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Thread: What really gets on your nerves?

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  1. #1
    Boxer of the Galaxy What really gets on your nerves? Rowan's Avatar
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    Feb 2011

    What really gets on your nerves?

    Not meaning to be negative, but im just curious. What gets on your nerves and why? Noone ought to judge you for the significance of your pet peeve as im sure whatever it is will be of relavence to your personally. I have many hates which is why im such a positive and happy person. Ill share one of which you might not know about. I dont know the word for these kind of people but I would actually be grateful if someone could help me out with this one.

    People that go to uni and assume they are smarter than someone that doesn't. It may be in topics relating to their area of study, or all together. Perhaps these same people would stick their nose up at you if you offered advice on a subject they study that they are finding difficulty with. It pisses me off because I have a long time friend who has behaved this way to me a couple of times recently since he started back at uni and it is very insulting. Why ask me a question if you dont care for my opinion?

    What is that called? How do we label these people? Im sure they exist in many places.
    Last edited by Rowan; 04-23-2014 at 07:31 PM.

  2. #2
    Registered User What really gets on your nerves? Sheechiibii's Avatar
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    May 2012
    People being really negative all the time about everything. I'm generally a pretty positive and optimistic person so people constantly complaining and saying how bad they have it (when they usually don't have it bad at all) really gets on my nerves. I just want to slap some sense into them and be like 'do you know how good you have it, look around you and appreciate what you have'. But I don't because I like to stay positive and not insult them :/

    I've never met the type of people you speak about though. But I can imagine that'd be really annoying. Maybe I have met them but because I go to Uni myself they wouldn't treat me like that? I can imagine it sucks though, especially to have a friend treat you like that.

    "Everyone was so happy. 'Great job. You did it. You saved us... all.' There were too many smiles to count.
    But now...When I look back... The people who should be here aren't.
    The ones who should be smiling with me aren't here."

  3. #3
    I invented Go-Gurt. What really gets on your nerves? Clint's Avatar
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    Jul 2008
    I don't like when people don't use their turn signals. I'm not a mind reader, so if you don't show me where you're planning on going, I don't know what the hell you're doing.

    I also don't like when people speed while driving. There exists such things as speed limits. Not only that, but the speed limit is clearly posted on every major roadway, yet people still speed, which tells me one of two things. Either they're deliberately disobeying the law, in which case, I would implore more police patrols, or they're just so stupid that they can't read a goddamn number, and then match it to a number on their speedometer.

    Traffic has been really bad the past two weeks. I almost got hit by a neglectful tractor trailer yesterday, and apparently nobody knows the rules of the road, so at the moment, the only pet peeves I can think of are driving related. It's ridiculous, though. In order to get your license, you have to pass a written driver's exam, in which, you have to know the rules of the road. I'm assuming people cheated on their tests, because every single one of them is a ****ing moron.

  4. #4
    Crash Boom Bang What really gets on your nerves? Lily's Avatar
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    Aug 2009
    The land of tea and crumpets old chap.
    the inlaws. ugh.

  5. #5
    Registered User What really gets on your nerves? Sheechiibii's Avatar
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    May 2012
    I second the turn signals annoyance. Especially on roundabouts. I mean, come on, if I'm sitting waiting at a roundabout and some idiot is coming round, I have to sit there and wait for him when I could have gone because he's actually turning off before me and just didn't bother to bleeding indicate. It takes literally a twitch of a finger and goes off automatically. Why do some people find it so hard to do.

    And speed is another thing, but going really slow gets to me more then people who speed, since they usually just overtake me anyway and I just laugh at how stupid they are. But if I'm going along at the speed limit and there's someone overtaking me and some idiot up ahead is going 30mph below the speed limit that is really dangerous, I can't move into the other lane to pass them, so I have to brake, with folks behind me, when going at high speeds.

    Road problems *sigh* I think some people seem to forget how to drive once they've been on the road for a certain length of time.

    "Everyone was so happy. 'Great job. You did it. You saved us... all.' There were too many smiles to count.
    But now...When I look back... The people who should be here aren't.
    The ones who should be smiling with me aren't here."


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