I've never been a beach person. How about bringing out a handheld or something? I know when I was in the hospital my DS Lite was a godsend.
soooo as usual my family is going 2 the beach & i hate it
im tryn 2 find away 2 make it fun
what do you all do in the beach for fun
im real stuck on this last time i played SICK
I <3 the beach now. I used to hate it and think it was boring so I didn't really go. If you go with a lot of people, then it's fun. I don't swim but it's nice to splash in the water a little. I usually just lay out and listen to music, or play DS or something when everyone is swimming. The best part I would say, is having bonfires at night so you can make Smores and such. If you live by a beach city it's nice to take a walk too. There's a lot of stuff you can do like catch a football or something if you're bored.
You could always chase seagulls.
I've never been to an oceanside beach, but I go to the lake a lot. I usually bring along my iPod and lay out in the sun (I don't ever tan though... My skin is too fair. I just burn. Bring plenty of sunscreen to be safe), or I bring along a magazine or a book to read.
You could also use this opportunity to just chill out with your family, and spend some quality time together. I know that sounds really cheesy, but I think that it's a good thing to hang out together once in a while.
I agree about the handheld. Last time I went to the lake I brought my GBA (it was a while ago...) and I got caught up on some of my games.
Click at your own risk.:
haha i tryed it i took my big bag which contains:
jaccket sun glasses, hat, gloves,extra tshhirt lol, book, skeatch book,manga, psp.
but the proplem is i have an annoying family
if iset alone the say what honey got a problem in life (isay back no ilove 2 spend time alone)so i end up hearing love stories from them (as if i care)
You could do what I always do: kick sand on nerds and pose in front of their girlfriends until they leave the nerd for you.
Works every time until the nerd gets some courage and stands up to you. That's when the depression sets in...![]()
Let's go into the "archives" in "Washington D.C." and find out how people "masturbated" in the "roaring 20's."
Crao Porr Cock8. Bitch.
Last edited by GypsyElder; 11-16-2009 at 05:20 PM.
humm sounds cool but last time they said LEAVE LAHAR ALONE
you still have him in home ssssoooooooooo
itryed it
always end with my mom getting angry sayin you wont have friends coz of that & whats worse is that im gona spend my birth day with boring people T___T
Whenever my friends and I go to the beach, we're always split into groups of people by the water, and people back on the sand. I'm the one who's never very near the water (occasionally I'll get my feet wet) because I can't swim.
I live in a beach town, but I don't go very often. Whenever I do, I usually bring music, or handhelds like people have suggested. Also, playing catch or something can be fun, although it can get tiring trudging through the sand (since either I suck at catching or they suck at throwing).
Oh, and one of my favorites is digging holes. The best part is, you can do that alone or with other people, so its a good way to get that quality time in.
I love the beach. It's really pretty and so refreshing when it's too hot. I usually go to the Gold Coast and it's wonderful. I guess I do what you normally do at the beach. Swim, sit on the sand, draw in the sand, collect shells, eat iceblocks. =]
Last edited by GypsyElder; 11-16-2009 at 05:59 PM.
okay digging is kinda my hoppy 2
last time i made ahole kinda like abed took me 3 hours and in the end i slept in it haahaaha was fun what woke me up after hour and ahalf was one of the kids that actually fell on me& the girls took pics 2
im from asea side city 2 but with family we go for awhole week
And we'll just chill in there from now on. No boys allowed!
You poor thing, how did you not get a horrible sunburn from falling asleep at the beach?
Holes are an endless amount of fun (giggidy); a big group of my friends went to go dig a huge hole at the beach this one night, and one of my friends hit the other in the face with a shovel.
Good times.
Man, if I lived near a beach I would be there all the time. It's so peaceful watching the waves come in. Drinking some wine and dipping your feet in the sand and letting the waves come in over the tops of them... How I miss Cali
The best part about beaches is at night just before sunset building a bonfire and getting drink with a bunch of friends. Always makes for a good night.
yeah talk a bout sun burns
ithink im not lucky with sun creams
yeah talk about good times 2 remember once whene we were swiming i was with my lil sis & she just watched the ring movie and was scared of it
(so since im bad)
i swimed behind her while she was looking for me in front it was dark & my hair is long so it was on my face & it was cold so i just standed behind her & but my hand on her shoulder hahahah she almost got a heart attack hahaha
Dig a very deep hole. Put a blanket over it. Wait for someone to walk over it.
Or build a castle. Depends what kind of giggle you want, really.
iliked the sunset part be sure im gona do that thanx che btw (what dose che stand for ???)
got to try the planket at night well be cool
Last edited by OceanEyes28; 11-16-2009 at 07:48 PM.
Luckily I live close to the sea so I usually spend a lot of time there (lately not so often). I'm not really fond of beach mainly because I like to spend my time more on swimming, diving or I just to go somewhere to drink a soda or something but I do love to relax or take a nap so I guess that would be my main activity regarding the beach. I've also played beach soccer few times, fun but it's too hard to control the ball from all that sand.
But for some strange reason I go to the nearby river much more and frankly I enjoy spending my time there. It's beautiful, peaceful, the water is always warm and it's great place to relax.
I don't see a problem here, there is always something to do on the beach and there must be something that you like. Read a book, take a nap, play volleyball, bring a pocket console with you...im real stuck on this last time i played SICK
Last edited by Xanatos; 11-16-2009 at 06:42 PM.
Sig and Avy made by Unknown Entity
There is shit loads to do at the beach: swim, build a giant sand castle, volleyball, and scope out hot chicks.
Ahh I remember boot camp in Florida we got one day a month to go to the beach and unwind. First we would play volleyball, then we would chat up some sexy women, then swimming. At the very end we would sit and crack open a beer and talk about whatever was on our minds. Usually the war some of us was scared shitless but I was more worried about getting another brew...
I love the beach but I haven't been in ages which sucks, we never get time to do that. One day I hope to spend sometime there, preferably the sunshine coast up north from here. It's beautiful around there, especially Caloundra and Maroochydore.
I remember going as a child and collecting shells and what not but I don't know what I would do now, probably listen to music or just take in the beautiful view. I wouldn't go swimming or anything though. I'd rather just sit around and relax.
How about you can be very thankful for where you live in relative to beaches? That could be a start.
Or, you could fly me out from Iowa and let me go to the beach for you.
†SOLDIER† - "Yep still better than you"CPC8: It's hard out here for a pimp.™
hahas, updated July 28th (oldie but goodie!):
Translation: Polk has had alot of sand kicked on him and his "girlfriend" who is actually just a friend stolen by a guy that could beat him 10 ways to Tuesday.
Ok back on track.
Sculpt boobies in the sand; thats always fun.
Ok seriously just take the time to relax. Kick up the misic and stare into the sea and take in the beauty that is nature.
If you are an artist (or want to be one) take a pad and a pen and try to draw an adaption of what you see. Use the beach as inspiration.
Point and laugh at the dumb ***es, this one is even better when it is family.
Build a fire and then blame it on a sibling.
It's less then 40 degrees here right now so be thankrful you can actually go to the beach and enjoy yourself.
If you really want to start to have some fun start talking to strangers and tell them how weird they look in their swim appearal.
Soldier: "We suck but we're better then you"
We will fight, we will be strong
Together we're marching on
United, we move as one
Our finest hour has just begun
Philmore - Our Finest Hour
Crao Porr Cock8! Need I say more!?My awards:
I agree with Meier. Be happy you can go. It's about 50 here right now.
When I do go I'll bring along either my baseball gloves, a football or a frisbee, but usually I'll just lay out, listen to the radio and relax. It's amazing to just lay out and unwind; it recharges my batteries and always makes me incredibly happy and content, no matter how shitty things might be.
I'll also body surf. It's an awesome feeling when you can get it just right, and wind up on top of a wave, for like 50 foot stretches, especially when the waves are big and rolling in.
I love being 25 mins from the ocean.
SOLDIERcHoSeNCrao Porr Cock8- Rebels, Rogues and Sworn Brothers
Going to a beach is great and fun! Mmm.. I usuaLLy go there every summer or if we just decided to go.. I'm usuaLLy with my friends when going there, or sometimes with famiLy..
having your friends around is so great and much fun.. aLso, I don't bring many things, just some bikinis, sunscreen, hats, camera and waLLet.. :-)
Last edited by Yesha; 11-17-2009 at 04:05 AM.
My Art Thread: http://thefinalfantasy.net/forum...ngs-lol-3.html
hmm.. i love to go to the beach.. but i don't like it when the sunshine is too hot..
i always have fun when at beach, just like swimming, playing volley ball, etc.. maybe you should try those activity..
and the most important part is "ALWAYS BRING YOUR CAMERA". a camera is the one which really needed for me.. i loooovvvvvvvvveeeeeeeee~ to take picture..^^