haha I can't single it out to anything, but I blame a fair part of it on the accessiblity of how easy it is to get stuff like that from anywhere. And by saying anywhere, I mostly mean the internet.
Back when I was a 13 year old, the internet was this mysterious thing that not everyone had access to. I couldn't even imagine being able to grow up and use a portable computer to download all kinds of games, videos, or in certain cases interspecies erotica (I'm looking at all the non-muggles in here). But yeah lol, like nowadays stuff like that is easily findable on the internet and it takes no time at all to educate ourselves using the world wide web as a vessel of knowledge. This can be a good thing or a very bad one, and having kids using foul language at much earlier ages than normal is one of the side effects to such a change in creating a new homeostasis for our culture.