victoria aut mors

  10. #10
    You're me...and I'm you. what is your favorite season and how does it mean to you...? Almasys's Avatar
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    Well, for me, living in nothing but a desert-like city, each season is merged into two different ones: Too Hot and Too Cold. But that's what you get for living in Texas :/

    But in all actuality [if that's even a word...*shrug*], I like spring. One reason being that my birthday happens during spring. Another being that it's not too cold and it's not too hot. It's just there in the middle-warmish, which I can definately tolerate more than summer [here it feels like a microwave during the summer] and winter [which is like one of those meat freezers they have in resturants].

    So definately spring for me.

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  11. #11
    Sir Prize what is your favorite season and how does it mean to you...? Sinister's Avatar
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    Being a horticulturist who hates Christmas, one would assume that my answer would be Spring. But that's just not the case. I actually prefer Winter. One being how much I loathe heat and how much I like cool temperatures. Two being my profound affection for snow. Three, because there is nothing cozier than a cold white winter day enjoyed inside with a big mug of hot chocolate with marshmallows and a good book/game/movie/music.

    Spring comes next for the main reason that my favorite spring bloomers are up and I can tend to them and that It's nice to see the sun again after the holiday depression sets in.


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  12. #12
    I live in Florida. So, Summer.

    It's all honestly the same. Summer is just hotter, and better for me. I have more money, more time to do things, It's all just awesome.

    But honestly, I don't really mind Winter right now. It's the day before Christmas Eve, and I was walking around in shorts and a t shirt. It's been in the high 70s every day.


  13. #13
    It depends on your location I suppose.

    I, for example, am British. So I shall analyze each season in turn:

    Winter - Sometimes it rains, sometimes it's sunny, but never the amount you'd expect from this season.
    Spring - Sometimes it rains, sometimes it's sunny, but never the amount you'd expect from this season.
    Summer - Sometimes it rains, sometimes it's sunny, but never the amount you'd expect from this season.
    Autumn - Sometimes it rains, sometimes it's sunny, but never the amount you'd expect from this season.

    As you can see, there is a clear winner.

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  14. #14
    Yes. I can clearly see which one you prefer.

    And as for my favorite season, it would have to be winter. I like the cold feeling and how refreshing everything is. For some reason, I feel livelier a happy in the cold. I also like gray skies for some reason...and despise any type of heat.

    Winter just seems so peaceful and quiet even though everything seems so bright.

    WINTER IS COOOOLD!!! Cold=good=happy Bleachie

  15. #15
    what is your favorite season and how does it mean to you...? pulse's Avatar
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    For me it's Winter or Autumn, I love the cold, the heat just messes with my body, gives me Migraines and everything. Though I do love being able to go swimming and to the beach in Summer, pretty much the only plus for me.
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  16. #16
    Registered User what is your favorite season and how does it mean to you...? Dimi's Avatar
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    I don't know really, its a toss-up between summer and winter for me but I would have to say winter is my favorite season. For one, I love summer. The day seems longer but time feels faster. Also, I seem to go out more then compared to the winter for some reason. Bad part, its damn hot over here. I mean really hot. The past two summers have been like hell. We had so many power outages during the summer, its bad.

    But then there's winter. I like being indoors when its cold. I like the dark for some reason. I like how it gets darker earlier over here then if it was in the summer. Plus, I like drinking cocoa. Who doesn't like cocoa? And I love sleeping in. I tend to wake up less in the winter then in the summer.

  17. #17
    Imperius Rex what is your favorite season and how does it mean to you...? Storm's Avatar
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    Summer. Definatly.

    I love the warm weather and spend much of my time in either the forest or in the sea. Being mid-July born i'm a cancarian i'm of water element so I love swimming and body boarding, at least thats my theory! Also in the summer the rain we get in England is refreshing rather than horrible and cold like in the winter.
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  18. #18
    Vagabond Thief what is your favorite season and how does it mean to you...? Rikkuffx's Avatar
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    I like fall and spring.Probably because in the fall everything is so beautiful when the leaves start to change and it starts getting colder. Also Halloween is in the fall and i'm one who loves halloween and scary movies and all that sort of stuff and fall just gives a "creepy" feeling because everything starts to die. Spring because everything starts to blossom again and the smell of fresh new flowers is invigorating and refreshing.I'm not a big fan of heat even though I was born in the summer lol. Winter is nice too,the snow is pretty when it falls but spring and fall are deffinately my faves.
    Last edited by Rikkuffx; 12-29-2007 at 08:55 AM. Reason: adding stuff
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  19. #19
    I like 3 out of 4 seasons. I love spring the best since it gets warm and usually I just tend to be in a good mood then. The summer is hot so it's nice weather and everything is active. Winter's cold and has the holidays and I love to just sit in and relax then. Fall is the one I just hate. My allergies usually come out then, it gets cold when you're not used to it, and I just have a habbit of being depressed during then, no clue why.

  20. #20
    I love Winter. Plain and Simple. What's not to love about Winter? I like the cold, I love snow and best of all, Christmas!

    Spring is a second favorite, it's wonderful. Autumn's pretty bunk, Summer is too.

    But Winter and Spring rule.

  21. #21
    Air from my lungs. what is your favorite season and how does it mean to you...? Violet's Avatar
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    I love the Fall. I get really nostalgic due to the scents in the air. How the leaves turn reds and browns is really beautiful, and the weather isn't too cold or too hot -- it's just right. I used to have a ton of fun in the Fall because me and my siblings would rake up the leaves and stuff them in our dad's clothes and make a dummy to put on the porch. We don't do that anymore, of course, because we don't have as many leaves as we did when we lived in Illinois..

  22. #22
    Asking all the personal questions. what is your favorite season and how does it mean to you...? RamesesII's Avatar
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    I like all the seasons for different reasons.

    I like winter because i can snuggle into bed and get nice and warm where its harder to cool down on a hot sticky night resulting in a restless sleep.

    I like summer because with it the rains and the storms come in my part of the world and there is nothing better than a summer shower, but with the humidity also comes the muggy and sticky days after rain.

    And i like spring because of all the plants coming out and the dry heat compared to the sticky heat. and Autumn is the same except we get more dry howling winds.
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  23. #23
    Only plays for sport Unknown Entity's Avatar
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    I like all the seasons, but my favourite is Winter. I like it when the weather is cold, so you can just snuggle in your duvet all day and/or sit by a fire.

    I hate Summer. Spending up 45% of my time in the bloody bathroom, using up all the cold water? No thanks. The only thing I like about the summer is having the odd water fight.

    I like Spring because everything begins to grow back, and you start to hear the birds singing again. A nice, clean time of the year.

    I like Autumn because of all the wonderful colours. The browns, the reds, the oranges, the dark greens... It almost sets you up for Christmas (kinda).

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    I'm none too scary really. Just somewhat violent...
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  24. #24
    It's the Jecht Shot, Babey! what is your favorite season and how does it mean to you...? LaCkyy's Avatar
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    I like Winter, For two reasons.

    One- Because of christmas which mean's presents!, And that means more Computer games. But also having Dinner at my Grandma's

    Two- Because of the Snow!!, You can never really get too old for snow

    and maybe because My Birthday is in February!
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  25. #25
    Dr. Prof. Failstrom what is your favorite season and how does it mean to you...? Dr_Flea's Avatar
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    I love Winter!!!

    I like being cold. it was 16 degrees celcius last night and i turned the fan on because it was too hot.

    I like Thunderstorms. i can sit watching a thunderstorm for hours and the sound of the pounding rain helps me to get to sleep.

    I don't get sick in winter i really only get sick in summer kinda wierd!

    for me it's:
    Winter, Autumn, Spring, Summer

    Winter being the one i like the most!!


  26. #26
    I will finish the hunt what is your favorite season and how does it mean to you...? Cheesevixen's Avatar
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    I like Spring. Everything is warming up once again from Winters cold grip. The trees are beginning to turn in a lush green color coordinating with the grass in each yard...begging for the chance to grow wild again. The wind is a sweet memory of what was endured for the last three months. Children are seen creeping out back into the world...playing soccer, and chasing each other. Even my son knows this is a time to spend hours a day at the park..neither hot nor cold. Flowers bloom, and we count the blooms and name the colors. Baby animals appear driving the family dog crazy and giving us all a show. It's beautiful. I never used to love it this much until I had time to slow down and smell the flowers.
    Last edited by Cheesevixen; 03-05-2009 at 09:16 AM.
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  27. #27
    big yuna fan what is your favorite season and how does it mean to you...? nra4's Avatar
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    fav season

    mine would have to b winter because i can sleep in my nice cozy bed and i dont go out much and at school we hav mostly heaters

  28. #28
    Tsuna Feesh what is your favorite season and how does it mean to you...? Fate's Avatar
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    That's a nice shirt you're wearing.
    i love autumn! it has the best name(NOT FALL!!!!!) and the weather is just so comforting... it may be gloomy but for some reason, it makes me feel peaceful and relaxed.

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