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Thread: There are some evil people out there

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  1. #1
    is not a douche There are some evil people out there Bubble Boy's Avatar
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    There are some evil people out there

    I read up an article that some dude starved his dog to death because he could'nt face giving up the dog because he LOVED him too much. How ****ing sick is that? I wanna hurl some acid into this guy's face. And I don't think he received a very stiff penalty for killing, and slowly starving his beloved pet to death. Maybe acid wouldn't be enough, someone needs to STARVE his ass to death and see how he likes it.

    Why do animal murderers get much lighter sentences than murderers who kill humans? It is all the same in my eyes. What a weird world we live in.

  2. #2
    attempting to bribe the Mayor of Lambeth There are some evil people out there Xanatos's Avatar
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    Re: There are some evil people out there

    Three years for a murder out of which the culprit serves max two years... I present to you our justice system. Now that's what I call a light sentence.

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  3. #3

    Re: There are some evil people out there

    Why did he have to give up the dog? o_O

  4. #4
    Memento RK There are some evil people out there Yoko's Avatar
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    Re: There are some evil people out there

    He could have put it up for adoption or at least given him to someone who cared for the thing. That's horrible. That's serious intentional negligence and should be a serious sentence. People really are ****ed up these days.
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    ve yourself
    is what i said
    not "do you"

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  5. #5
    TFF's Resident Messenger There are some evil people out there Michael Swayne's Avatar
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    Re: There are some evil people out there

    Quote Originally Posted by nix View Post
    Why did he have to give up the dog? o_O
    I am wondering this as well. In fact, I would love to read the article.

    As for me, I put my dogs and cats well-being over my own. I have been told by several people that my dogs eat better than I do. And in all honesty, they probably do. If I am nearly out of dog food, I will cook them up something to eat and do without myself so I know that they are fed until I can get the money for more dog food. I don't even eat breakfast until the dogs have been fed. But that's because my parents would never let us eat until our animals had their breakfast. "Feed those that aren't able to get their own food before feeding yourself," they would say.

    I can understand loving your pet that much though. I had three of my dogs die recently, so it is still fresh in my mind what I felt when it happened. I just couldn't do that to any animal. If it were to ever come down to it, I would cut off one of my limbs so my dogs could have something to eat. I just hope I am never that far down on my luck to have to resort to that.

    But you know that the dog is now in a better place. I mean, the movie couldn't have been lying when it said that all dogs go to heaven.
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  6. #6
    I invented Go-Gurt. There are some evil people out there Clint's Avatar
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    Re: There are some evil people out there

    Quote Originally Posted by nix View Post
    Why did he have to give up the dog? o_O
    Apparently because of animal neglect. The dog died.

    That's ridiculous. It isn't that hard to feed your dog. If you have food to eat, then your dog has food to eat. The guy didn't starve to death. Obviously he was getting food for himself. I know it isn't exactly healthy for dogs to eat human food, but it will at least keep it from starving.

    If the guy supposedly loved his dog so much, he would have given the dog food, instead of pretending that if you don't feed a dog, it won't starve. This is the exact reason why morons shouldn't own animals.

    If he needed dog food, he could have just gone over to any number of no-kill animal shelters. They're no-kill and non-profit. If you walk in with a hungry animal and explain your situation, they will literally give you food for free. Hell, if he didn't have enough money to drive over to a shelter, he could have called them, and they would have sent someone to deliver food.

  7. #7
    Kiss with a fist. There are some evil people out there Dranzer's Avatar
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    Re: There are some evil people out there

    Quote Originally Posted by The Goddamn Clint Eastwood View Post
    Apparently because of animal neglect. The dog died.

    That's ridiculous. It isn't that hard to feed your dog. If you have food to eat, then your dog has food to eat. The guy didn't starve to death. Obviously he was getting food for himself. I know it isn't exactly healthy for dogs to eat human food, but it will at least keep it from starving.

    If the guy supposedly loved his dog so much, he would have given the dog food, instead of pretending that if you don't feed a dog, it won't starve. This is the exact reason why morons shouldn't own animals.

    If he needed dog food, he could have just gone over to any number of no-kill animal shelters. They're no-kill and non-profit. If you walk in with a hungry animal and explain your situation, they will literally give you food for free. Hell, if he didn't have enough money to drive over to a shelter, he could have called them, and they would have sent someone to deliver food.
    True facts. I think a more appropriate title for this thread would have been: There are some really ****ing stupid people out there. This is the General Chat section after all, we could have a full on debate about world hunger and who's ugly and who's pretty while simultaneously coming to the same conclusion: people are ****ing stupid.

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  8. #8
    iron gamer There are some evil people out there saio's Avatar
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    Re: There are some evil people out there

    even i have to admit that's just wrong
    and i'm someone who hate's dogs (and trust me the feeling is mutual)
    and as for alpha

    this question was asked in the 20s 30s 40s 50s 60s and 70s
    the answer to this is and has always been.........hypocritical
    "How can you face the future if you can't even face yourself" me.
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  9. #9
    Bananarama There are some evil people out there Pete's Avatar
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    Re: There are some evil people out there

    I don't think its evil as much as it is ignorance add general stupidity. Love has people doing all sorts of stupid shit, and clearly this guy couldn't live without his dog. I really feel sorry for his ignorance
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  10. #10
    ~*Moogle! Kupo!*~ There are some evil people out there pixergirl's Avatar
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    Re: There are some evil people out there

    that's horrible!! why didn't he just let someone else have the dog?!?! someone who would actually TREAT IT RIGHT?!!
    that guy is sick. really sick.
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  11. #11
    #LOCKE4GOD There are some evil people out there Alpha's Avatar
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    Re: There are some evil people out there

    Do you eat beef/lamb/venison/frog...? I mean, those animals are killed so you can eat, right. In truth that's a more selfish reason to kill these animals than this guy (probably... You didn't actually explain the situation... at all).

    Not to excuse animal cruelty or anything... but in the words of Morrisey, 'meat is murder', is it not?

    Strange how it's not okay to kill your dog but it is okay to feed it bits of a dead cow.

  12. #12
    Asking all the personal questions. There are some evil people out there RamesesII's Avatar
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    Re: There are some evil people out there

    I think his love would have blinded him from what the right way to rationally deal with the situation. It was selfish of him because he was obviously needed the dog more than it needed him, he just couldn't let it go like I said he had no way of thinking rationally.

    I know I would find it hard to give any of my pets away, in fact we had a 2 year old kelpie dog, she was beautiful but with three young children I just didn't get enough time to spend with her, she was unhappy and that resulted in her digging up the back yard.
    Therefore we gave her away to a family with grown up kids who could take care of her better. She is now one of the most successful tracking dogs in the region because the owners had the time and money to train her. I will admit I cried when we gave her away and I still think of her but I know she is better off.
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  13. #13
    Registered Goober There are some evil people out there Order's Avatar
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    Re: There are some evil people out there

    Well, it is hard to admit to yourself that you aren't capable of taking care of a pet.
    Especially dogs because they are resilient and will usually stay by an owner's side until they die.
    I can understand not wanting to lose that loyalty.

    But my family had a golden retriever a while back. He iw one of those rare dogs that is so smart it can understand commands its never heard before.
    My family was doing fine with feeding him and making sure he gets excersize, but they knew he'd be more happy with a family that didn't travel so much. He was in a kennel just about once a month because they'd be out of town.
    Eventually, they found a couple who seemed like a good fit for him, you know, active, didn't have to leave him behind so much.
    I've seen pictures and the dog is clearly more happy now.

    I won't lie, I wanted to take care of the dog, but I realized I'm hardly ever home for more than it takes to shower and sleep.
    I may be selfish, but I wouldn't make a dog suffer so I could have another friend to ignore.

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