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Thread: What Would You Miss About Your Current Job If Forced Into A different Job?

  1. #1
    ...means nothing to no way Furore's Avatar
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    What Would You Miss About Your Current Job If Forced Into A different Job?

    As the title suggests, if you were forced into another job from your current one (or unemployment if that's the case), what would you miss? I'm talking *anything* you mightn't get with a newer job. Also, what part of your current job wouldn't you miss?

    Personally, as a security guard I'd miss getting into music festivals and similar events free (and sometimes even meeting celebs when working backstage) and would miss the high hourly rate coupled with long hours that other jobs mightn't be able to provide.

    I wouldn't miss working pretty much every Friday and Saturday night and definitely wouldn't miss my least favorite contract roles such as working as a store guard (generally lower pay and you have to deal with a higher number of people not liking you solely for being a guard).
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  2. #2
    I want to play a game. What Would You Miss About Your Current Job If Forced Into A different Job? Zargabaath's Avatar
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    Re: What Would You Miss About Your Current Job If Forced Into A different Job?

    I would miss my immediate co-workers as they are pretty great ones at that. My new and old supervisors - my old super still works with us but she has a different position (restructuring of the company) are both pretty good as well; I've been fortunate to have some good supervisors there.

    One of the best things about my current job - when I do work - is I go in at 5 in the morning and get out around 12-2 p.m. depending on the day. This leaves the whole afternoon for my to do whatever I would like or errands. Another great perk of having those hours is being able to miss the morning and afternoon traffic and where I live it gets to be a royal cl*sterf*ck.

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  3. #3
    What Would You Miss About Your Current Job If Forced Into A different Job? Jin's Avatar
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    Re: What Would You Miss About Your Current Job If Forced Into A different Job?

    Mostly, I would miss the lack of having a job.

    Until now!

  4. #4
    Sentinel DragonHeart's Avatar
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    Re: What Would You Miss About Your Current Job If Forced Into A different Job?

    I'd miss my coworkers. We have a really great crew, very little drama and everyone gets along pretty well, with a few exceptions. For being such a shit job we all have good attitudes about it so there's not a lot of negativity going around. We joke around and tease each other and generally get through the day without too much trouble.

    What I wouldn't miss is the job itself. I absolutely loathe everything about it. The very best part of my job is my obscene amount of vacation hours which gives me at least some time away from it all to relax and recharge.

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  5. #5
    Registered User What Would You Miss About Your Current Job If Forced Into A different Job?
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    Re: What Would You Miss About Your Current Job If Forced Into A different Job?

    Once I'm able to, I'm going to be looking for another job. I'm kind of excited, since I've been employed at my current job for the past 6+ years. That's much longer that I initially planned to be there...

    The only things I would really miss about my job if I manage to get a new one would be a few of the people I work with and the hours. I met some great people working at the restaurant, both coworkers and customers. Yeah, I could still be in touch with most of them if I quit my job, but I think it would feel kind of different. The hours aren't bad, and I can pretty much write up whatever schedule I want, and they'll give it to me.

    I would not miss my boss... I'm not too happy with him right now, so that's a big reason. I also wouldn't miss the constant walking, and the way I sometimes smell after a shift. Working around food, you unintentionally pick up all kinds of lovely smells on your clothes.
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  6. #6
    Sparkly Beanie Baby of Doom! What Would You Miss About Your Current Job If Forced Into A different Job? Tallulah's Avatar
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    Re: What Would You Miss About Your Current Job If Forced Into A different Job?

    I'm thinking about changing jobs anyway, so yeah...

    I would miss all the people I work with. There are some real characters there. I'll get a car soon so if/when I do leave, I can pop back through drive-thru to say hi!
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