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Thread: What the balls is wrong with commercials these days?

  1. #1

    What the balls is wrong with commercials these days?

    Why do they have to be so god damned annoying? Every single advertisement has to be created by some douchebag and his friends sitting around a table going... "What's the most annoying song we can think up, or create new lyrics to, to literally annoy the shit out of our viewers until it sticks in their head?"

    The Free Credit commercials are not catchy. The lyrics are not clever, the guy's voice is monotonous, etc.

    How bout the kit-kat one where they just crunch crunch crunch the entire commercial. As if i LIKED the sound of people munching on food, they have to do it throughout the entire commercial. I love kit kats, but spare me listening to other people eat shit.

    Pretty much every commercial lies about stuff, or extends the truth to get you to buy shit you think you need, or is annoying, or something.

    Why can't every commercial be like this? See, then I'd actually be enticed to buy the shit.

    Last edited by Che; 02-15-2010 at 04:23 AM.

  2. #2
    ...means nothing to no way Furore's Avatar
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    Re: What the balls is wrong with commercials these days?

    Easy fix - TV on DVD and the internet for news.
    I hadn't had a TV receiving TV signals in over a year because of all the commericals and reality TV/sensationalist news, connected my new digital TV to an aerial and then remembered just why I stopped watching TV. Needless to say it's back to using my new TV for gaming/DVDs.
    victoria aut mors

  3. #3

    Re: What the balls is wrong with commercials these days?

    Quote Originally Posted by Silver View Post
    Easy fix - TV on DVD and the internet for news.
    I hadn't had a TV receiving TV signals in over a year because of all the commericals and reality TV/sensationalist news, connected my new digital TV to an aerial and then remembered just why I stopped watching TV. Needless to say it's back to using my new TV for gaming/DVDs.
    Yep, I actually never watch TV unless my girlfriend is. I don't like any shows on regular TV. I don't like the "drama" or "Reality" TV at all. TV seriously does rot your brain.

  4. #4
    The Sindrome Mike's Avatar
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    Re: What the balls is wrong with commercials these days?

    Che, I feel the same as you do and I have for the last 6 years, or so. Commercials have been just as bad for a long time now. Check out these 90s commercials. YouTube - 90's Commercials Vol. 3 However I've noticed that commercials have gotten louder than they used to be. It's horrible watching shows legally online. I always have to mute my computer when I'm watching a show on hulu because the commercials are 2 to3 times as loud as the shows.

  5. #5

    Re: What the balls is wrong with commercials these days?

    Quote Originally Posted by Che View Post

    The Free Credit commercials are not catchy. The lyrics are not clever, the guy's voice is monotonous, etc.
    Hey I like that guy! F to the R to the E to the E to the C to the R to the EDIT FREE to the PORT to the DOT to the COM, come one evreybody grab your bike and sing aloooong !!

    I hate that Damn Allstate guy >=( and those stupid E surance ones!! naaaggh! they show them way to much.

    I always liked this Commercial:
    YouTube - Bridgestone "Scream" Super Bowl Ad

    And This:
    YouTube - Skittles Rabbit

    Ta DA!!!:

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  6. #6
    Do the elements trust you? What the balls is wrong with commercials these days? bahamuts heir's Avatar
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    Re: What the balls is wrong with commercials these days?

    Quote Originally Posted by Gypsy Elder View Post
    Hey I like that guy! F to the R to the E to the E to the C to the R to the EDIT FREE to the PORT to the DOT to the COM, come one evreybody grab your bike and sing aloooong !!

    I hate that Damn Allstate guy >=( and those stupid E surance ones!! naaaggh! they show them way to much.

    I always liked this Commercial:
    YouTube - Bridgestone "Scream" Super Bowl Ad

    And This:
    YouTube - Skittles Rabbit
    evil rabbit!I love skittles but come on! Anyways commercials are an annoying way of getting money for tv companies cuz of this I haven't watched tv for years
    You just don't get it at all! There isn't a thing I don't cherish

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  7. #7
    Sharing is caring, and caring is ment to be shared What the balls is wrong with commercials these days? The Dark Crystal's Avatar
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    Re: What the balls is wrong with commercials these days?

    Lets not even get started on the infomercials! I wanna pull my hair out every time i hear that shit!!!

    -BUT WAIT!! If you buy this now in the next ten minutes we will double your offer, and you will not just get one dumb ass product but a second, for FREE!!!
    Last edited by The Dark Crystal; 02-15-2010 at 03:35 PM.
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  8. #8
    Imperius Rex What the balls is wrong with commercials these days? Storm's Avatar
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    Re: What the balls is wrong with commercials these days?

    Two words. "Go Compare". I don't know if people outside the UK have a similar equivelant, but this advert drives me beserk. Every month or two a new one comes out, which has the same dickhead singing the same thing, but in a slightly different situation. It is on constantly too, so you don't get a break from it. Ever.

    The "compare the meerkat" one is irritating too. And to think that they are actually putting the slogan "simples" in the Oxford English Dictionary really takes the piss. I bloody hate price comparison adverts! As for food ones, the Rice Krispies song gets stuck in my head constantly, and I hate the new Cocopops jingles (although the ads tend to have good songs in them). The Sacla pesto advert was really irritating too.
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  9. #9
    Registered User What the balls is wrong with commercials these days?
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    Re: What the balls is wrong with commercials these days?

    Che, you should participate in a focus group about commercials and tell people there what you want to see. I'm sure you could convince someone that they need to really clean up thier act.

    I used to use commercial breaks as a time I could get up and stretch, or go grab something to eat or drink. I actually haven't really been watching too much television here lately, which is sort of a shame because I got a new tv. I still play my games though.

    Anyway, when I want to watch something, I usually look for it on the internet, or go out and rent the boxset or DVD of the show that I want to watch. That way, I don't really have to deal with commercials, although sometimes, sites that I watch shows on will play commercials before I actually get to watch my show. >_> Oh, well. It helps give money to the site, so I don't have to pay for anything.
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  10. #10
    The Sindrome Mike's Avatar
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    Re: What the balls is wrong with commercials these days?

    If it weren't for infomercials I wouldn't have anything to do when bouts of insomnia hit me.

    Also if it weren't for infomercials we wouldn't have all the fun parodies and remixes on youtube.

  11. #11
    The Bad Boy of TFF What the balls is wrong with commercials these days? Block's Avatar
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    Re: What the balls is wrong with commercials these days?

    just watch BK commercials. They're awesome.

  12. #12
    My couch pulls out but I don't. What the balls is wrong with commercials these days? midgetbob's Avatar
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    Re: What the balls is wrong with commercials these days?

    we need more old school commercials like this....

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  13. #13
    The Bad Boy of TFF What the balls is wrong with commercials these days? Block's Avatar
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    Re: What the balls is wrong with commercials these days?


  14. #14
    Death Before Dishonor What the balls is wrong with commercials these days? Josh_R's Avatar
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    Re: What the balls is wrong with commercials these days?

    I hate the free credit report guys, they piss me off to no ends. Some commercials I really enjoy sch as the skittles rabbit, any Bud Light commercial that is aired during the super bowl, and the dorito commercials. I really enjoy watching the dorito commercials. This years superbowl had a couple funny ones, the little black kid who bitch smacked the guy, and the dorito samurai..

    Sitting here waiting for Rocky, and Che to notice me!!

  15. #15
    #LOCKE4GOD What the balls is wrong with commercials these days? Alpha's Avatar
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    Re: What the balls is wrong with commercials these days?


    Commercials piss me off, but there are a few gems. I kinda feel like starting a 'funny commercials' thread now. They're not all bad. Too bad they're just trying to convince us to buy stuff we don't need.

  16. #16
    Registered User What the balls is wrong with commercials these days?
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    Re: What the balls is wrong with commercials these days?

    Posted by Alpha
    I kinda feel like starting a 'funny commercials' thread now.
    Funny commercials thread?

    Although I think that this thread sort of turned into a de facto "Post the funniest commercials you can find" thread, of which I can't seem to find any at the moment, so I can't contribute.
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  17. #17
    Only plays for sport Unknown Entity's Avatar
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    Re: What the balls is wrong with commercials these days?

    I don't watch television much any more.

    I wouldn't say it was a bad thing either.
    Last edited by Unknown Entity; 02-15-2010 at 05:34 PM.

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  18. #18
    HRH Albha What the balls is wrong with commercials these days? Aerif's Avatar
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    Re: What the balls is wrong with commercials these days?

    Occasionally I watch American television through the Firefox add-on, FoxTV, and I have to say, every time an advert comes on it's just so... American... It's not even the accents or anything it's just that the USA has this particular style to do all adverts.

    The GoCompare adverts are really terrible, like Storm and U.E. have said they're constantly on television, at basically every break they're on at least once. adverts
    , I actually like. They're cute and I like meerkats . Although once when visiting a zoo I heard a girl say: "WOW! I didn't realise meerkats were so small, from the adverts I thought they were, like, 4 foot tall!"

    Although the most annoying adverts on British (or only Scottish?) television just now is definetly this one:

    Also the best advert on television, imo:

    Last edited by Aerif; 02-17-2010 at 12:28 AM.

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  19. #19
    Mr. Person Taco-Calamitous's Avatar
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    Re: What the balls is wrong with commercials these days?

    Quote Originally Posted by Aerif View Post
    Yay, Weebls-stuff! They should do a commercial over here too. Not that I'd ever see it... but they should! And yeah; that Meerkat one was kinda cute. Helps that I like anthropomorphic animals, I suppose.

    I dunno. I liked quite a few of the commercials I saw during the Super Bowl this year. The ones that really piss me off are the ones that are on the radio, though. Probably because they consist solely of sound, which is probably where the essence of annoying in commercials comes from. Last year, there was this one that played a classic rock song, which they interrupted with a very dull sounding male voice to replace lyrics. I wanted to punch that guy. Then there were these McDonald commercials that trashed on listening to indie music and promoted listening to hip-hop. Had to do with their coffee; you could go to McDonald's, and quit being a hipster, or something. Yay! I thought, "Fuck you, McDonald's," every time I heard that one. There were others that mad me want to stab my eyes out, too. Luckily I don't listen to the radio much anymore.

    Since we're posting old commercials we like...


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  20. #20
    The Persistent Flourish What the balls is wrong with commercials these days? Alice's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Che View Post
    "What's the most annoying song we can think up, or create new lyrics to, to literally annoy the shit out of our viewers until it sticks in their head?"
    The meow mix ad.

    It actually achieved this with my schoolmates. The media teacher showed it off. Evil. The entire class now randomly goes "meow meow meow meow" and we cannot get the tune out of our head. Just. Damn. Evil.

    We actually don't mind it though.

    Commercials themselves, I don't really care for much. I don't pay attention to them. Just watch them and think nothing of it unless it's something amusing.
    Last edited by Alice; 02-17-2010 at 01:19 AM.

  21. #21
    Imperius Rex What the balls is wrong with commercials these days? Storm's Avatar
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    Re: What the balls is wrong with commercials these days?

    Aerif: Ahh that "We Buy Any Car" ad... kill it with fire! Yes we have it in England too, and its another one that drives me beserk! I used to like the Compare The Meerkat one the first few times it was played, but now I hate it. Oh and that 118247 one is awesome! My reaction to that should have been recorded as I got so excited that I jumped like a little kid. I love Magical Trevor!

    Taco: That ad is amazing! Jackie Chan pwns.

    As for other annoying adverts, i'm sure others remember this little gem of arghh from a few years ago...
    YouTube - Frosties Kid - They're Gonna Taste Great! (High quality ver)
    Back in the time of annoying musical womens car insurance adverts...

    Oh... and for an awesome one... the PG tips ads!
    (it is heavily influenced by Morecambe and Wise, but it doesn't make it any less brilliant. Johnny Vegas and Monkey are great!
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  22. #22
    Registered User What the balls is wrong with commercials these days? winterborn86's Avatar
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    Re: What the balls is wrong with commercials these days?

    I see alot of people on facebook complain about the go compare guy on tv, but I bloody love him lol. The irritating thing for me about adverts is when whatever is happening doesn't appear to have anything to do with the advert. As for songs/jingles or whatever they never seem to bother me that much.

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  23. #23
    I want to play a game. What the balls is wrong with commercials these days? Zargabaath's Avatar
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    Re: What the balls is wrong with commercials these days?

    Some annoying commercials I abhore are the Miller Light commercials where either the girl is asking who/what he would save if both were hanging off a cliff and he chooses his beer over his gf; the commercial where the guy has a hard time saying "I love you" to a girl who just said it to him but he has no trouble when the waitress asks if he wants another Miller Light; The commercial where it appears to be for one of those online couple makers but instead the guy is referring to the Miller Light as the special one he found.

    The Miller Light commercials made men appear like total jerks without an intelligence - definitely doesn't appeal to me.

    Most of the Bud Light/Budweiser Super Bowl XLIV reeked with how "great" Budweiser products are, making people act foolishly towards a "beer". These had a similiar feel as the Miller Light commercials but it was targeted in some commercials as females as well - which doesn't make it any better.

    Some of the Hardee's/Carl Jr.'s commercials potray men as being incredibly stupid or having unsavory characteristics/behavior. Once again, when the company that is advertising tries to insinuate a negative connotation or that is insulting towards men I don't like.

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  24. #24
    ...means nothing to no way Furore's Avatar
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    Re: What the balls is wrong with commercials these days?

    Beer ads are the only kind I miss.

    victoria aut mors

  25. #25
    Sparkly Beanie Baby of Doom! What the balls is wrong with commercials these days? Tallulah's Avatar
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    Re: What the balls is wrong with commercials these days?

    Adverts ain't what they used to be. The commercials on British TV in the 80s were awesome!

    However, I do absolutely love this one So cute! ^_^
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  26. #26
    Anti- anything preppy What the balls is wrong with commercials these days? Cloudluver101's Avatar
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    Re: What the balls is wrong with commercials these days?

    The free credit report guys annoy the living crap out of me. What the heck was thinking when they hired 3 no-talent idiots to advertise their website? I have 3 commericials that make me laugh that premiered during the Superbowl (WOO! GO SAINTS!!)

    There's this one:
    YouTube - Doritos® - Crash the Super Bowl 2010 Finalist - House Rules
    Lol little guy is so cute!

    This one:
    YouTube - Doritos® - Crash the Super Bowl 2010 Finalist - Snack Attack Samurai
    Kinda stupid but still funny!

    And this one:
    YouTube - Doritos® - Crash the Super Bowl 2010 Finalist - Underdog

    Lol dude got what he deserved on that one!

  27. #27
    Finding this place a little dull... What the balls is wrong with commercials these days? xTidus's Avatar
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    Re: What the balls is wrong with commercials these days?

    I couldn't agree more when you say T.v. has too many commercials these days. Who needs it anyway when you can watch anything you want on your laptop at any time!

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  28. #28
    Soup Kitchen Jerk. What the balls is wrong with commercials these days? Polk's Avatar
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    Re: What the balls is wrong with commercials these days?

    Sure there are good commercials on television these days. Unfortunately, they all come from Mega64.


    God bless you, Mega64.
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