View Poll Results: Do you think wikipedia is unreliable?

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  • No, it's fine.

    7 31.82%
  • No, It's silly to think that it is any less "reliable" or "valid" then anything else you read

    5 22.73%
  • Yes, it has some problems

    10 45.45%
  • Yes, I've never come across anything useful on it because Everything is vandelized

    0 0%
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Thread: Validity of Wikipedia

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  1. #1

    Validity of Wikipedia

    Wikipedia get a lot of bad rap for being wrong, having uneven focus on certain issues (i.e. something "un-important" has a much longer and more extensive article then something that is deemed "important") or vandalized to a great degree.

    Have you ever had a big problem with wikipedia? has it ever not fulfilled your general knowledge needs? Have you ever found something to be factually wrong?

    I'm not fighting for it so I could use it in papers or anything but it seems to get a lot of criticism over things that I have never experienced with the site. Some people just seem to have beef with it for no reason, YES it can be edited by basically everyone but it is never that big of a problem and if you tried to use it (or anything for that matter) as your ONLY source then that is NOT a problem with the website, its a problem with you...
    Last edited by Dan558; 09-17-2008 at 10:12 PM.
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