One of my favorite threads (of my own) to read had to have been Worst Day Ever, but it left me feeling a little down and out. Then Che posted and I thought to myself, "I should make a thread about your best day ever!"
Then I got high... forgot about it for a couple of days and remembered it just now. So here's the deal. Best day!
My best day took place during my worst job at McDonald's as a manager. I was working a 1 to 9 (pm) and was about 10 minutes from heading out the door. I was approached by Antonia with a wallet she had found. I took the wallet and placed it in the safe in the office then headed out the door. Outside on the pavement I noticed a white envelope and picked it up. Inside? $600. I was in complete shock. I went home, changed, and rolled out to Wal-Mart to pick up gifts for my friends and family (Christmas was about 3 weeks out I believe). That day was awesome.
Unfortunately I later found out that the wallet that was handed to me was also where that $600 belonged...