I was picked on during the first two years of high school when I started hanging around with this girl and we both went through a bit of a bratty emo phase (well, I grew out of it but she's still a bratty emo). I was very quiet and withdrawn, I was mocked because of how I dressed and what I listened to, etc. To be honest I can understand being mocked for what I wore, I looked positively awful and I cringe whenever I look at photos from those two years. I don't agree with mocking people because of what they wear, but it seems to me that kids need someone to bully and they'll pick at anything, and with the way I looked I was basically handing them a reason haha.
But at the time I really didn't care how I looked and what they thought of me, and I think my classmates saw that and I think they weren't brave enough to express themselves like I did which I think is also why they picked on me a little bit. I'm glad I went through that phase because I learned from it, but they were all too afraid to try different stuff. I could be wrong, but I'd rather look at it that way lol.
If I were to give advice to somebody who's being bullied, I'd say just talk to people more. Don't be so afraid to talk to your classmates and be friendly with them because at the end of the day you're all going through the same thing so even if you think you're different, they're actually the people you can relate to the most. Now that I've finished high school, I'd like to go back and do it again and if I could I'd take that advice, I wouldn't be so shy.