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Thread: What, are you Deaf?

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  1. #1
    The pizza guy! Meier Link's Avatar
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    Nov 2007
    Broken Arrow, OK

    What, are you Deaf?

    No quite literally, I want to see how many deaf / hearing impaired people are on this forum or who on here are friends with someone that is.

    I have recently, over the last year, become aquainted with many people who have hearing problems, and have picked up a lot of sign language. My whole opinion of deaf people changed after hanging out with a few. I went out and learned the sign alphabet and have been gradualy learing more of the signing parts.

    This thread isn't solely just for deaf/hearing impaired people. If we can get some people to talk about what it is like to be in that situation, it might help others to see what it is like to loose a major sence, yet let alone never have it.

    I think one of the most amazing things I have seen is a deaf person dancing, it was amazing he danced better then any person I know, soley basing his movements off of the vibrations of the music.

    There are still many things I want to know opinions on.
    Like for instance cochlear implants, have you ever thought of getting them, if so and haven't why not.
    I have a friend that has had multiple oprotunies to get one but refuses because he is proud to be 100% deaf.

    Not sure if this will survive long or if it will fall to the void of page 2 rather quickly but it is worth a shot.
    Last edited by Meier Link; 07-31-2008 at 10:16 AM.
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