What is your favourite collection and why? What made you start collecting this?
Probably Collector's Editions of video games. When I got a job in gaming retail and got a discount, I was in heaven. I could afford nicer editions of games.
Pick what you consider a gem out of any of collections and why is it a gem? Maybe post a photo of it here since it is only one item.
I have a few gems, but my favourites are my Skyrim, Bravely Default, Ni No Kuni and Fallout 3 Collector's Editions.
Most weird collection you have?
Nothing weird here. =D
What was your very first collection? Either as a kid or an adult.
Dragon Ball Z trading cards. I was a kid, and I tried to fit in. Then had my cards stolen, and it didn't matter any more.
Have you thrown out a collection that you wished you would have kept?
I didn't throw them out, but my aunt threw out a whole bunch of Spider-Man comics I used to collect. I didn't have all of them, but I loved them. Came home after a weekend away, and they were all gone. Luckily, I'd taken my Issue 100 Sinister Six copy away with me, so I still have that. It's my favourite comic.
What collection do you have that you know you should throw out but can't bare to?
Old OPM magazines. I have a drawer full of them, some back from the PS2 era. I also have some postcards I used to collect from the school library, old cutouts, unused work POS, scoobies... just junk, really.
Most expensive item? Show us a picture.
In terms of value for money, my Fallout 3 CE. £70 and still sealed. But that was this year, I've beat the game a million times, and I was helping a friend out who needed quick money for a move. Used ones were going on Amazon at the time for £40 with missing parts, and he could have started a bidding war and got £150 for it, but he wanted it to go to a good home. He knows I love that sort of thing, and offered it to me.
In terms of actual money spent? My Bioshock Infinite Songbird Edition.
In terms of time? All my Platinums on PSN.
What is your biggest collection and how many items do you have?
My Collector's/Limited Edition games. Honestly, I have maybe thirty/forty or more amongst hundreds of games. SOME were really cheap. I got my Defiance and Aliens CM CEs for £5 each. Will not complain about the price of some of them!