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Thread: weird dream

  1. #1

    weird dream

    i had a weird dream ware a big hush puppy was eating me then i am in a room and a headless cat is talking to me then the cat says i love chinese and starts to eat a beta fish anyone else have weird dreams
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  2. #2
    Otakus rule the world!! weird dream chikala95's Avatar
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    Re: weird dream

    I once dreamt that I woke up. Then I woke up. It was the weirdest feeling ever
    Another time I dreamt I was in one of those old school games where objects fall from the sky and you have to dodge them. The objects were bowls of fruit and cows... That day was a very weird day, even for me

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  3. #3

    Re: weird dream

    i alsohad a dream ware i was in a anime i think it was howls moveing castle
    if you live a creative life you will live a long and happy life

  4. #4

    Re: weird dream

    I'm guessing this topic is about dreams, or at least "weird" ones.

    If so, I guess I have had a few strange dreams. Heck, anything that's out-of-the-ordinary could be considered a weird dream.

    I wish I could give this one particular example but due to some complications with my keyboard I'll just tell another dream I had. A year or so ago, I had a dream were the perspective was of a camera inside a helicopter. The film was of a stylized North Korean/Soviet-styled skyscraper being built far behind (to the right) my house. It was probably from a time when I was watching videos and reading subjects about North Korea.

  5. #5
    Chief Inspiring Officer weird dream Cyanist's Avatar
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    Re: weird dream

    I had a dream where me and my brother were called out to a construction site after dark by a mafia gang. Oddly, my usually buff brother was useless against this huge ape-man who attacked us, so I stunned his gorilla self before jacking one of those motorcycle vehicles from Jak II and dodging pot-holes and crates in a colorful circular tunnel... (Yeah, late night with Jak games and Jackie Chan movies will do that.)
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  6. #6

    Re: weird dream

    i had another dream ware little kidz ware eating me
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  7. #7
    Whistling Songbird weird dream Asectic's Avatar
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    Re: weird dream

    I had this dream where I was standing in one of those parkinglot which had a mix of underground and aboveground. In that lot was no cars.

    That's because a huge airplane stood in the middle, about to take off from the slanting upwards ramp

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  8. #8
    Chief Inspiring Officer weird dream Cyanist's Avatar
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    Re: weird dream

    Uh, my brother woke up as I was passing through his sleeping quarters. This is what he said: "That was the coolest dream. A zombie academy!"
    Yeah, he's been playing a lot of 'Resident Evil' games.
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  9. #9
    Kiss with a fist. weird dream Dranzer's Avatar
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    Re: weird dream

    I've had a plethora of weird dreams. I think one of the weirdest however would be the one where I was spitting into a tin bucket. That wasn't the weird thing though, the really weird thing was I spitting out my teeth into said bucket. It freaked me out so much that when I woke up I had to check to make sure I still had my teeth. >.>;

    Apparently that kind of dream isn't totally uncommon though, which is even weirder IMO.

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  10. #10
    Registered User weird dream Halie's Avatar
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    Re: weird dream

    Quote Originally Posted by Dranzer View Post
    I've had a plethora of weird dreams. I think one of the weirdest however would be the one where I was spitting into a tin bucket. That wasn't the weird thing though, the really weird thing was I spitting out my teeth into said bucket. It freaked me out so much that when I woke up I had to check to make sure I still had my teeth. >.>;

    Apparently that kind of dream isn't totally uncommon though, which is even weirder IMO.
    You know, having dreams about your teeth falling out and such is a sign that you're horny. No joke.

    I've had tons of weird dreams and I'm pretty sure I've posted about them on here before. Not too long ago I had a dream that some woman was accusing me of meeting up with a tattoo artist in the park outside my school and discussing getting a tattoo from him, and she said she'd told my mum about it. Next thing I know I'm walking down to my mum's house in a towel so I could prove to her I hadn't had any done. When I told my mum about it in real life, she turned to me and said "Hal, you're old enough now, I really wouldn't give a shit" lol.

  11. #11
    Kiss with a fist. weird dream Dranzer's Avatar
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    Re: weird dream

    Quote Originally Posted by Xana View Post
    You know, having dreams about your teeth falling out and such is a sign that you're horny. No joke.
    LMAO. I've heard three theories now about that kind of dream, yours being the third. The first is Freud's and he says that it means you're gay (so that could fit). The second is that it means you feel like you don't have control over your life (which at the time could have been true, but I think a lot of people feel that way). The third is yours, which is also totally true.

    soft kitty, warm kitty, little ball of fur
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  12. #12
    Gingersnap weird dream OceanEyes28's Avatar
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    Re: weird dream

    I have a reoccurring dream where there's a dog/cat/baby in a crate or cage in my room that I've somehow FORGOTTEN about for weeks or months. I realize it, and there's always this terrifying moment of looking into the crate to check and see if it's alive or dead. I'm always thinking, "There's no POSSIBLE way it's still alive after I've neglected it this long oh my god what have I done." But somehow it's always barely alive and in bad shape and I spend the rest of the dream feeling like a piece of shit and nursing it back to health BUTITCOULDDIEANYMINUTEOHGOD. It's horrible. I had the dream a couple nights ago about a dog. I'm still sad about it.

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  13. #13

    Re: weird dream

    After a mix of scotch and Alan Wake last wake I had some sort of dream of having to run away from these people in China town. Somehow I knew they were trying to kill me. And one of the people was just Buckethead, who was using the cross walk. And all I vaguely remember after that was someone shooting at me with an Uzi.

  14. #14

    Re: weird dream

    Hmm i just had a weird dream the other night. I kept trying to fix my boxer briefs and like every time i touched them they just got into another weird situation where i had to go down and rearrange my junk.

    I have a few weird dreams that i can remember over the years.
    two occurred in 6th grade (2001) the first was there was a floating island above my house (something like from the sonic comics). (Condensed version) As i was leaving for school i noticed that there was a ladder hanging from the Island to the top of my house, so i get the ladder get on my roof and climb up. After that its something like a Zelda game. I found a town, had to save a really cute girl, fought a giant liquid beast (think water temple boss in Ocarina of Time) with a special sword. Return girl to town, climb down ladder. Island disappears, friends walk up to me and ask if I'm ready to go to school. Not even a moment passed by.

    Second was that the school got taken over by zombies. A few of us ended up in the gym, turns out one of us was bitten, we all became zombies.

    The last weird dream that i can remember was about two years ago. A girl that i had broken up with about a month prior came to my house. Said that she was just invited to the party (that i was having that night) by a friend and didnt realize it was my house until the last second. Throughout the night i find this girl trying to commit suicide. Drowning herself, hanging herself, and lastly shooting herself. I stopped the first two, but was unable to prevent the last one. I walked in just as she shot herself in the head with a shotgun. I woke up after the shot in a cold sweat and crying.

  15. #15
    Chief Inspiring Officer weird dream Cyanist's Avatar
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    Re: weird dream

    *groan* couldn't sleep last night after I had the most annoying weird dream.
    The Brady Bunch were going on a vacation to New York with Mortitia Adams in a huge hippy-painted bus. I get headaches trying to figure out what that part of the dream has to do with the second part, where I got to broom a Tom Cruise look-alike who was skateboarding in my yard. My brother had just tackled Draco Malfoy, but the two landed outside our property-line so it was no longer legal to beat him up. That's when a cop showed up (guess who) Murtaugh from the 'Lethal Weapon' series. The dream ended with me looking in slo-mo over my shoulder, in apprehension of his crazy partner Riggs, who's obviously gonna shoot first, ask later (I woke up just knowing he's still out there somewhere)
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  16. #16

    Re: weird dream

    I had a dream of being awake and when I looked up at the window, I saw a dark silhouette near my bed. When I woke up, it was gone. Freakiest dream ever. This happens when your half asleep and your brain is still not ready to sleep, but is starting to create imaginations. Or it could be a g.h.o.s.t.
    Last edited by Odin1199; 12-15-2011 at 01:28 PM.

  17. #17
    Professional Klutz. weird dream Hyzenthlay's Avatar
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    Re: weird dream

    Quote Originally Posted by Dranzer View Post
    I've had a plethora of weird dreams. I think one of the weirdest however would be the one where I was spitting into a tin bucket. That wasn't the weird thing though, the really weird thing was I spitting out my teeth into said bucket. It freaked me out so much that when I woke up I had to check to make sure I still had my teeth. >.>;

    Apparently that kind of dream isn't totally uncommon though, which is even weirder IMO.
    I had a dream like this. Only one of my teeth fell out though. I spent the rest of the dream trying, in vain, to cram it back in. I was crying my eyes out and thought it to be genuinely real. Like you I had to check my mouth when I awoke. Somebody told me it was to do with anxiety.

    Another of my dreams involved me going into my grandmas house to visit her. I checked everywhere for her but couldn't find her. In her kitchen a chicken was running around. Assuming the chicken was for dinner I used a cleaver to cut its head off (like you do :S). After this I had a sudden realisation that the chicken was my grandma. I was distraught even when I woke up. It upset me for ages.

    Then there was another where my village was being attacked by raptors. I didn't see anything but knew that most of the people I knew were dead. I had to kill one with a brick when it tried to pin me. Then I ran to my house but inside it was weird. More like a manor than my house. Inside I found my friend Gabe. I tried telling him that everyone was dead but he didn't believe me. He went outside to prove to me that everything was okay when, quite randomly, he was attacked and eaten by zombies. My mind obviously decided raptors weren't plausible or something. I tried running up to my room and one grabbed me and I jerked awake.

    I actually usually find nightmares interesting. It's my dreams that suck.

    I once dreamed that I walked past an elephant talking to a man. I thought this was strange and looked back to clarify. The elephant had turned into a talking cat... My mind accepted this. It was all like "that's better". Wtf is that about?

    Last edited by Hyzenthlay; 12-15-2011 at 02:16 PM.
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  18. #18

    Re: weird dream

    I had a dream once where there were thousands of caterpillars, centipedes, bugs and millipedes crawling all over the stairs in my house. Somehow I wasn't scared though, cos partially I knew this wasn't real. It was crazy. These kinds of dreams happened probably twice or 3 times in my life. Anyone else had these kinds of dreams?

  19. #19
    All is One.One is All. weird dream Firefly's Avatar
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    Re: weird dream

    I had one really strange dream about a month ago:

    ..In my dream,there was a huge horse drawn wagon filled with Native Americans and I was watching them ride on the plains from above like a bird or something(weird,eh,well..thats not all). All of sudden,this creepy music starts playing and gun shots start sounding. The Native Americans in the wagon make the horses go faster until they are going full speed. Then somehow or another,a frekin wall pops up and blocks the Native Americans. Instead of getting out of the wagon and running away,they sit there and act cool. Then a bunch of frekin cowboys on horses circle the wagon and begin shooting. And even though I was watching all of this from above,I felt the bullets...

    -Then I woke up,freaking out for some reason. I mean,I was really really scared and I have no idea why. Lol.

    Now recently,like in the past couple of days,I have been having dreams of a guy walking beside me and stuff,and everytime I look at him..I cannot see his face.Like,I can see his blue jeans,black shirt,and converse..but I absolutely cannot see anything past his neck,its like a blurred image. Its kinda creepy,but hey..what can you do?
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  20. #20

    Re: weird dream

    I had a dream, where I got shot. I kind of felt the bullets as well and it didn't feel too good either. Don't remember if I got him back or not though.

  21. #21
    I invented Go-Gurt. weird dream Clint's Avatar
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    Re: weird dream

    I don't have weird dreams.

  22. #22
    Chief Inspiring Officer weird dream Cyanist's Avatar
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    Re: weird dream

    I had this creepy dream a few nights back. In the dream I couldn't move my feet and it felt like my toes were caught in someone's hair. Needless to say, it was at this point that I freaked out and woke up.
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