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Thread: What kind of game has never been done before?

  1. #1
    Let darkness overshadow the light.. What kind of game has never been done before? Angel of Iniquity's Avatar
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    What kind of game has never been done before?

    I am designing games, or at least stories and the contents, and currently awaiting funds to get everything in motion.

    I would like to ask, what kind of games that have never been done, would you like to see?

    I for one have never seen a Samurai Game, with deep story and almost simulated fighting scenes. How about a metal gear type story with the feudal Japan type setting?

    WHat do you think?

    On;y serious answers, any answers as, "a blue unicorn game would be cool" will not be tolerated.

    Example- A bad guy main character~~~

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  2. #2
    The Old Skool Warrior What kind of game has never been done before? LocoColt04's Avatar
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    Re: What kind of game has never been done before?

    Bad guy main character? Definitely been done. Luke Skywalker is the ultimate bad guy. He's a member of a rebel faction and succeeds in overthrowing the government.

    Certainly it's all about perspective, because the bad guy is definitely the valiant hero.

    If you want to look for playing the "bad guy" you'll want to decide whether it's as a rebel (good guy at heart, like a Skywalker or a Robin Hood or a Batman) or as a truly evil entity. Playing as the actual bad guy, attempting to thwart the efforts of droves of hero-types, would certainly be different. Not to say that it's never been done either, but it is a bit more of a unique idea that isn't done nearly as frequently.
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  3. #3
    Consistently Average What kind of game has never been done before? Kurt Zisa's Avatar
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    Re: What kind of game has never been done before?

    Quote Originally Posted by LocoColt04 View Post
    Bad guy main character? Definitely been done. Luke Skywalker is the ultimate bad guy. He's a member of a rebel faction and succeeds in overthrowing the government.

    Certainly it's all about perspective, because the bad guy is definitely the valiant hero.

    If you want to look for playing the "bad guy" you'll want to decide whether it's as a rebel (good guy at heart, like a Skywalker or a Robin Hood or a Batman) or as a truly evil entity. Playing as the actual bad guy, attempting to thwart the efforts of droves of hero-types, would certainly be different. Not to say that it's never been done either, but it is a bit more of a unique idea that isn't done nearly as frequently.
    I was going to suggest playing as the 'villain' aswell, or perhaps an evil organisation or something. Off the top of my head, they could overthrow/ take over the world through the course of the game and if a sequel was going to happen, a group of the people whos homeland's were destroyed could try to take it back. Although thats been done before, a lot .
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  4. #4
    Lady Succubus What kind of game has never been done before? Victoria's Avatar
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    Re: What kind of game has never been done before?

    Samurai game with deep story and fighting..

    Bushido Blade? Onimusha 1-3?

    Metal Gear type game in Feudal era? The Tenchu series.

    Playing as the 'villain' and overthrowing heroes and such? Dungeons; recently came out. Overlord as well; you're playing as a badass overlord.

    You're better off picking stuff that's only been done seldomly, and making a new spin off of it.

  5. #5
    Only plays for sport Unknown Entity's Avatar
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    Re: What kind of game has never been done before?

    Quote Originally Posted by Angel of Iniquity View Post
    I for one have never seen a Samurai Game, with deep story and almost simulated fighting scenes. How about a metal gear type story with the feudal Japan type setting?
    That has been done, and Victoria has already beaten me to it. Onimusha. The second game's opening scene still gives me goosebumps (SMALL WARNING - VIOLENCE AND SIDE BOOB).

    Wouldn't a Metal Gear Solid type story go against having a totally original game idea? It's been done before. If you want an original idea, picking out another game idea is going against that, isn't it?

    On;y serious answers, any answers as, "a blue unicorn game would be cool" will not be tolerated.
    ...I don't even think that's been done before.
    Also, don't dis an idea because it's not "hardcore" to you (that's the vibe I'm getting lol). Ecco the Dolphin was a pretty cool game, considering it had a dolphin in it.

    Example- A bad guy main character~~~
    That's been done a lot of times. Again, Vicky and Loco beat me to it with Overlord and Star Wars. In many ways, you're the bad guy in Grand Theft Auto games. In games like inFamous, Fallout 3, New Vegas, Fable, etc, you get to pick if your character is good or evil, and that counts.

    Good video to watch.

    Almost everything has been done before. A game with a real life simulated world? The Getaway and Black Monday. A game where you get to design your own town/world? The Sims, Dark Cloud, and Minecraft.

    One game I'd like to see one day is a to scale model of the UK in the middle ages. And you get to be a Knight, and there's dragons, and it'll take you real life weeks to get from Devon to Glasgow. You can take ships across the ocean, and control them. You can command the construction of your own city and castle.

    That's not been done before because it's not possible, but I bet someone else has thought of the idea before, and all of the inner ideas have already been done. Like being a Knight in the middle ages (an RP point of Elder Scrolls: Oblivion). Controlling ships (Pirates of the Caribbean, Xbox). Commanding the construction of your own city (Sid Meier's Civilization).

    You are just better taking an idea, and putting your own stamp on that genre of video gaming.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Joe
    Now that we've apparently discussed wanting to see each other sleep with a game character... how goes?

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  6. #6
    Let darkness overshadow the light.. What kind of game has never been done before? Angel of Iniquity's Avatar
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    Re: What kind of game has never been done before?

    Yes, I am sorry for my Thread topic form. It was late when i posted this thread.
    While I meant games that never had been done, I was specifically meaning new spins as you guys had, on older games.

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  7. #7
    Registered User What kind of game has never been done before? Lady Rika's Avatar
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    Re: What kind of game has never been done before?

    Now that i think about it its pretty hard to think about things that have never been done. Just like movies--for example zombie movies and games. There are so many and yes they are usually good as games. New spin offs are always good to see.

    One game I thought was semi-original was defiantly Okami. The art style i've never seen before, storyline and character.

    When I think about having a villain it reminds me of Fable because you can make your character evil heh heh. Hmm...I really liked dinosaur hunter that was fun. Just like one of the original dinosaur hunting games(no one seems to have heard of it) called Carnivore for the PC.
    As for unicorn games that has already been done with Robot Unicorn Attack which is fabulous and addicting. Even made a death metal version. This is all on though.

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