Most of the vessle's I talk about are the Aviation Type. We're airborne m'lady.
A ball brawl in the sky sounds great. Or in space. Rocky is getting suplexed into a tea table either way.
Thinking about it, EBG is totally outnumbered. SOLDIER is supposed to be exclusive but like half of TFF is in it.
Last edited by SOLDIER #819; 12-23-2011 at 11:33 AM.
Originally Posted by Andromeda
Why'd you name yourself after SOLDIER THEN HUH
Cuz I was young and you guys were so cool and I wanted to be like you there you happy
Also t-minus 10 to thread implosion
Originally Posted by Andromeda
Thanks to you all. I will try my beat and never give up to try to get into SOLDIER. LOL
And I'm not a guy, I'm a girl.![]()
"Happiness is a perfume. You cannot pour on others without getting a few drops on yourself..."
Well in that case you can keep your god damn hand job then.
Let's go into the "archives" in "Washington D.C." and find out how people "masturbated" in the "roaring 20's."
Crao Porr Cock8. Bitch.
1. Fine Ally, you do call me out on my bullshit every now and then, but che actively seeks it out. You usually tend to deal with a lot of complaints about my behavior and then give me a kick in the ass. <3
2. Why are we talking about seamen and Polks hand jibbers? Is he gonna get one from a sailor while "I'm on a boat" is playing... cause I'd pay to watch that... and to film it.
3. And once more, SOLDIER's been around forever. EBG is just a sad little offshoot of the Emerald Knights because Spekkio and Korova liked to diddle each others egos in the tffchat on aim.
Suck on that.
SOLDIERcHoSeNCrao Porr Cock8- Rebels, Rogues and Sworn Brothers
I'm not a noob, and I'm not part of any cool group.
I guess there's PRK9, but... eh. That was fun when it first started, you know, with the toga parties with CPC8, huge msn conversations, the people who made the club cool, etc... I'm not a very patriotic person in the slightest.
...then you realise you just fought to get into a club on a forum which no one else in the world will give a shit about, will make you out to be "a person who wastes time" on a CV, and in the meantime cause more stress for you than anything else.
I say hang around, get to know some of the members, eventually jump in a cliche, and maybe then you'll get an invite to a cool ass group. It'll lose its novelty over time, but hey, you're in a group.
I gotta say that looking over this thread really brought back a lot of good memories. I remember the Clan Wars, those were some good times around TFF. I know that I was in a clan and from the names getting thrown around, the 4 I picked out were SOLDIER, CPC8, EBG, and the Emerald Knights I feel like I was in EK.
That is the clan that jumps out at me even though I can't remember the slightest thing about the Clan Wars. Guess I took too long a leave of absence between the Clan Wars and my reappearance on TFF. Good to reminisce though.
Wanna Know More:
Originally Posted by Andromeda
Nah, che's my boy. We still have CPC8 and that's far superior because we're not really held to any other standards except for being awesome... and drunk. It's quite nice, really.
SOLDIERcHoSeNCrao Porr Cock8- Rebels, Rogues and Sworn Brothers
Why doesn't TFF have an exclusive historian to compile a history of all that happened on TFF for the last decade?
I don't remember shit at all. I tried looking for past Tournament of Arms battles and I don't see it. So sad.
Edit: Just realized I asked about something similar a year ago. Hahaha...
Last edited by Skai; 12-27-2011 at 07:06 AM.
Skai Aetheris, Gilgamesh
Alot of ego stroking going on here over the access of a private forum in which dwindles in inactivity, you guys need to get out more![]()
Wouldn't say I'm talking shit, but you are entitled to your opinion as much as I![]()
Che is right.
Tis the season to try new masturbation techniques.
Crao Porr Cock8: Getting it while the getting's good