View Poll Results: How often do you wash your hands

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  • If I even feel a little dirty, I'll take a shower

    4 12.90%
  • All the time. I keep Purell in business.

    10 32.26%
  • Only after hitting the bathroom

    14 45.16%
  • When they're visibly dirty

    1 3.23%
  • I don't. They get clean when I shower.

    0 0%
  • I wash mahself with a rag on a stick, and that hasn't been in days.

    2 6.45%
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Thread: Scrub a dub dub

  1. #1
    Bananarama Scrub a dub dub Pete's Avatar
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    Scrub a dub dub

    How often do you guys wash your hands and how well do you wash them?

    Personally, I'm not much of a hand washer. I don't wash my hands before I eat, and I'll only run some water over my hands after taking a leak. Though, for #2, I'll def use soap and water. There's something about not washing thoroughly after dropping a bomb that disturbs me. Though, I'm not one to take showers after that.

    After a workout or anything where I get really sweaty, I'll def hop in a cold shower.

    Hows about you guys?
    Crao Porr Cock8- Rebels, Rogues and Sworn Brothers

  2. #2
    I wash my hands after I use the bathroom. I wash them well enough, I don't much other than that. Does that make me filthy?

  3. #3
    I don't wash my hands often, except for when I do something worthy of it, like lawn work. The only time I wash my hands real good is before I am about to play my guitar.

    Quote Originally Posted by Pete
    Though, I'm not one to take showers after that.
    I will. I have to. I don't think I could function if I didn't.

  4. #4
    I'm a clean freak, I'll admit. I wash my hands when I think they're dirty, before getting food, and obviously after using the restroom. As for showers, I'm more laid back. I'll take one every 1-3 days in the Summer. I take one every day for school though and break on weekends.

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  5. #5
    I invented Go-Gurt. Scrub a dub dub Clint's Avatar
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    I'm very allergic to dust and mold. I guess that it's some sort of phobia that I have where I think that I'm going to have an allergic reaction to something if I don't wash my hands, so I do it very regularly. So regularly that the skin on my hands feels like sandpaper. I don't think that's good. It's like an OCD thing or something. I don't know.

  6. #6
    The Final Fantasy's Offical Emo Scrub a dub dub Lithium's Avatar
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    I am a very clean person.
    If I feel dirty, I will wash my hands throughly.
    And I have to shower once a day, sometimes twice. I can never go even one day without a shower or I will start to sweat a little and I don't like that.
    I am probably the cleanest person in my house.

    So yeah you could say that I am just a wee bit of a neat freak.
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    The blood that spills, to the tears that I cry. I only wish for the nighttime to come. I wait and I wonder, I whisper and I stare, there is nothing that is ever there. I slowly close my eyes, as they grow silver with lust. ~Devon L. Kay
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  7. #7
    Scrub a dub dub Kyo-san's Avatar
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    I love showers. I take long showers at least once a day, up to three times a day.

    I wash my hands after anything worthy of washing (wee, twosies, and usually after petting my cat). I'm not so bad that I do it every time before I get food... But I'd like to consider myself a clean person.
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  8. #8
    ...means nothing to no way Furore's Avatar
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    I just have a shower every morning and then wash my hands before and after meals, before I use a game controller, keyboard/mouse or any other such device and if I've touched something that didn't look so clean.

    I'm just ever so slightly paranoid after watching too many safe food handling procedure videos and reading up on the wonderful micro-organisms that live all around us yet can really screw you over if certain conditions are met.
    victoria aut mors

  9. #9
    Registered User Scrub a dub dub winterborn86's Avatar
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    I wash my hands quite often, after the loo, touching the dog, changing nappies, touching raw meat, touching the bin even if i touch the bin with the tip pf my finger i have to wash em

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  10. #10
    I'm somewhat obsessive-compulsive about washing my hands - usually i will do so when they feel dirty, or after i use the bathroom. I have to have clean hands, period.
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  11. #11
    The pizza guy! Meier Link's Avatar
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    I will generally wash my hands quite a bit some times before and after going to the bathroom, never know what I might have on my hands. :oint to note: skydrol burns, trust me on that one::. If I am cooking I constantly wash, smoke wash, eat wash, I think you get the picture. I don't like getting dirty yet I am a mechanic?!?! ironic huh
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  12. #12
    Like a Boss Sean's Avatar
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    In every day life, not often. Pretty much just after doing work outside, or things that just make them dirty, I wash them.

    When I was a cook and at work? Constantly. After washing dishes, after touching raw product, every 20-30 minutes during service if we were super busy and my sanatizer bucket was getting gross, ect. When cooking at home I always keep my surfaces clean and wash my hands between raw products to prevent cross contamination.

    I don't cook much these days, so I don't really wash my hands very often.

  13. #13
    Only plays for sport Unknown Entity's Avatar
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    I wash my hands quite a bit. I hate it when they feel... sticky, too moist, if they look like they need it... I wash them after I use the loo, after a play with my dog, if I'm handling food, sometimes before I eat, always after I eat, if I'm playing with a console... you get the picture.

    I have been known to have up to three showers a day when it gets really hot over here. Otherwise, I have one or two depending on how I feel. I have to have one in the morning - it sets you up for the day, almost like a breakfast to me. Sometimes I have one before I go to bed - it helps me sleep.

    I can't stand baths. I know its good to have a soak every now and then, but to me, a bath is really unhygeneic. Think about it: you are bathing in water which pobably gets contaminated with your own dirt. At least when you have a shower, the dirt is rinsed off of you.

    Known to carry hand gel (the stuff that makes your hands go cold, with a chemical smell, and is found in hospitals) in my school bag. The soap in the school loos is normally gone. Also, you don't know who has used it before you get there. For all I know, some muppet could have put it in toilet, and put it back by the sink! O_O

    So yeah, I'm a clean person! Yay!

    "I used to be active here like you, then I took an arrow in the knee."

    Suddenly... clutter.:

    Me and the lovely Joey is two cheeky chimpmonks, we is. Because TFF cousins can still... do stuff. ; )

    Quotes to have a giggle at.:

    Quote Originally Posted by Bleachfangirl
    I'm none too scary really. Just somewhat violent...
    Quote Originally Posted by MSN Convo
    Gemma the friggin' Entity. says:
    Bleachie says:
    ...*runs around with a stick*
    Hm, no one's here...
    Gemma the friggin' Entity. says:
    Bleachie says:
    Quote Originally Posted by Joe
    Now that we've apparently discussed wanting to see each other sleep with a game character... how goes?

    All my banners are now done by me! Soon, I will be great! Muwahahahaha... ha... eck! *coughs* ...ha!
    Biggest fan of Peanut Butter created by The Xeim and Halie Peanut Butter Corporation ^^

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  14. #14
    Au revoir. Scrub a dub dub Doc Rocco's Avatar
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    I like to think I'm a clean person. I shower twice a day, not only because I like showers but because I like that clean feeling and knowing I don't smell.

    Quote Originally Posted by Unknown Entity
    Known to carry hand gel (the stuff that makes your hands go cold, with a chemical smell, and is found in hospitals) in my school bag. The soap in the school loos is normally gone. Also, you don't know who has used it before you get there. For all I know, some muppet could have put it in toilet, and put it back by the sink!
    I have been known to carry that stuff around as well! It's good stuff. If you ever feel like your hands need a clean, simply rub the stuff in and hey presto! Instant hygiene!

    Hand washing is a must. If I feel what I've been doing could be even remotely unhygienic, I'll wash my hands as soon as I've finished. There's nothing worse than dirty and germy hands. Bleh. So yes. I'm a clean person.

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    y= -6
    Rachel : For what, may I ask? Your intelligence?
    Let X, T, C and V all equal zero.
    Rachel : And you'd still come up with -6, because, let's face it, you're not the brightest spark.

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    TOM: its nice aye
    George: i wanan touch it

    TOM: i will go ****ing hulk on your ass ok
    .::.Sammy.::. : ill go like super sayian 5

    Quotes of Lily's:

    Hayden says:
    r u sure theres not a man standing behind u with a knife
    Rachel says:
    Quite sure.
    Hayden says:
    maybe its me
    Rachel says:
    I seriously doubt that your IQ is high enough for it to occur to you that you cannot walk through solid objects.

    =Lily on Freema Agyeman [Slightly paraphrased]=
    Lily says: Freema is so pretty.
    Lily says: I wish I was her.
    Lily says: She is mind-bogglingly sexy.
    Lily says: Seriously, if I had to choose between her and David Tennant, I'd SO choose her.
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  15. #15
    Scrub a dub dub Dark Squall's Avatar
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    Believe or not...On earth. Yea I know someone like me is too awesome to live on earth but what can I do?!!!
    Usually, when I hit the bathroom.

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  16. #16
    beep boop. Scrub a dub dub
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    I used to wash my hands constantly.. now I don't work in an ice cream store. Go figure. I still regularly wash my hands. Not obsessively, but in a normal way. I refuse to be Monk because Monk is lame.
    turd burglar.

  17. #17
    Soup Kitchen Jerk. Scrub a dub dub Polk's Avatar
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    I wouldn't say I wash my hands a lot, I feel I wash them when needed. I do it a lot at work. You have to touch a lot of hands. Ew. But we have hand sanitizer under each register, which makes me happy. There was a guy at my old church though, who would use hand sanitizer before and after shaking everybody's hands. An unrelated story: Total pervert.

    I shower at least once a day. It depends whether or not I work out, whether or not I work.

    Anyone else a compulsive brusher? I brush my teeth like 4 or 5 times a day. Whenever I go out, or I think I'm going to have human contact. I'm terrified of having bad breath. When I don't have an opportunity to brush, I pop gum and mints. Aw yeah.
    Let's go into the "archives" in "Washington D.C." and find out how people "masturbated" in the "roaring 20's."

    Crao Porr Cock8. Bitch.

  18. #18
    Sentinel DragonHeart's Avatar
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    I wash my hands a lot, especially during cold/allergy season. I work in a retail pharmacy, so I see a huge number of sick people at all times of the year. I didn't think much of hand washing but once I started working there, I've become much more hygienic. Not that I wasn't before, but things like hand washing I didn't do anywhere near as much.

    These days I'll wash my hands several times a day, even if I'm not at work. It's a good practice to get into anyways, as washing one's hands often can help keep you from getting sick. We have hand sanitizer that we use, also. That stuff is pure awesome. When we're busy up front it's great to have, cause there isn't always time to step over to the sink.

    It's not just because of sick people, either. Some of the customers who come in are just plain nasty. I mean literally dirty. It's disgusting. Even worse, some of the "ladies" seem to think their bra is an appropriate substitute for a wallet. *shudders* I don't even try to hide my use of sanitizer and/or hand washing from those sorts of people, though sadly the hint is lost on them.

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  19. #19
    Only plays for sport Unknown Entity's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Polk View Post
    Anyone else a compulsive brusher? I brush my teeth like 4 or 5 times a day. Whenever I go out, or I think I'm going to have human contact. I'm terrified of having bad breath. When I don't have an opportunity to brush, I pop gum and mints. Aw yeah.
    I brush my teeth twice a day - in the morning, and before I sleep. If I eat something sweet with lots of sugar, I'll brush my teeth. If my teeth aren't smooth if I run my tongue on them, I can't stand it, and brush my teeth.

    I can't leave the house unless I'm sure they are clean. I have once walked out the house forgetting to do them, got halfway down the road, and then gone back to brush them when I remembered. Silly, I know! But to me, it HAD to be done!

    I chew gum alot. Its not that good for you (well, it DOES help you think, and give up smokes, but it sure as hell makes you hungry after a while) but I like my breath smelling minty. I'll buy mints, but I can't stand those really strong ones...

    "I used to be active here like you, then I took an arrow in the knee."

    Suddenly... clutter.:

    Me and the lovely Joey is two cheeky chimpmonks, we is. Because TFF cousins can still... do stuff. ; )

    Quotes to have a giggle at.:

    Quote Originally Posted by Bleachfangirl
    I'm none too scary really. Just somewhat violent...
    Quote Originally Posted by MSN Convo
    Gemma the friggin' Entity. says:
    Bleachie says:
    ...*runs around with a stick*
    Hm, no one's here...
    Gemma the friggin' Entity. says:
    Bleachie says:
    Quote Originally Posted by Joe
    Now that we've apparently discussed wanting to see each other sleep with a game character... how goes?

    All my banners are now done by me! Soon, I will be great! Muwahahahaha... ha... eck! *coughs* ...ha!
    Biggest fan of Peanut Butter created by The Xeim and Halie Peanut Butter Corporation ^^

    Warning free for over eight years. Feels good.

  20. #20
    Registered User Scrub a dub dub Halie's Avatar
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    Anyone else a compulsive brusher? I brush my teeth like 4 or 5 times a day. Whenever I go out, or I think I'm going to have human contact. I'm terrified of having bad breath. When I don't have an opportunity to brush, I pop gum and mints. Aw yeah.
    I do too. I brush when I get up, go to bed, before and after I eat (sometimes) or even when I just have a bad taste in my mouth. The amount of toothpaste we go through in week... >_>;;

    Anyhoo. I'm a bit of a clean freak. So I usually take a bottle of anit-bac around with me. It gets on a lot of people's nerves, but hey. There's nothing wrong with a little cleanliness. =P

    You are one sad hippo.

  21. #21
    Genocide Unfolds, I Forgive All Chez Daja's Avatar
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    A lot.

    Not just being because I'm an aspiring cook, but the slight obsessive compulsive disorder that forces me to do so or I might get stabbed by a knife weilding maniac with rabies.

    Okay, so it's not that bad, but I still wash, for the sake of being clean.

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  22. #22
    Gingersnap Scrub a dub dub OceanEyes28's Avatar
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    If I'm going to be touching my face (contacts, makeup, flossing/brushing, etc) or my food, I wash my hands. And after I go to the bathroom. And during the school year, I walk to and from class, and I usually feel like washing my hands afterwards. It's refreshing.

    I also have really good smelling soap, so I do it oftener than I probably should. I'm going to have to cut back in the winter so I don't dry out my hands. But when I use my favorite smelling soaps, washing my hands is an indulgence.

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  23. #23
    Air from my lungs. Scrub a dub dub Violet's Avatar
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    I meant to click the one above my vote, but oh well. I pretty much wash my hands when I can. After I'm on the computer for awhile, since keyboards are a dirty place.. after the bathroom, after and before eating..after doing yardwork(actually, I just take a shower after that cause of all the sweat)..

  24. #24
    Go with me, Exkaizer~ Scrub a dub dub Treize's Avatar
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    I seem to wash my hands a lot. I wash them after I go to the bathroom, usually before I eat, and other random times when I just feel like washing my hands. I would have picked the all the time option, but I never really use hand sanitizer like Purell. Maybe it is just me, but I just feel cleaner if I use soap and water.

    Also I take a shower every morning. I don't think there has been a day in over a year where I haven't taken a shower. I would just feel dirty for the entire day if I didn't take a shower.
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  25. #25

    Sorry, I'm bit of a bio freak.

    I only wash my hands after I go to the toilet and before and after food. It's important to be clean, however, apparently there's bacteria lining the skin on your hands to protect it from pathogens. I;m dead scared of internal parasites- you know, roundworm, tapeworm, the lot. Flukes don't scare me as much, just the intestinal ones- and the migrating ones. BUt they're so fascinating.

  26. #26
    Cilla vs. Games Scrub a dub dub Priscilla's Avatar
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    I don't think I wash my hands too much.. but I wash them when I feel fit. I wash them before and after meals, after I go to the toilet and I wash them when I get out of the shower. Because we have some really good handwash and I feel so much better using that then soap. I also wash them if I go into the bathroom for anyother reason such as to moisterise or brush my teeth.

    I shower twice a day morning and night. But we live on tank water so they have to be short and I brush my teeth twice a day.

    I am fairly normal, I guess D=

  27. #27
    Well I always wash my hands after going to the toilet, shitting or pissing, doesn't matter.
    Showering once a day is fine for me usually, unless it's really hot outside and I get sweaty blabla, then twice sometimes.
    I do have the tendency though to like to splash cold water into my face, so technically you wash your hands a little then as well.

    Peace out

  28. #28
    What is soap!?

    Nah, just kidding, wash my hands after bathroom, or if I feel they're greasy or sticky, or if Im sweaty after concentrating like, ALOT, on a FF Boss or something.

  29. #29
    If I find that my hands are visibly dirty, and smell of fish or anything other than maybe dirt, I'll wash them. Washing is also required if they are sticky since I can't stand touching something and then having to pry my fingers off it. I don't bother washing my hands before eating, however, since I drop a lot of things- then eat them (if the food dropped was dry). I also wash with soap and water after I go to the bathroom, thought that might be a given.

    Showers come once a day, in the morning, to wake me up. I think it's a waste of water taking another one unless I got some sort of animal feces on myself, got into a pool or the beach, or rolled around in the dirt. My friends think it's gross that I don't shower before bed- which I guess makes it dirty- but if I'm dirty while I'm in there, it shouldn't matter. =P

    And as of recently, I added flossing into my "brush twice a day" policy.


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