View Poll Results: which chores do you dislike?

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  • Dishes

    23 45.10%
  • Cleaning the Bathroom

    20 39.22%
  • Cleaning the Kitchen

    12 23.53%
  • Mowing the Lawn

    10 19.61%
  • Cleaning up after Pets

    11 21.57%
  • Vacuuming

    8 15.69%
  • Laundry

    5 9.80%
  • Other

    9 17.65%
Multiple Choice Poll.
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Thread: What household chore do you dislike most?

  1. #31
    I feel epic... What household chore do you dislike most? Ralz's Avatar
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    Apparently, I've died and gone to Game Heaven. Later, losers.
    I hardly do half the things on the poll.

    But for the things I DO perform, it's not so bad. But I hate mowing the grass. Why? Because mowing causes the chopped grass to pile up behind the mower. So really, I'm mowing over the same line of grass at least 2 times, maybe even three. o_O Such a pain, and the lawn mower is not automatic. I gotta push it THE ENTIRE TIME. I love when it rains, because then more grass comes. And I gotta mow it all over... AGAIN. O_o

    Oh well, who likes chores, anyway?

    I'm going through a bit of a The World Ends With You phase right now.
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  2. #32
    Air from my lungs. What household chore do you dislike most? Violet's Avatar
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    I can't stand pulling weeds. That's like.. worse than all the ones that were listed(to me, anyway). Our entire front lawn gets covered in weeds every year. Spring showers don't help, either. But then, the bright side is I'll get tanned, at least .

    My other least favorite chores is Bathroom, Pets, and Vacuuming. I hate cleaning the bathtub and the mirrors.. I hate vacuuming(even though it only takes a couple of minutes).. and Pets.. ugh, I hate cleaning their crap and puke. D:

  3. #33
    Sparkly Beanie Baby of Doom! What household chore do you dislike most? Tallulah's Avatar
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    I detest washing up; I usually leave that to the other half.

    Though at work, it is quite theraputic, though it takes me a long time because everything is so greasy, and during our opening time, there is a car at least every two minutes at the drive-thru. What I love about washing up (or 'dive') at work, is the high-pressure spray. You pull on it, and a jet of water comes swooshing out, and gets rid of any debris you missed.

    Though one time I was washing the fry station, and had a small cut on the side of my hand. It hurt like hell because of all the salt! >_<

    I don't really do any chores at home, again, i leave that to the OH; but he doesn't do too well. I cleaned the bathroom today and got it cleaner than he would. He felt ashamed and embarassed because there are marks around the plughole and handrails when he finishes, though it is reasonably clean. I found out that he was spraying the cleaner on it and trying to scrub it off straight away. You are supposed to leave it for at least a minute before rinsing the dirt off. It was oddly satisfying to get a filthy basin sparkling clean.

    It got all dirty again when I washed his hair this evening.

  4. #34
    Cilla vs. Games What household chore do you dislike most? Priscilla's Avatar
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    I thought about this but there's not one thing on that list that I wouldn't like doing. I don't mind cleaning up, at all. I rather enjoy it. I don't think twice about cleaning anything. Whether it be the toilet, my pets mess or dishes. It's all ohkay by me.

    I love the feeling of spending ages cleaning and then looking at what you've done and realising how good it looks. In ideal conditions I would love to be a housewife. I think that's right up my alley. Cleaning the house, looking after the (hopefully) lots of pets, children and cooking for everyone. That sounds amazing to me.

  5. #35
    Sentinel DragonHeart's Avatar
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    Re: What household chore do you dislike most?

    I'm changing my answer. XD

    Cleaning the bathroom is rapidly becoming one of the banes of my existence. This also includes the litter box which is in the bathroom. Makes sense to have all the toilets in one place, after all. It's gross, it requires multiple different cleaners and it tends to take a long time to do a satisfactory job, especially if I include the shower. (Odd that a shower of all places gets quite dirty if left unchecked.)

    I do feel (no pun intended) much cleaner after I do it, though. And yes I always wash my hands after cleaning anything, especially the cat box.

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  6. #36
    Sharing is caring, and caring is ment to be shared What household chore do you dislike most? The Dark Crystal's Avatar
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    Re: What household chore do you dislike most?

    I picked mowing the lawn because we owned 5 acres, and it had about 7 or 8 70 foot pine trees. So first i had to walk around every tree and pick up every pine cone so it didn't mess up the mower (each tree had about 200 pine cones)! Then i had to rake the pine needles so it wouldn't kill the grass, and so my dad could burn them. After that he let me use a push mower to do half the yard which literally took 12-14 hours to complete! So I truly despise mowing now!! (We also had a pond, which was a bitch to mow around!)
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  7. #37
    TFFF Ghost What household chore do you dislike most? Howling Wind's Avatar
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    Re: What household chore do you dislike most?

    Dishes. I don't like doing these when my parents don't rinse the plates first >>;;
    Cleaning the kitchen in general. The floor and the stove are a pain.
    Cleaning the bathroom is just nasty. I don't mind cleaning the tub but I'm too young to be scrubbing toilets me thinks.
    Cleaning up after my pet. I got a kitten a little bit ago and he poos all over the place. I keep trying to get him to go in the litter box but he won't listen to me =(

  8. #38
    Sentinel DragonHeart's Avatar
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    Re: What household chore do you dislike most?

    Going a bit off topic here but I think I can offer some advice about your kitten, Howl.

    First, how old was he when you got him? Most kittens should not be separated from their mothers until around 12 weeks old. His mother should have taught him how to use a litter box before you got him. If he was younger than that chances are you will have to teach him yourself.

    Second, when he does his business outside the box, do you use an enzymatic cleaner? You can clean it as much as you want but unless you use an enzyme cleaner, he will be able to smell the spots where he went before (especially if he peed there as well) and will begin associating those spots as places to 'go'. Cats are creatures of habit first and foremost. Your local pet store should carry cleaners specifically for this purpose.

    ETA: Also, under no circumstances should you "punish" him when you catch him doing his business outside the box. It sounds like he hasn't been taught properly so scolding him or whatever will do you no good and only traumatize the little guy.

    ETA2: Forgot the most important thing, lol. Have you brought him to the vet to rule out any health problems that may be contributing to his bad box habits?

    Last edited by DragonHeart; 02-15-2010 at 04:33 PM.
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  9. #39
    Permanently Banned loaf's Avatar
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    Re: What household chore do you dislike most?

    I don't care about chores. Dishes take 5 minutes to do, I clean my bathroom once a week because I don't want a dirty bathroom. I clean my room when needed. Not a big deal.
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  10. #40
    TFFF Ghost What household chore do you dislike most? Howling Wind's Avatar
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    Re: What household chore do you dislike most?

    My friend gave him to me after her cat had kittens. I think he is long over a month old his is still kind of fuzzy though. I don't really scrub with anything beside soapy water and I don't punish him. If I catch him peeing somewhere I try to pick him up and run him to the litter box so he can finish. My mom says he will learn after a while. >>;;

  11. #41
    Our Hopes and Expectations What household chore do you dislike most? Ernest's Avatar
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    Re: What household chore do you dislike most?

    Vaccum shits me. The most monotonous and physically exerting job (apart from mowing the lawn). I never get asked to mow the lawn, so I will go with Vacuum. I do all those other jobs, and with an Ipod, they are all tolerable.

  12. #42
    Registered User What household chore do you dislike most? fierytempest's Avatar
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    Re: What household chore do you dislike most?

    I said dishes. In my house, dishes have been my chore since I was 8. 10 years of doing dishes everyday gets you. Actually, I should be doing them right now...

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  13. #43
    This ain't no place for no hero What household chore do you dislike most? Tiffany's Avatar
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    Re: What household chore do you dislike most?

    My guy is a total clean freak and is OCD when it comes to it. He does all the cleaning as he's convinced that I will not do a good enough job.

    TOTALLY fine by me.

  14. #44
    Ellipsis What household chore do you dislike most? Meigumi's Avatar
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    Re: What household chore do you dislike most?

    My favorite chore is the dishes. My least favorite chore is cleaning the bathroom and cleaning up after my brother. >_>;

    And no, I don't think of knives when I'm cleaning the dishes.... I swear.
    .....And I also stole that cupcake.

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  15. #45
    Registered User What household chore do you dislike most? winterborn86's Avatar
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    Re: What household chore do you dislike most?

    I would have to sat the bathrom is one of the worst, no matter how many times I go over it, it never seems to look clean, it just looks like im spreading mess around, plus the bathroom looks a bit cluttered because I got soooo many girl bath stuff and there is no space for it so the clutter kinda adds to the mess, hate the kitchen too, I dunno why tho, my kitchen is rather small so shouldnt taje me too long to do, but I have a terribble habbit of letting stuff build up throughout the day then wen it come to tidy up in the evening I just don't wanna do it cos there is so much to do.

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  16. #46
    ...means nothing to no way Furore's Avatar
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    Re: What household chore do you dislike most?

    Dusting. Especially when you have as much crap lying around as I do.
    Nothing else is that big a drama for me.
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  17. #47
    Stream Crosser What household chore do you dislike most? Ann's Avatar
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    Re: What household chore do you dislike most?

    Well.. I'm the lazy-lil princess.. When I was just a kid, I love doing all the household chores. But I became a lazy one as I grow up. Never enter the kitchen to cook, never make the bed.. Sometimes I clean my room, but I give the rest to my housekeeper..

    I HATE mopping floor
    Last edited by Ann; 02-20-2010 at 03:32 AM.

  18. #48
    Banned What household chore do you dislike most?
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    Re: What household chore do you dislike most?

    We have a pretty small kitchen area and it gets extremely messy very quickly. I've always hated cleaning the kitchen, and the bed room. We decided to make the basement our bedroom, seeing as it's the biggest room in the house, and all the other ones are a little to small. So the combination of Cleaning the Bed room and kitchen really pisses me off.

  19. #49
    Time Lord What household chore do you dislike most? Rosetyler1's Avatar
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    Re: What household chore do you dislike most?

    Honestly I hate cleaning in general, get the house all clean and then spend all day keeping it that way. Then I wake up the next day and it looks like ww3 just went though my house...

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