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Thread: Vaping, E-Cig usage, personal vaporizers, etc...

  1. #1
    Like a Boss Sean's Avatar
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    Vaping, E-Cig usage, personal vaporizers, etc...

    Whatever you may refer to it as, what is your view on it? Do you use them in lieu of smoking?

    A variety of smokers from all walks of life have begun switching to personal vaporizers (my term for the electronic cigarette)

    For those that don't know: PVs are devices which use an atomizer, powered by a rechargeable li-on battery, to vaporize a nicotine containing liquid (propylene glycol and/or vegetable glycerin) and various food-safe flavorings.

    400,000 people die each year because they can't break their smoking addiction. Notice I didn't say nicotine addiction. Nicotine replacement therapy has a less than 15% chance of success, and costs HUNDREDS each attempt. Early surveys show 70%+ success when switching to electronic cigarettes.

    Early studies show the same or less TSNAs (the main group of carcinogens found in tobacco smoke) in e-cig liquid than what is found in already FDA approved nicotine replacement therapy. For those curious; the TSNAs get there because the nicotine is only 99.99% purely derived from tobacco leaves.

    Personally, a month ago I quit cigarettes and have been vaping exclusively. Since then, I have not had a craving for a cigarette once, have regained my sense of smell and taste, cough less, don't wake up with phlegm in my throat, and can feel my lung capacity increasing. (Read: all the "side-effects" of quitting cigarettes, minus nicotine withdrawl)

    They're pretty awesome, and I'd encourage people to give them a go. Just stay away from the crappy "looks real feels real tastes real" bullshit brands, and brands that offer "free trials" and state that their "cartridges last a whole pack of cigarettes!" which is a lie.

  2. #2
    (ღ˘⌣˘ღ) Vaping, E-Cig usage, personal vaporizers, etc... che's Avatar
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    Re: Vaping, E-Cig usage, personal vaporizers, etc...

    Dunno about nicotine, but it's excellent for weed!

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  3. #3
    Permanently Banned loaf's Avatar
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    Re: Vaping, E-Cig usage, personal vaporizers, etc...

    Hell yeah, put some hash oil in those....BOOYA!!

    My friend has them, he still smokes cigarettes and sometimes the e-cig. I only tried the e-cig once, it was cool. I'm starting to quit, slow process.
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  4. #4
    What is this I don't even Musashiden's Avatar
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    Re: Vaping, E-Cig usage, personal vaporizers, etc...

    Well, I use an NJOY NPro, and I like it. It took some getting used to, but it's allowing me to get nicotine at a time where I'm being forced to quit smoking. Thanks to it I haven't needed an actual cigarette since late July. Very helpful. I had some atomizer issues initially, but NJOY was really cool about replacing it.

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  5. #5
    Sparkly Beanie Baby of Doom! Vaping, E-Cig usage, personal vaporizers, etc... Tallulah's Avatar
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    Re: Vaping, E-Cig usage, personal vaporizers, etc...

    Good luck in quitting, guys!

    I have never smoked, at least not seriously, so I don't have any stories to share. However my parents have been smokers most of my life, at least, and they have quit so many times. It is harder for my mum to stop, as she gets really bad withdrawl symptoms and temper (she threw a kitchen knife in my general direction one time, due to her cigarette withdrawl :/ ) She found the patches, which she got on prescription, very helpful, as they took the edge off.

    My dad can stop whenever he wants with no help, and no withdrawl symptoms, and this would irritate my mum no end.
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  6. #6
    Like a Boss Sean's Avatar
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    Re: Vaping, E-Cig usage, personal vaporizers, etc...

    Quote Originally Posted by Musashiden View Post
    Well, I use an NJOY NPro, and I like it. It took some getting used to, but it's allowing me to get nicotine at a time where I'm being forced to quit smoking. Thanks to it I haven't needed an actual cigarette since late July. Very helpful. I had some atomizer issues initially, but NJOY was really cool about replacing it.

    NJOY is one of the companies pumping out a boatload of cash into lawsuits against FDA regulation. They recently (December) won theirs.

    I'm using a Joye eGo-Tank setup. The battery is about 2x as thick as the NJOY/Smoking Everywhere/Envy/Blu/all those others, and instead of a little cartrdige with some wicking material to hold the liquid, a plastic tank holds the liquid that feeds it into the atmoizer's wick. My current batt is a 1000 mah li-ion that lasts me upwards of a day and a half; but they're thick and loooong. My 650s are half as long but last me about a day. Great throat hit, flavor, and vapor production.

    I go through about 3ml of liquid a day, and my fav. supplier costs ~ 17/cents a ml.

    Do you fill your own cartridges, musa, or do you just buy prefilled ones from NJOY? You could probably save a boatload buying juice (in various flavors not offered by NJOY) and refilling your own cartridges.

    If you buy directly from NJOY, you could probably save money using for empty or prefilled cartomizers, and for empty or prefilled cartridges.

    Or you could always upgrade. <.<; You're the FIRST person I've talked to using one of the big name brand ones for so long and still enjoying it.
    Last edited by Sean; 03-02-2011 at 04:41 PM.

  7. #7
    Memento Rhapso Vaping, E-Cig usage, personal vaporizers, etc... Rhaps's Avatar
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    Re: Vaping, E-Cig usage, personal vaporizers, etc...

    My father uses these. He started on some off brand model, mainly to take it apart. He now mixes the solutions (orders nicotine liquid in bulk from a very confused dealer in China) and has two or three atomizers for the evaporation. He mixes his own flavors in (claims Juicy Fruit is best) and constructed a blue L.E.D. instead of a red one. Sadly, it isn't strong enough to keep him off real cigs for good.

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    Registered User Vaping, E-Cig usage, personal vaporizers, etc... sayian's Avatar
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    Re: Vaping, E-Cig usage, personal vaporizers, etc...

    i've seen a coworker use an elec pipe that lets out vapor and lights up at the end.. really, i thougt it was pretty stupid looking.. i'm blessed enough to say that ive never smoked or purposely inhaled smoke of any kind so unless i ever get dumb enough to try, ill never understand why ppl put themselves thru so much harm and inconvenience themselves jus to do somethin like that.

  9. #9
    Like a Boss Sean's Avatar
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    Re: Vaping, E-Cig usage, personal vaporizers, etc...

    Quote Originally Posted by RhapsoBlarg View Post
    My father uses these. He started on some off brand model, mainly to take it apart. He now mixes the solutions (orders nicotine liquid in bulk from a very confused dealer in China) and has two or three atomizers for the evaporation. He mixes his own flavors in (claims Juicy Fruit is best) and constructed a blue L.E.D. instead of a red one. Sadly, it isn't strong enough to keep him off real cigs for good.
    Nic absorption through these isn't 100% like it is with cigs. Nicotine is freebased using ammonia in cigarettes, producing a faster absorption. The nic absorption through these is about 10-60%, depending on the person.

    Either way, each cig less smoked is a step in the right direction. There's REALLY only 4-5 models out there, each company just rebrands one or the other and claims they manufacture them.

    Sayian: Nicotine is highly addictive; but more than that, the oral fixation, hand to mouth movement, and deep breathing are all relaxing activities as well to most smokers, which is why NRT fails so damn much. These emulate cigarettes or pipes almost completely, same feeling in the throat, same "smoke" on the exhale, just less nicotine.

  10. #10
    I invented Go-Gurt. Vaping, E-Cig usage, personal vaporizers, etc... Clint's Avatar
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    Re: Vaping, E-Cig usage, personal vaporizers, etc...

    PV's and E-cigs, and all that shit is entirely pointless. You don't need them to quit smoking. The only thing you need to do is to stop smoking. That's how you cure an addiction. For example, say I have a crack addiction. If I wanted to cure that, I'd just stop doing crack.

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