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  1. #1

    What kind of store will you choose to buy your game stuff?

    What kind of store will you choose to buy your game stuff, like cdkey, gold, time card? will you choose online store, why?

  2. #2
    Sicc in the head & n0t sober. What kind of store will you choose to buy your game stuff? noxious.sunshine's Avatar
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    I only orderered online back in TX 'cuz I wanted a cheap PS2 & couldn't afford PS3 & I just wanted to play FF to take my mind offa shit and and and yeah.

    I love online shopping though. Not gonna lie. I ordered a cape from YesStyle this one time.. And it was amazing... IDK what happened to it. It got lost.

    I like downloading things on PSN. It's quite addictive. Jay is probably going to kill me cuz I've downloaded things again.

  3. #3
    I like buy things on line, fast and convenient, but first should check if this site is safe.

  4. #4
    The Mad God What kind of store will you choose to buy your game stuff? Heartless Angel's Avatar
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    I prefer buying crap in store. The fact that several employees are friends of mine helps with that though. They get me good deals, hook me up with merch, all kinds of crap I wouldn't get online.
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  5. #5
    Mr. Person Taco-Calamitous's Avatar
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    I will choose Game Stop, or online. Depends on if I want something now, or if I want something cheap. Sometimes I will choose to buy impulsively wherever I see what it is I want and it is a reasonable price. However, seeing as most games don't catch my interest anymore, this is a foolish choice. Anyhoo...

    Wuv, Yer Mom

  6. #6
    Basically what Telegraph said, also...

    A lot of what I choose depends on pre-order incentive. If I like what Gamestop has I'll do it in store, if I want it release day and can pick it up whenever I want I again choose in store.
    The only time I choose online is if its cheaper, has a better pre-order incentive, or I can wait for the game.

  7. #7
    Consistently Average What kind of store will you choose to buy your game stuff? Kurt Zisa's Avatar
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    The only proper game store we have around here is EB, and they tend to overcharge quite a lot. I like shopping there for pre-owned games though. I've only had issues with two pre-owned games from there (two of the same game funnily enough).

    I only buy games online if I can't find it anywhere in store, although it's cheaper I don't really like having to wait for postage.
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  8. #8
    attempting to bribe the Mayor of Lambeth What kind of store will you choose to buy your game stuff? Xanatos's Avatar
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    This may sound ridiculous to some of you but I kinda wish there was something similar to Gamestop here, hell, perhaps even Gamestop itself. Online shops are pretty much the only place where you can buy video games legit here. I purchase games on Steam every now and then since they have terrific deals, I wish I own physical copies though.

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  9. #9
    Boxer of the Galaxy What kind of store will you choose to buy your game stuff? Rowan's Avatar
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    Whatever sells cheapest, I don't discriminate just because a store has a reputation. Obviously im more inclined to purchase from stores that have a rep for selling cheap, but that doesn't mean im always going to go to those stores and it doesn't always mean they are selling games for cheap.

    I got L4D2 on 360 for $8 when it first came out from a store called "GAME" which is now out of buisiness.

  10. #10
    TFF's Resident Messenger What kind of store will you choose to buy your game stuff? Michael Swayne's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Heartless Angel View Post
    I prefer buying crap in store. The fact that several employees are friends of mine helps with that though. They get me good deals, hook me up with merch, all kinds of crap I wouldn't get online.
    And you never know where or what the crap came from when you purchase it online. It could say rhino crap in the description, but for all you know it could just be a couple week's worth of human crap. You have to go to approved crap sellers to get premium crap, or else you'll end up with a bunch of bullcrap from someone talking a lot of bull crap.

    Seriously though, up until last March, I had never went to a Gamestop before. My only game places were Wal-Mart, Kmart, yard sales and the big barn that sells games from that no one wants. And I would only buy a game if I had the money to spend. Back then, a $5 video game from a yard sale was a treasure.

    Not only that, the big stores are so far away from my house. So online shopping was easy for me. There was every game I have ever wanted at my fingertips, and in most cases I was able to find a copy of something that would fit my budget.
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  11. #11
    I hunt for retro games mostly, so pawn stores and eBay for me. Most of modern games are nothing but crap, unfortunately.

  12. #12
    Quote Originally Posted by Kurt Zisa View Post
    The only proper game store we have around here is EB, and they tend to overcharge quite a lot. I like shopping there for pre-owned games though. I've only had issues with two pre-owned games from there (two of the same game funnily enough).

    I only buy games online if I can't find it anywhere in store, although it's cheaper I don't really like having to wait for postage.
    Yes, i don't like to wait the postage either. Fast is one of the most important things i consider.


    I know somewhere like Amazon, Gamestop, Ebay are all big stores, would be the good choice, but seems the delivery is not so fast. I would choose some sites like some sites like that. always can get goods fast without postage.

  13. #13
    Sentinel DragonHeart's Avatar
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    GameStop, the PSN and Amazon, generally in that order. Mostly GameStop because there's one literally right next to where I work, just a few storefronts down from us. You can't beat that for convenience. And the staff comes to our store all the time for drinks and snacks and such, they're all pretty cool. Well, until their entire crew got fired by corporate; I haven't met the new crew yet cause I haven't had much time for gaming lately. But I do try to support local shops even if it's a chain. Except WalMart, they can go screw for all I care. I only shop there if I don't have any other choice. But that's another thread.

    I do like downloading from the PSN, especially when stuff is on sale or free for Plus members, which I am. Gotten some good stuff that way. However full games take so long to download it's generally faster to wait for GameStop to open and just go buy it there so...yeah. I do like having access to lots of older games though. depends on preorder bonuses. If I know I'm preordering something I will check between them and GameStop and I buy from whoever has what I want more. Or if there's a Gold Box sale on something I've been meaning to pick up. Other than that I don't buy from them much anymore.

    I actually rent a lot from Gamefly and occasionally buy from them too. I would never be able to afford to buy every single game that catches my eye so it's a nice compromise.
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  14. #14
    Permanently Banned loaf's Avatar
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    I hate gamestop so much.

    I'd go to Gameworld if it wasn't far from my house.

    If I do have to purchase a new game I usually go to the Best Buy I used to work at and say hi to people and buy it there.

    I go to Gamestop if I'm trading in games which is stupid but it's usually for a 10 dollar game.
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  15. #15
    Sparkly Beanie Baby of Doom! What kind of store will you choose to buy your game stuff? Tallulah's Avatar
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    GAME is still going over here in the UK (just! It shut about a third of its stores last year), and I tend to get most of my pre-owned games from either there or a second-hand electrical shop, CEX. They generally do cute game-related merchandise in there as well, like Moshi monsters stuff I get for my kind-of nephew (although he is kind of growing out of it now), Super Mario/Sonic character keyrings, Yoshi plushies (of which I have one), and I got a rather sweet-looking Ezio dolly (no, really!) from there one time. ^_^

    If I want a new game (either recent release or unused copy) I tend to get it online (usually Amazon) as it is waaaay cheaper. Even with Super Saver delivery, which says it takes 5-7 days, I have known a delivery take lass than 3 days, which is good. My copy of Assassin's Creed: Revelations only took 2 days.

    There is also a retro gaming store in the market which trades virtually exclusively on pre-owned DVDs, games and retro systems. I managed to get my hands on a working Sega Mega Drive (Genesis), and they sell second-hand games for that and other systems (NES, SNES, Saturn, Gamecube, Dreamcast, and even the consoles themselves I love that palce!
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