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Thread: What would you name your kids?

  1. #1

    What would you name your kids?

    What names do you think you would consider giving your kids? and if you already have kids, if you have another what would you name him or her.....or it?

    For Boys:
    I always liked the named Brandon for some reason.
    Jordan is another I always liked but only for boys, I don't like it as much for girls.

    For Girls:
    Autumn I heard for the first time, because it was one of my brothers ex girlfriends names, I never heard it before...much better than summer don't you think?

    I also know someone with the name Skye and I think it's just so cool since no one has it. *Plus, who wouldn't want to be named after Ryudo's bird?

    Last edited by GypsyElder; 09-25-2010 at 10:36 AM.

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  2. #2
    Registered User What would you name your kids? Halie's Avatar
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    Re: What would you name your kids?

    Since I was little I've always liked the names Matthew and Joshua for boys. They're generic, I know, but they've always stuck with me.

    Girls names, however, vary with me all the time. Funnily enough I used to want to name my daughter Skye, nowadays I'm put off it. I also liked the name Faith, but again, I've changed my mind. These days I'm liking the names Xana (pronounced Zay-nuh) and Olivia. I know Xana is a strange name, but I find it to be really pretty and different. Olivia is quite generic in comparison, but I think of elegance and beauty when I hear that name. So it fits perfectly, because if I do have a daughter, she'll be the most beautiful thing to me.

    Nawwwww. How cheesey.

  3. #3
    My couch pulls out but I don't. What would you name your kids? midgetbob's Avatar
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    Re: What would you name your kids?

    Girl - Jamison
    Boy - Alexander

  4. #4
    I want to play a game. What would you name your kids? Zargabaath's Avatar
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    Re: What would you name your kids?

    As of now I'm not too down with offspring; my niece is plenty and I'm able to hand her off to mom or grandma when necessary. But I have do have some names in the running.

    First off, there is Valentinez Alkalinella Xifax Sicidabohertz Gombigobilla Blue Stradivari Talentrent Pierre Andri Charton-Haymoss Ivanovici Baldeus George Doitzel Kaiser III. Nah, I'm just messing with ya, but it is pretty funny.

    Fo real, I like Achilles; my sister was thinking about it before she knew the sex of the baby but it was more of a joke, it stuck with me.

    Azalea (pronounced az-a-ley-a; if there is a way to use proper pronunciation with all the marks & all on TFF, if somebody could show me that would be splendid ) for a girls name.

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  5. #5
    Registered User What would you name your kids? kupo's Avatar
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    Re: What would you name your kids?

    boy - noah, desmond, sage or jackson
    girl - aurora or sydney first boy name choice is already taken...which is hayden

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  6. #6
    Registered User What would you name your kids?
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    Re: What would you name your kids?

    I haven't really thought about a name for a boy, but for a girl, I really like the name Mae Lynn. I haven't decided whether to have that as the whole first name or just have "Mae" be first, and "Lynn" be the middle. I'm not expecting to have children any time soon though, so there's plenty of time to think about it.
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    Mr. Person Taco-Calamitous's Avatar
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    Re: What would you name your kids?

    Punch Conor and Regibald Boxes are names I've considered. I've considered them. That is not to say that they will be my children's names ever, however.

    For boys, I like the names Ezra, Uzzi, Gad, Gideon. They're all Biblical names, though I think Uzzi is my favorite. It means "my power," and it also sounds like a gun, which my friends mercilessly made fun of. Even though the name came first, and is awesome.

    For girls, I actually like the name Raelyn, combination of "Rae" (short for "Rachael") and the suffix "Lyn." Sort of similar to Dodie's "Mae Lynn." Except better Also, always liked names that start with a D. Like "Darlah" or "Diane" or any other number like that. Or "Lara" for that matter. Anyhoo...

    Wuv, Yer Mom

  8. #8
    This ain't no place for no hero What would you name your kids? Tiffany's Avatar
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    Re: What would you name your kids?


    Y'know... just cuz. We wanted something different that you don't hear that often, but not some weird ass spelling of the name. Like Reybeckah insted of Rebecca. No offense to any Reybeckah's out there of course.

    Got the idea from the TV show LOST. She isn't named after the character, but that's where I thought of it from.

    As for boys, I can't say as we may have another and my OH has sworn me to secrecy with our chosen names.

  9. #9
    attempting to bribe the Mayor of Lambeth What would you name your kids? Xanatos's Avatar
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    Re: What would you name your kids?

    Never really thought about it, not to mention that I'm lousy when it comes to naming anything really, let alone a kid. One thing I'm sure of is that I wouldn't name my son after my father or any of the grandfathers for that matter, as much as I respect them, they have old fashion names I don't really like, on the other hand I think my mothers name would perfectly fit my daughter as it's beautiful and rare.

    I don't know, guess I would name my son either Alen or Alksandar, both names I really like, and both have some kind of meaning behind them. Aleksandar means "the protector of people" on Greece, and Alen after my best friend. As for a girl, definitely Sonya, though it's a common name in some country's it would definitely be rare here, not to mention that it's one of my favorite female names.

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  10. #10
    Sir Prize What would you name your kids? Sinister's Avatar
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    Re: What would you name your kids?

    Quote Originally Posted by Gypsy Elder View Post
    For Boys:
    I always liked the named Brandon for some reason.
    Because you are wise and know the name of a prodigy when you see one.

    As for me, if I should ever chance to have a son... Thomas, Albert, Grant, Jack or Kamin.

    If I should ever chance to have a daughter... Helena, Lucrecia, Wisteria, Donna or Canta.


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  11. #11
    Soup Kitchen Jerk. What would you name your kids? Polk's Avatar
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    Re: What would you name your kids?

    Let's go into the "archives" in "Washington D.C." and find out how people "masturbated" in the "roaring 20's."

    Crao Porr Cock8. Bitch.

  12. #12
    Godsmack Worshipper What would you name your kids? Omega Weapon's Avatar
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    Re: What would you name your kids?

    Quote Originally Posted by Xanatos View Post
    Never really thought about it, not to mention that I'm lousy when it comes to naming anything really, let alone a kid. One thing I'm sure of is that I wouldn't name my son after my father or any of the grandfathers for that matter, as much as I respect them, they have old fashion names I don't really like, on the other hand I think my mothers name would perfectly fit my daughter as it's beautiful and rare.
    Same here. But what's your mother's name?

    Seriously though, I really like:

    For boys: Sebastian
    For girls: Rozalin

  13. #13
    Death Before Dishonor What would you name your kids? Josh_R's Avatar
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    Re: What would you name your kids?

    I am having a son, and his name is gonna be Kale Alexander Rogers. My girlfriend was persistant with the name Carson, but I really hate that damn name. At least she isn't trying to give him some Israeli name, that would really piss me off.

    For a girl I have always liked the name Jasmine, it has always been at the top of my list. We would end up naming her after her mother Aaliyah.

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  14. #14
    Permanently Banned loaf's Avatar
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    Re: What would you name your kids?

    Quote Originally Posted by Josh_R View Post
    I am having a son, and his name is gonna be Kale Alexander Rogers. My girlfriend was persistant with the name Carson, but I really hate that damn name. At least she isn't trying to give him some Israeli name, that would really piss me off.

    For a girl I have always liked the name Jasmine, it has always been at the top of my list. We would end up naming her after her mother Aaliyah.
    My friend named his kid Kale.

    I haven't really thought of a name for a child.

    I guess I'll think about it when it happens ;p
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  15. #15
    I invented Go-Gurt. What would you name your kids? Clint's Avatar
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    Re: What would you name your kids?

    If I had a son, I'd name him Todd, because that is most certainly not a very, very gay name.

    If I had a girl, since I'm a raging sexist, I wouldn't even bother naming her. I'd just give her up for adoption, because really, what do you need a girl for? I would already have one of those women people to cook for me. But with that attitude, it will probably be my mom. Of course, I can't have a baby with my mom, because she doesn't have a uterus. I was more or less referring to my mom cooking for me, because the other woman who is not my mother who would have delivered my rejected daughter would probably have left me. To clarify, I am not looking for an incestuous relationship with my mother.

  16. #16
    What would you name your kids? Jin's Avatar
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    Re: What would you name your kids?

    In honour of the above poster, I would name my son The-man-with-no-name.

    The hyphens mean you can't abbreviate it. Not without serious repercussions at any rate.

    Until now!

  17. #17
    Nintendo-Daily Content Specialist What would you name your kids? classicgamer's Avatar
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    Re: What would you name your kids?

    Zoubek or Zoubella for a girl.

  18. #18

    Re: What would you name your kids?

    Broken Rubber O'Neill

  19. #19
    Only plays for sport Unknown Entity's Avatar
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    Re: What would you name your kids?

    I don't know if I'll ever have kids yet, but that doesn't stop me thinking about names.

    For boys, I like the names Vincent, Alistair/Alister (I prefer the first spelling), and Shaun. Yes, the first two names are names from video game characters. But I like the names. ^^

    For girls, I like the names Madison, Aeris, Guinevere and Evangeline (it's a Lost thing xP). Madison is my best friend's middle name, which I've come to like even more since Heavy Rain. Aeris... yeah, you guessed. The other two names are pretty evil, especially because of the length, but I can settle for them being middle names if my partner and I can decide on other names. Madison and Aeris stay as first names though.

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  20. #20
    Whistling Songbird What would you name your kids? Asectic's Avatar
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    Re: What would you name your kids?

    For a boy it'll probably be Athrun
    And a girl... |: Either Raine or Ginger

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  21. #21

    Re: What would you name your kids?

    Adrian or Clayton for a boy and... Ashelia (as much as I hate the character, I do admire the name) for a girl.

  22. #22
    Gingersnap What would you name your kids? OceanEyes28's Avatar
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    Re: What would you name your kids?

    If I have a boy, I will name him Alisyn. If I have a girl, I will name her Alisyn.

    "Alisyn, are you joking?"

    Of course I'm joking. I haven't picked out names for my nonexistent kids (not that there's anything wrong with that), that's like planning a wedding that isn't in my actual plans yet (not that there's anything wrong with that). I try to live mostly in the present and get by with planning as little as possible (while not being a total ****up) so I can see options and opportunities that are right in front of me and be willing to adjust. When I am pregnant with my child-to-be-named, I will start thinking about it. Something will feel right about a particular name for that particular child, and I'll know it when I hear it.

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  23. #23

    Re: What would you name your kids?

    Boy- Aitch/Charles/Laramie/Lan
    Girl- Henrietta/Jamie/Lois/Lan
    Hermaphrodite- Lan/Jo/Alex
    Imaginary- no permanent names have been decided

  24. #24
    Registered User What would you name your kids? winterborn86's Avatar
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    Re: What would you name your kids?

    I already have too kids Maria and Liam, and I don't really want anymore, but if I should ever end up preggers again the girl will definetly be Caitlin. Thats the name we choose for Liam incase he came out as a girl (I didn't get my way this time tho lol)

    Other Girl names I've always loved are:

    The boys names I really like at the moment are:
    Cody (I loooooove this name)
    Cory (Loving this one too, very tempted to change Liams name lol)

    My other half Matt is starting to think about wanting a third but as of right now I say "no freaking way, never, ever, ever, ever!!!!" but as the saying goes "never say never" I might change my mind in several years I wont til that day come tho.

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  25. #25
    Bananarama What would you name your kids? Pete's Avatar
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    Re: What would you name your kids?

    Well, I know one thing for certain, I'm not giving my kid a name that will get them mocked or beaten up... or one that would have them pigeon-holed into a career. Jeeves would have no choice but to be a butler, and Kandi would be a stripper. Juan, Pablo, Paco and Jose will all unfortunately be landscapers, and Tyroneus and Shaqueesha will be in jail or on welfare.

    Normal, boring names for my kids!
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  26. #26
    Memento Rhapso What would you name your kids? Rhaps's Avatar
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    Re: What would you name your kids?

    Quote Originally Posted by Maridia View Post
    Broken Rubber O'Neill
    +5 Awesome
    I like the names Claire and Allison for some reason, for males I have to keep up my family line's name (W.E.R. IV in my case)
    But for other guys, I dono

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  27. #27
    Crash Boom Bang What would you name your kids? Lily's Avatar
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    Re: What would you name your kids?

    My mini human is called Eleanor, wasnt the first choice, but it was the only one we could agree on at the time!

    I really wanted Eve or Ami, then Isobelle (Before Twilight before anyone says ]:< ) we both agreed on Isobelle, but it was like, 2 weeks after she'd been born and named by then haha

    Not tha I ever plan on having any more children ever!

    If she was a boy, Brendan, or Ethan. Really like Ethan

    Also like Ray for boy or girl

  28. #28
    Registered User What would you name your kids? winterborn86's Avatar
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    Re: What would you name your kids?

    Quote Originally Posted by Lily View Post
    My mini human is called Eleanor, wasnt the first choice, but it was the only one we could agree on at the time!

    I really wanted Eve or Ami, then Isobelle (Before Twilight before anyone says ]:< ) we both agreed on Isobelle, but it was like, 2 weeks after she'd been born and named by then haha

    Not tha I ever plan on having any more children ever!

    If she was a boy, Brendan, or Ethan. Really like Ethan

    Also like Ray for boy or girl
    I wanted Liam to be Ethan, but Matt hated it and stomped that name out straight away

    My TFF Family

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    My Bullet lovin half wolf cousin: Raider
    My complete FFVII nut sister: Unkown entity
    My Freya obsessed, grammar nazi brother: Doc rocco

  29. #29
    Crash Boom Bang What would you name your kids? Lily's Avatar
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    Re: What would you name your kids?

    Quote Originally Posted by winterborn86 View Post
    I wanted Liam to be Ethan, but Matt hated it and stomped that name out straight away
    We are the ones that had to squeeze them out, we well should of been able to have the final say. ]:<

    My biggest gripe with Eleanor, is when it occured to me it was gunnabe Ellie for short. I'm called Kelly, and it rhyyyyymes, and sounds so bloody stupiiiiid -head desk- 5 years later, and Ive still not gotten over that xD

    Worse still, my cats called Velcro which would be Kel, El, Vel.

    Woe is me ]:

  30. #30
    The pizza guy! Meier Link's Avatar
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    Re: What would you name your kids?

    Quote Originally Posted by Lily View Post
    We are the ones that had to squeeze them out, we well should of been able to have the final say. ]:<
    This is the main reason my kids are named Breyen and Aaden haha, even though she didn't have to squeeze anything besides herself into a pair of jeans.

    All in all I loved the names when I heard them so there was really no confrontation about it.

    As for a girl, which I will never have: Adrienne Lee (always loved it) or Kali (after my grandmother)

    As for a girl, if I do have one: Sta Tistic Breaker or Uni Magin Able. Or how about Imp Osible. Yeah those names sound legit.
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