Re: What are some weird facts about yourself?
Originally Posted by
Well that would be because you have no bone in your penis although its called a fracture or a break it is actually tearing your muscle in your penis.
Actually it's a split of the tunica albuginea (yes, I knew what it was, but I did have to look up the spelling), which is a tube that fills up with and holds blood. Like a party balloon.
And if that happens, not only do they have to put you under to fix it (because seriously, I don't want to be awake when somebody's working with a scalpel down there), they also give you pills to make sure you stay soft for about two months. Day and night.
The girlfriend was extremely unhappy.
Re: What are some weird facts about yourself?
Originally Posted by
Actually it's a split of the tunica albuginea (yes, I knew what it was, but I did have to look up the spelling), which is a tube that fills up with and holds blood. Like a party balloon.
And if that happens, not only do they have to put you under to fix it (because seriously, I don't want to be awake when somebody's working with a scalpel down there), they also give you pills to make sure you stay soft for about two months. Day and night.
The girlfriend was extremely unhappy.
Haha I could imagine two parties would be unhappy about that.
I could never imagine going through it though it hurts enough just to slip and ramming something with a fair bit more resistance than the proposed place that you should be ramming.
Re: What are some weird facts about yourself?
I love butter on Weetabix
I collect pens
I have a very diverse family history
I like tomato ketchup but can't stand tomatoes
Re: What are some weird facts about yourself?
I laugh when I should be serious about things. Like, if people insult me I can't control my giggles. It's just so funny, I'm not sure why. Insulting others is wrong, yes. I only find it funny when it's directed at myself.
Maybe because it has always seemed so immature to me...
Re: What are some weird facts about yourself?
I too have to rinse a glass out before I use it. It makes the glass feel different on my lips.
I always have to rearrange my burger before I eat it. And before I eat it, I have to eat all of my fries which I pour into the lid of the burger box.
I hate having cold feet... unless I'm in bed and trying to sleep. Cold feet help me sleep better, so I never wear socks to bed.
I think the hoover at work smells like Chinese food when it's turned on... What? It does. o.o;
I have an obsession with cleaning when I'm sick. I will clean every mutha fukin' surface if I'm well enough to stand up without vomiting or falling everywhere.
The volume on the television has to be on an equal number. If a equal number makes it too low to hear or too loud at night, I'll settle for an odd number... but only three (if it's REALLY late for example) or a multiple of five.
I hate it when people include punctuation after a smilie face at the end of a sentence >=(. Like so. In the same theme, I don't mind punctuation after a smilie if the sentence was closed previously with a full stop. But only if it's as such: "=D?" or "=D!" Or the clasic: "o.o;"
The word and style "indie" makes me shudder.
I love beards and long hair on men (Shaycarl <3). It creeps me out if they look slightly Jesus-y afterwards though.
I like biting noses. Affectionately, just on the tip. My boyfriend hates it though, haha. It doesn't hurt, just feels weird apparently.
I love kisses on the back of my neck/along my shoulder/higher back. It sends sparks and chills everywhere.
I get serious mood swings when I'm very horny and not satisfied. It's rare atm though. Today was the first time I've felt that mad over it in over ten months.
My ears are very sensitive to tickles. I squeak when people tickle the inside of my ear and giggle for ages afterwards.
I HATE people touching my face. I make certain exceptions, but I hate it. It started after my nan touched my face after eating her dinner, and there was grease on her hand or something.
Tomatoes are gross, but I love ketchup. I don't mind tomatoes in a sandwich, but only if there's LOTS of other salad and sauce to cover the taste up.
Playstation trophies bug the ****ing shit out of me if I don't go for them. I try not to install a game unless I know I have time to go for at least 80% of them before I put the game down.
I have an obession with gaming t-shirts. I get loads of free ones at work, but I buy good ones too.
I have a fear of bugs with the exception of the ladybug.
When I'm REALLY bored... I watch videos of cyst removal on YouTube. And I like popping spots, but rarely get them. When I see a large spot or blackhead on someone else, I always wonder what it'll look like when popped.
Re: What are some weird facts about yourself?
haha y'all have some weird stuff goin on ^^
I sneeze whenever i eat dark chocolate (no exceptions), but i love chocolate of all kinds anyway.
if someone says anything with the words "monkey" or "chicken" in it, I feel like bursting out laughing like a total spaz. (you can imagine what happened when "Snakes on a Plane" was on tv and the censors substituted all the swear words for "Monkey fighter/monkey fighting", example, "I am just so sick of all these monkey fighting snakes on this monkey fighting plane!!!")
if i'm wearing a shirt or sweater with a hood on it i have to have the hood up at least 80% of the time.
when i'm trying to concentrate or figure something out i can't look a person in the eyes (it distracts me). also, coincidentally, eyes with even a little bit of brown in them mesmerize me (i have had to have people repeat themselves on several occasions because i was too busy staring at their eyes)
i like to eat tomatoes like apples, i love tomato everything!! (also anything pickled i will eat it! and like it! never been proven wrong on this one)
when i talk to guys my age i am very mean to them at first (i don't mean to be, i just uncontrollably make fun of them and lay the sarcasm on pretty thick) but then if they aren't too intimidated or annoyed, i start being nice to them instead. (defense mechanism i'm sure)
i sing very quietly whenever i take a shower (<- hahahhaha)
Re: What are some weird facts about yourself?
When my alarm goes off in the morning I never get up unless I've had a 'snooze'. The really weird thing is that I won't get up if the alarm is like 7:11, ill have to wait then til 7:20. Basically I get up only if the number is in the 10s.
I touch, or tap walls as I walk. If its a fence I'm next to I run my fingers along it. It's entirely subconcious and I don't know why I do it.
I'm scared of sherbet. Once, when I was younger (around 5 or 6), my mum bought me some at a theme park. The wind blew it into my eyes. The pain was so intense and lasted a long time. Now I can't even stand near a person that had it without freaking out.
I always ALWAYS eat my French fries before I touch my burger.
I do this.
And, as I've said before, I find hot weather unbearable and cold weather insuferable. I like to be just normal or I get agitated.
Re: What are some weird facts about yourself?
I like physical content rather than digital.
I will buy a CD over digital music. I like ripping my music in lossless (ALAC) which isn't available in most places.
I usually buy physical video games over digital.
Same goes for books.
I also listen to lossless music, even though I realize most people can't tell the difference from 256kbps up.
Re: What are some weird facts about yourself?
I hate giving and recieving gifts on predesignated days (F you, christmas!). Even getting a gift is literally aggrivating for me. It used to be a problem for me when I was a kid, but I've learned to pretend pretty well.
I screw with people's OCD tendencies.
If I notice someone always clicks a pen a certain number of times, I will grab their hand and make them click the pen once so they'll have to click it that certain number of times again.
Or anything like that.
I've noticed most people have one or two OCD-like habits.
When I'm in a relationship, I look for an excuse to break up. It usually doesn't take long. Mentioning an ex more than once, complaining at me about the toilet seat, hitting me, insulting me. Stuff like that.
I'll break up immidiately and never look back.
It normally takes about a month.
One girl make it 9, good effort.
Re: What are some weird facts about yourself?
I have better luck when I grow out my sideburns. Sounds insane but every time I do people respond to me better and my days seem to go a little easier.
I'm a terrible artist but enjoy when I was either at school or work drawing mini cartoons which people always seemed amused by.
I don't really like nice weather. I don't like it being any hotter than 70 outside and never like when it's sunny. I'll take an cloudy, rainy, or snowy day. My eyes are also extra sensitive to light so that might have to do with it.
I find alot of interest in eastern stuff like chakras, acupuncture, yoga, meditation. And practice the latter 2.
I refuse to wear sneakers. They're not as rugged as boots, and don't look as good as dress shoes. Therefore haven't worn a pair since I was about 17.
If I sneeze once I can make myself do it for however long I want.
And as of earlier today found out I love pizza dipped in hot sauce.
Re: What are some weird facts about yourself?
I LOVE guys voices. If a guy has a really deep, sexy voice it can get me wet instantly..Way more than the feel or look of them ever could
I wear one black leather piece (bracelets or a jacket,singlet,skirt,knee-high boots,heels,lingerie etc) every single day no matter where im going or what i do.
Im extremely anal when it comes to the brand/type of water i drink.
I hate milk. I can taste the cow.Ive vomited from watching my exes drink tall glasses of it.
I always round off people's ages.
I secretly have it in for people who drink alcohol including friends.
I hate short people. They just look so pathetic and weak to me.
I abhor crying. I also find it pathetic n weak. I dont mind a couple of tears just dont let me see it.
I fundamentally believe there is no right or wrong.
I want freedom n happiness for everyone.
I collect knives. The sharper the better.
I find short, stubby fingers/nails fkng hideous.
I think its pathetic, pitiful n irritating as fk when people comment about something n write "In my opinion (IMO)". Course its YOUR fkng opinion.
Re: What are some weird facts about yourself?
Originally Posted by
I LOVE guys voices. If a guy has a really deep, sexy voice it can get me wet instantly..Way more than the feel or look of them ever could
Re: What are some weird facts about yourself?
Originally Posted by
LOL no ive never found that guy's voice sexy. Its deeply creepy if anything XD
Re: What are some weird facts about yourself?
Originally Posted by
I LOVE guys voices. If a guy has a really deep, sexy voice it can get me wet instantly..Way more than the feel or look of them ever could
Originally Posted by
I LOVE guys voices. If a guy has a really deep, sexy voice it can get me wet instantly
Originally Posted by
wet instantly
Re: What are some weird facts about yourself?
Originally Posted by
OMG yes! I love that guy I only remember him from Coming To America. A sexy, commanding, regal and VERY soothing voice. Wish most men had this voice or something a lil similiar!
EDIT: Bonus! Hes got green eyes too ahh!
Re: What are some weird facts about yourself?
When I sleep on my back I put my both hands over my cheeks as If I were happily dreaming of a flowery dream but the fact is that I look funny more than it sounds and many times my sis took me pics while I was on that position , it is utterly funny and not lovely at all to me !
Re: What are some weird facts about yourself?
i get odd little ticks when i'm extremely stressed out (like uncontrollable head movement)...rare, but it happens.
i can't eat in the dark.
i didn't know i needed glasses until i was 17, before then my world was very fuzzy indeed.
i can't go to sleep unless i know that i have a bottle of water nearby.
I like weird socks.
Re: What are some weird facts about yourself?
i can't go to sleep unless i know that i have a bottle of water nearby.
I think this is more like natural than weird :P
Re: What are some weird facts about yourself?
Originally Posted by
I LOVE guys voices. If a guy has a really deep, sexy voice it can get me wet instantly..Way more than the feel or look of them ever could
Well in my opinion, that's very perverted and disgusting, and an extremely immature thing to post. Any self respecting individual would leave bedroom talk to the bedroom. And then eat their vitamins, say their prayers, and drink their milk.
Oh, I just thought of another weird thing about myself. I've always wondered what it would be like to sleep with a really tall girl. Not a big girl. Just a tall girl. Like, 7 feet tall, and wearing a denim skirt.
Originally Posted by
Im extremely anal when it comes to the brand/type of water i drink.
Oh, and I just thought of this. Why do people spend money on bottled water? Who cares what type or brand water is? The only thing any bottled water companies do is fill a bottle from the tap, seal it, and distribute it. You can get free water by turning on your faucet. As for type of water, the last time I checked, all water is exactly the same. Unless if it's acid rain, but then it's not pure water, so that doesn't really count.
Re: What are some weird facts about yourself?
Originally Posted by
I always have to rinse a glass before I drink out of it, reguardless if its fresh from the cupboard and clean. The class needs to be rinsed and wet before I will drink from it.
-This is exactly how I am except I also do this with forks,spoons,plates,etc.
-Whenever I walk past a guy who is really cute (or who I like),I hang my head down and rub my right eye. I have no idea why its just something that I always do unintentionally.
-People in my grade always dispute the color of my eyes: Some say they're dark brown,others say they're black and :roll:
-I absolutely cannot stand to be late for something,at all. If I am,it makes me awful and just ruins the rest of the day for me :ohno:
-I can't sleep unless there is music on.
-I can't sleep unless my socks are off.
-I talk really fast and end up having to repeat myself dozens of times.
-Asking me,'What?' after I say something ticks me off so much.
-I hate/cannot stand spiders,centipedes,and millipedes.
-My biggest fear:heights.
-I love ketchup,but hate tomatoes.
-I cannot sleep on my back,it's like impossible for me :(
-I am never satisfied with myself,whether that be in looks,grades,weight,etc.
....There are so many more facts,but I think you all get the gist that I am weird lol :roll:
Re: What are some weird facts about yourself?
Originally Posted by
The Goddamn Clint Eastwood
Well in my opinion, that's very perverted and disgusting, and an extremely immature thing to post. Any self respecting individual would leave bedroom talk to the bedroom. And then eat their vitamins, say their prayers, and drink their milk.
Oh, and I just thought of this. Why do people spend money on bottled water? Who cares what type or brand water is? The only thing any bottled water companies do is fill a bottle from the tap, seal it, and distribute it. You can get free water by turning on your faucet. As for type of water, the last time I checked, all water is exactly the same. Unless if it's acid rain, but then it's not pure water, so that doesn't really count.
If you dont like what I express then dont read or reply to any of my comments DUH. You seem to only reply to MY comments. Funny that..
Re: What are some weird facts about yourself?
Well, fact one isn't weird but it explains the first two facts after it
-My birth was incredibly difficult. I came out feet first, umbilical cord tied around my neck twice. Once the doctors had me right side up by means of forceps and breathing by means of whatever the hell they do to make children breath, I stayed normal for a day. Then I contracted scarlet fever.
-One of my earlobes is connected and short, while the other is not connected and hangs. People don't notice until I point it out, normally.
-My bones aren't double jointed, but every limb on my body can bend to at least a 110 degree angle. My posture is terrible because of this. It makes me look like I'm 5'9" when I'm actually 6'0"
-My eyes are more likely to be green if I have a green shirt, grey if it's cloudy outside, and blue when I'm around blue water (pool, ocean, etc. Not lakes, usually.) It's not the actual colour changing, they're just a bit reflective. I'm pretty sure everyone's eyes do it, but people always point it out to me in those situations.
-I am the fourth of my family's name. (William Edward Rice, IV.) Again, not very weird, but it's not as common as other names.
-I can't taste a difference between diet sodas and normal ones.
-I can't discern dark blues. Anything beyond regular blue appears black or grey.
-I mess with my normal, not connected earlobe. Like playing with or just holding it. If I don't, I start to get anxious. It has to be cold, too. If it's warm or hot (like after wearing headphones for extended bits of time) I won't touch it. I used to grab onto my dad's or mom's when I was a baby, according to what they tell me. I ignore my short earlobe.
-I love numbers in sets of 3, 5, or 7. I don't know why.
-I get nervous/anxious/annoyed when my hands are dirty. It's not inhibiting, it just bothers me
-I used to not be able to touch grass or mud. My mom didn't want me to develop OCD, so she shoved my hands into mud and wouldn't let me wash them until I wouldn't feel the compulsion to clean them, and then made me sit outside on the grass until I quit trying to get away from it.