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Thread: trick or treat

  1. #1
    Boxer of the Galaxy trick or treat Rowan's Avatar
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    trick or treat

    Piss off, little shits.

    Im the halloween version of the grinch. It really pisses me off that random kids I've never met come bashing on my door demanding candy because of some old irish tradition or whatever. I thought children were taught not to go knocking on the doors of strangers homes OR to take candy from strangers (yeah, yeah, so some of their parents go with them). I just feel like its a tradition that doesn't belong in Australian culture as it has no relevance. We wouldnt celebrate it for the same reasons we wouldnt celebrate thanksgiving etc. People suppose that Australia is already a cultural MESS, that why not add this to the pot as well?

    Ugh, dont mind me. Kids had been knocking on my door all night making my 4 barking daschunds drive me bonkers.

    happy halloween you little pricks.

  2. #2
    Ayyye trick or treat Lacquer Head's Avatar
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    Try hanging a sign that says "No trick or treaters" or something lol I notice that you made this thread a year ago as well >.>

    *points at the similar threads*

  3. #3
    I invented Go-Gurt. trick or treat Clint's Avatar
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    If I want to go around begging for food, I might as well accept that I prefer accepting handouts like a coward, instead of working my ass off to pay my own debts. Halloween teaches children that no matter what they do in life, they can always become beggers when they fail miserably at every single thing they do.

    Halloween is a stupid holiday, celebrated by stupid, devil worshiping douche bags and moronic cowards who threaten you for candy. I mean, come on, Halloweeners are essentially terrorists. They go and ring your doorbell, stating "trick or treat." Which means that if you don't treat them with a free handout, they'll TP your house, or throw eggs at your windows, or skin your cat and drink it's blood, or some sick satanic shit like that.

    Halloweeners deserve a little taste of the red right hand of Eastwood. That's all I have to say about that.

  4. #4
    attempting to bribe the Mayor of Lambeth trick or treat Xanatos's Avatar
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    It's a nice tradition here where I live, we celebrate it day before the period of huge fast. Nothing on level of those in Brazil and Spain, though our carnivals are lovely to say the least. I've been part of it as a kid and it's been a lot of fun, thus I don't see any reason why others shouldn't have the same experience as me.

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  5. #5
    Boxer of the Galaxy trick or treat Rowan's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Xanatos View Post
    It's a nice tradition here where I live, we celebrate it day before the period of huge fast. Nothing on level of those in Brazil and Spain, though our carnivals are lovely to say the least. I've been part of it as a kid and it's been a lot of fun, thus I don't see any reason why others shouldn't have the same experience as me.
    I dont know what your experiences are like, but I tend to think its rude, ignorant and a violation of privacy having people knocking on your home expecting candy. I dont see any reason why people should have to put up with nonsense.

  6. #6
    attempting to bribe the Mayor of Lambeth trick or treat Xanatos's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rowan View Post
    I dont know what your experiences are like, but I tend to think its rude, ignorant and a violation of privacy having people knocking on your home expecting candy. I dont see any reason why people should have to put up with nonsense.
    I honestly don't know in which manner you celebrate Halloween in Australia or how huge it is, here, it's a long time tradition, a fun one if I may say so. It's a part of our culture, our parents and their parents did the same way before us, it was a great fun for them to be part of it, same goes for me, thus I don't see any reason why other kids shouldn't experience the same. I don't think there's anything rude or ignorant about it as long as both sides enjoy that day and here we indeed do.

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  7. #7
    (ღ˘⌣˘ღ) trick or treat che's Avatar
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    I kinda see where you're coming from, Rowan. Like, I bet you don't like people knocking on your door for any reason, anyway? I mean, there's e-mail, phone, etc for business. Only friends or delivery food should come to your house and knock. Or a neighbor in need of something.

    Anyway. I can see someone not wanting to celebrate Halloween because of religious reasons. That's whatever. But if I could totally scrap Halloween, I'd definitely want 1 day per year where everyone is encouraged to dress up in a costume. Just because it's cool.

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  8. #8
    G'day trick or treat NikkiLinkle's Avatar
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    I saw a witch at the train station yesterday morning (Halloween here), I wasn't sure if it was Halloween related or if she was a real witch.

    Anyhoo, I'm not into Halloween. I didn't grow up with it so idgaf. But it is becoming more 'popular' I guess in Australia now. And idk about the kids in other countries, but Aussie kids are indeed a bunch of little pricks. Example from a lady I know. This little boy told her son, "move outta the f*cking way you little c*nt!" I know I say c*nt a lot, but holy bajeezus, I wouldn't want little s*its like that at my door either. Despite that I can see the fun of it all for kids and adults. It's not a bad thing, just annoying to some. Which is fair enough. Not everyone has to participate in the giving of candy. If ya gonna go trick or treating ya still should be polite. Just because you're in a costume, doesn't mean you can be an ***hole.

  9. #9
    Ayyye trick or treat Lacquer Head's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Goddamn Clint Eastwood View Post
    If I want to go around begging for food, I might as well accept that I prefer accepting handouts like a coward, instead of working my ass off to pay my own debts. Halloween teaches children that no matter what they do in life, they can always become beggers when they fail miserably at every single thing they do.

    Halloween is a stupid holiday, celebrated by stupid, devil worshiping douche bags and moronic cowards who threaten you for candy. I mean, come on, Halloweeners are essentially terrorists. They go and ring your doorbell, stating "trick or treat." Which means that if you don't treat them with a free handout, they'll TP your house, or throw eggs at your windows, or skin your cat and drink it's blood, or some sick satanic shit like that.

    Halloweeners deserve a little taste of the red right hand of Eastwood. That's all I have to say about that.
    Huh huh, you said weiner...kinda

  10. #10
    Death Before Dishonor trick or treat Josh_R's Avatar
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    Don't want kids knocking turn your porch light out. Around here if you want people to stop knocking on your door then you simply turn off your light. No light on prolly not giving out candy for trick or treat. I loved it as a kid getting to dress up as a super hero, or whatever the f*ck wanted. Trick or treat actually got pushed back here in Kentucky so it'll be tomorrow night. Got like 8 big ass bags of candy to give out.

    Have a halloween party tomorrow night as well. Lots of drinking and fun.

    Sitting here waiting for Rocky, and Che to notice me!!

  11. #11
    #LOCKE4GOD trick or treat Alpha's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Josh_R View Post
    Don't want kids knocking turn your porch light out. Around here if you want people to stop knocking on your door then you simply turn off your light. No light on prolly not giving out candy for trick or treat.
    Negatory, it's nearly summer, it's light until like 8pm. Sometimes we had a sign. This year we only got two groups of them though (one at 2pm...when school was still on ), and we just let them ring the bell/knock until they buggered off.

    I like Halloween parties, I just don't like trick or treaters.

  12. #12
    Consistently Average trick or treat Kurt Zisa's Avatar
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    Halloween is pretty much non-existent around here but there were some Halloween parties in town last night. Too bad I have exams next Monday/Tuesday although I still bought myself a hat full of sweets and crap. Fun times were had.

    Cambridge has quite a lot of middle age/elderly people so I guess there's no real urge for people to go out or dress up. My sister said her boss hands out fruit to trick or treaters which I found quite funny.
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  13. #13
    (ღ˘⌣˘ღ) trick or treat che's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Josh_R View Post
    Don't want kids knocking turn your porch light out. Around here if you want people to stop knocking on your door then you simply turn off your light. No light on prolly not giving out candy for trick or treat. I loved it as a kid getting to dress up as a super hero, or whatever the f*ck wanted. Trick or treat actually got pushed back here in Kentucky so it'll be tomorrow night. Got like 8 big ass bags of candy to give out.

    Have a halloween party tomorrow night as well. Lots of drinking and fun.
    I love you, Josh. But everytime I read your stories I feel like you're on a boyscout campout.

    PS. Nice Coheed Avatar!

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  14. #14
    Death Before Dishonor trick or treat Josh_R's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by che View Post
    I love you, Josh. But everytime I read your stories I feel like you're on a boyscout campout.

    PS. Nice Coheed Avatar!
    I am a complex man Che as I am sure you are aware.

    Sitting here waiting for Rocky, and Che to notice me!!

  15. #15
    Permanently Banned loaf's Avatar
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    Move to the ghetto. Problem solved, nobody trick or treats in that area of the city.
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  16. #16
    I haven't taken apart of Halloween since I was 12ish. Just never really cared, my dad always stacked candy in the house and I never cared for dressing up (although I have a couple of years, mostly for practical jokes more than actually doing it in the spirit of Halloween)
    Thankfully, my jobs have kept me working during Halloween for the past 5 years (Holy shit have I really been out of high school that long?).

    Story Time:
    The first year I worked at Bowman's, a local owned grocery store, I decided I may as well dress up. I deal with a lot of customers and I guess its just good for the environment of the store, co-workers, and customers if I don't stand out.
    So I borrow my brothers kilt that he bought on his trip in Europe and just put on a nice dress shirt and some football socks that oddly enough matched very well.
    As I worked throughout the day I kept getting harassed by older women with cat calls. I got whistled at a few times, had ladies compliment my legs, among other things.

    To be honest it was pretty awkward, but I laughed it off.

  17. #17
    HRH Albha trick or treat Aerif's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rowan View Post
    It really pisses me off that random kids I've never met come bashing on my door demanding candy because of some old irish tradition or whatever.
    Blah blah blah blah guising blah blah blah blah went over this last year.

    Quote Originally Posted by Wikipedia - Because it seems I always need to educate you lot
    In Scotland and Ireland, "guising" — children going from house to house in disguise — is traditional, and a gift in the form of food, coins or "apples or nuts for the Halloween party" (in more recent times chocolate) is given out to the children dressed up in various costumes.[38][39] The tradition is called "guising" because of the disguises or costumes worn by the children.[40] In the West Mid Scots dialect, guising is known as "galoshans".[41] Among the earliest record of Guising at Halloween in Scotland is in 1895, where masqueraders in disguise carrying lanterns made out of scooped out turnips, visit homes to be rewarded with cakes, fruit and money.[2] Guising also involved going to wealthy homes, and in the 1920s, boys went guising at Halloween up to the affluent Thorntonhall, South Lanarkshire.[42] An account of guising in the 1950s in Ardrossan, North Ayrshire, records a child receiving 12 shillings and sixpence having knocked on doors throughout the neighborhood and performed.[36] There is a significant difference from the way the practice has developed in North America with the jocular threat. In Scotland and Ireland, the children are only supposed to receive treats if they perform for the households they go to. This normally takes the form of singing a song or reciting a joke or a funny poem which the child has memorized before setting out.[36] Occasionally a more talented child may do card tricks, play the mouth organ, or something even more impressive, but most children will earn plenty of treats even with something very simple. Often they won't even need to perform.[38] While going from door to door in disguise has remained popular among Scots and Irish at Halloween, saying "trick-or-treat" has become common.
    Anyway up in the dark north it's pretty black at around 5pm, so in general it's only the parents who hate their children who let them wander the streets alone on the look out for sweets. My mother bought some fun size supermarket brand sweets to throw at any kids who dared to approach the front door - but nobody actually did.

    They might have earlier in the evening but since today is All Souls Day and the priest was to lazy to hold a mass this evening, I went last night. He's actually always a little funny at Hallowe'en, two years ago he suggested that kids should dress up as something that isn't inherently evil like a Saint or the Pope (I'm not kidding). Last night he said something along the lines of the importance of prayer at this time of the year since its an important day for Satanists. He can be very funny sometimes.
    Last edited by Aerif; 11-01-2012 at 03:34 AM.

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  18. #18
    Registered User trick or treat Halie's Avatar
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    I actually quite like Halloween. I had two costumes this year, Magenta from Rocky Horror and Pocahontas. I didn't really do anything on the actual day though, unfortunately. Just sat in my Pocahontas costume with my cider, watching the Chase and waiting for the trick-or-treaters. What an exciting life I lead?

  19. #19
    Death Before Dishonor trick or treat Josh_R's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by loaf View Post
    Move to the ghetto. Problem solved, nobody trick or treats in that area of the city.
    Maybe not in Vegas, but when I lived in New Orleans you see all the ghetto younglings out there trick or treating.

    Sitting here waiting for Rocky, and Che to notice me!!

  20. #20
    The Mad God trick or treat Heartless Angel's Avatar
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    I love Halloween, it's the only day when I can answer children at the door by screaming at them in a Pyramid Head costume without somebody calling the police. Best holiday ever.
    Last edited by Heartless Angel; 11-02-2012 at 11:51 PM.
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  21. #21
    I'm like a sexy female Darth Vader trick or treat motscroises's Avatar
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    Ohhh bah humbug. I love passing out candy to the kids! It's a lot more fun than watching tv that I could just watch OnDemand later. Plus, it was so much fun when I was a kid--why wouldn't I continue the tradition now? This is like a FUN Christmas where nobody gets socks or has to deal with drunk aunts kissing your face! Just candy and running around like wild!

    Of course, I've never had bratty kids or anything like that come to my door. For the most part, they just think I'm amazing because I buy waaay too much candy and just let them all grab a handful.

  22. #22
    TFF's Resident Messenger trick or treat Michael Swayne's Avatar
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    Halloween isn't celebrated as much now as it was when I was younger. Back then, there were hundreds of grownups with disposable income to spend on candy for fifty kids that Trick-or-Treated. Now there are hundreds of kids (with around 5-10% of them carrying a baby in one arm and a Halloween pail in the other) Trick-or-Treating, and only 30-50 grownups giving out candy. No one seems to have that Halloween spirit anymore.

    Our paper's only contribution to Halloween is a coloring contest. And participation in that has dropped as well. Only one entry this year. It made choosing the winner quite easy.

    Like Josh said, the general rule is that kids should only go to houses with porch lights on. Unless your Adam Sandler's character in Big Daddy, then just go through the back door and make the person inside give the kid a watch.
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