Most of my dreams invole me getting hurt O_O
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Most of my dreams invole me getting hurt O_O
My dreams start out nice and pleasant always, like me being able to heal people with my mind, but then they turn awful later on, like each time I healed someone I gave the disease or ailment back to them tenfold later. I hate it when my dreams do that.
in the beginning of my dream...wait, i mean nightmare, last night...i was swimming in a green and disgusting pond. i didnt know how i got in, i think i tripped. then all of a sudden i saw a big huge water snake, but it has a head a a fish...(i'm remembering all of this...and i'm not sure if i can eat later...). in my mind, i wanted to get back on land and run as fast as i can away from this disgusting creature, but i was stuck. i couldnt move my body and i couldnt open my eyes... i felt like something is taking over my spiritual energy was low, i felt very tired, but i forced myself to wake up. and finally i got myself to wake up. freaky huh?
iv'e had a reoccurring dream that started about 5 yrs ago where im in a kayak doing my best to paddle upstream. the current was super strong so i was pretty much just standing still. on top of that the river was full of sharks and theres always a burning barn up the hill
ever since i was in middle school sharks, fire and trying to run but not getting anywhere, have been a common theme in my dreams.
1. funny thing is ive never even seen a taco bell on that part of 59...although i wish there was.
2. think you need to lay off the weed at night dear :lol: just a tad :)
I had a dream of Mel. It was magical.
I had a dream last night where I was really awesome. Then I woke up...
Dreams can come true.
I rarely ever have dreams these days. If I do, they're usually realistic, and based on some sort of stress in my current position in life (tests, work, being the most handsome American President, or what have you). It's really hard being the most handsome American President ever.
I recently had a dream where I was over a friends with this chick...the chick multiplied about 40 times and then tried to steal all the shit from his house, so we throw bass pedals at her(them)...I need to stop playing so much Oblivion before I go to bed...
Just last night I dreamt I was in the world of Forgotten Realms.
I was a male Drow in some sort of race set up by the ruling class of females to find the quickest, cleverest, and most resourceful male with the most endurance.
The race was in a veritable maze of passageways connecting different rooms, and in each room was a test of observation and intelligence.
I started out in 5th place, but I think I managed to get myself in 2nd place by the time my dream ended.
Coins were placed on the ground as a distraction (males are usually poor). After picking up the tenth coin I noticed most of the rooms had coins on the ground, so I decided it just wasn't worth it and ignored them.
Other rooms had the racers following a set of visual instructions. Placing the correct ring on the correct finger and placing it in the slot like a key to move on to the next area.
One test was designed to injure the runner. Every single runner got a minor injury to the foot, and later each had the option of either accepting help from a non-Drow healer or to continue on.
I chose the later (politely), since the healer would slow me down.
I think that's all I remember.
I have had a lot of dreams lately. Most of them have been about sex, but they vary with one or two nightmares and dreams about something that happened during my day.
Last week, I had a dream my mother was pregnant, and me and my college friends were super-hero pirates... who drove a rusty old car around the city we lived in, and enjoyed exploring in private property. >>;
In my dream yesterday, I broke my partners DS because I wanted them to come to bed for fun tiems. I can't exactly remember what happened afterwards, but the look on their face was priceless. :D
I had a dream where I was all alone and couldn't scream out for help. Once I had this dream where everything was slow-mo and psychidellic =) someone's trying to convince me that wasn't a dream =D lol
I had a dream the other night that I was back in my hometown of Mineola, which is a bad thing, and my Ex girlfriend was their lecturing me on how I am suppose to be getting her a ring so we could get married. :lol:
Talking about a nightmare, I wanted to slap that ***** and say "I'm to young to get freaking married"
Yea your right on number one Kupo, and I wish their was one as well :drool:Quote:
1. funny thing is Ive never even seen a taco bell on that part of 59...although i wish there was.
2. think you need to lay off the weed at night dear just a tad
I tried to cut back, but what can I say I'm an Herbivore :D
I had a dream last night that Block was Andy Samburg and Oceaneyes was Isla Fisher in the movie "Hot Rod." It was the charliest dream I've had in quite awhile. What did it mean though? hmmm :shake:
i had this dream once where i was walking through a pitch black room. i saw something at the far end of the room. got close enough,someone was hanging there. Suprise suprise it was me hanging there with my eyes gouged out. I woke up screaming my lungs out. the next week or so my dad took me to therapy because he thought i was having suicidal thoughts or held back rage. yeah therapists made it worse. i used totell her i see dead people. Which i do, by the way.