Time for one of the many cultural lessons I seem to carry around in the back of my head. Seriously why is Scotland so different that I can do this everytime?
'Guising' is the Scottish variant of 'Trick-or-treating', originating sometime before the 19th Century. Children go door-to-door in 'guises, and have to sing a song or recite a joke or story in order to entertain their hosts, to recieve a prize of apples or nuts. None of your auto-treat pish.
As you can imagine with all of the American programmes on television, 'guising has basically been replaced with 'trick-or-treating' which is just plain lazy. Also I'm not giving out my sweets to random children.
So yeah, it's an American tradition that's pushing out a celtic tradition.
Also my priest (who incidentally isn't a great priest...) last year suggested that instead of children dressing up as Disney Princesses (most lazy costume ever... just take it out the packet), or as vampires - they should instead dress as Saints or other prominent religious figures. I don't know what he was thinking - it all sounds a bit like one of those crazy churches that America has so many of.