(i didn't put this into the debate thing, because i don't feel it's worthy of "Expanding one's mind" lol)
Ok. This is the scenario. Say your biological Aunt/Uncle moves in with you. Now, this is not a man/woman who you have known your entire life. In fact, you have met him once, and that was when you were so small you could not even remember. You barely even knew he existed. Now say you are in your 20's. This is 20 or so years of no contact. Said person suddenly moves in, and expects you to call him/her Uncle/Aunt. Do you call them Uncle/Aunt, or do you use thier proper name?
This comes up since this actually happened to me recently. Now he insists that i call him "Uncle". I do not feel he IS my uncle, due to the fact that i have only known him for about 4-6 months. I have friends who i feel are more family than him. Family is A lot more than just blood. Therefore i don't call him "Uncle" I discussed it with my Aunts, who have been with me since i was a baby, and even them i call by thier proper names on most occasions. They say they don't care, and that since i am an adult (22) it should not matter. I agree. I am old enough that i shouldn't have to call them by thier title. It isn't as though i call my dad by his proper name. Aunts and Uncles are different. What are your thoughts/opinions?