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  1. #1
    Sir Prize That's Gross, Not Yummy! Sinister's Avatar
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    That's Gross, Not Yummy!

    I make this thread, having come to a revelation. Recently, and not to make a labor of it, I was drunk in the presence of a cadre of fellow fencers who were likewise impaired. It wasn't terribly long before we were all swearing brotherhoods with each other, challenging nightstands to duels, while regurgitating lines from The Princess Bride. After a while it was decided that a test of manhood was in order. Wine glasses were brought out, eggs were opened and, carefully, several lines of a drink called a Prairie Oyster were arrayed. You may remember it from an episode of Cowboy Bebop.

    Not even bothering to shirk, but also not having made a careful calculation of what I was drinking, I tossed one back. I must've made a funny sound as I held everyone's attention. My eyes bubbled and watered and I felt my system back up. Through painful meditation and pure effort I managed to keep it down. And although it didn't have a totally unpleasant flavor, the texture makes me queasy to think of it now.

    Anyway, my experienced caused me to beg the questions:

    What would you say the nastiest thing you've ever imbibed/eaten?

    What is the most unusual thing you've ever imbibed/eaten?

    I ate an octopus once. Wasn't bad at all. I'd eat it again if I could and no longer truly consider it unusual save for the fact that a few people I mentioned it to, said it was gross.

    Also ate caviar. Most people wouldn't consider it unusual, but that's okay. As a lover of fine food that actually TASTES good...I consider it unusual.


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  2. #2
    Imperius Rex That's Gross, Not Yummy! Storm's Avatar
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    Urgh- I can't even imagine how that texture must have felt like- it sounds revolting! Thankfully my nights out are much less eventful!

    What would you say the nastiest thing you've ever imbibed/eaten?
    Tequila shots! It was my friend's birthday and someone bought us all a round. I don't like the taste of strong alchohol anyway (i'm a malibu and coke drinker, or vodka and irnbru), however I couldn't really refuse. My god my mouth was on fire! The fact I despise lemons too didn't help take the taste from my mouth- that and i'd get aweful ulscers on the inside of my mouth- so I was there in the middle of the pub pouring salt onto my hand and licking it off for about half a minute!

    There was also an aweful concoction made up from a game of Wheel of Fire. I didn't loose, however we were all mates so we all had to share the drink between us. It was a nasty mix of cider and black, vodka, malibu and coke, lager, gin and whiskey.

    What is the most unusual thing you've ever imbibed/eaten?
    Hmm... dry cat food, paper, vanilla ice cream with mustard (which was oddly satisfying), rodent treats, fish food.

    Ohh... and my favorites which are absolutely gorgeous- cheese in chocolate or chocolate in cheese (woo fondue). Perfect for lovers of chocolate and cheese!
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  3. #3
    Professional Klutz. That's Gross, Not Yummy! Hyzenthlay's Avatar
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    What would you say the nastiest thing you've ever imbibed/eaten?
    I'd say min eis along the same lines as your story. At my friends 18th this year we were trying out drinks made by our friend (who is a barman). He made us a drink called a 'cement mixer'. This was essentially Baileys Irish cream and lemonade. It had the texture of a biscuit on top whilst underneith there was a clear alcohol. Apparently the citrus seperates the cream and leaves alcohol at the bottom of your glass. You arnt supposed to drink the top layer. It is meant to be seived. I didnt know this and tipped one into my mouth. That didnt stay in my body long, let me tell you that. It, like you said, wasnt unpleasant in taste. In texture, though, it was aweful.

    What is the most unusual thing you've ever imbibed/eaten?
    I have been on a survival trip with my dad and brothers. We camped with no tent, waded through rivers and streams. Made fires from bits of stone and wood and... Possibly the weirdest thing ever... Ate woodlice (pillbugs, if you are american). We cooked them because, according to our instructor person, they are related to prawns and shrimp. o.O, my dad didnt even tell me what was in my food. He knew I wouldnt eat it if he did. I did eat it and, to be honest, it tasted like... Nothing.
    Good times. I reccomend the survival holiday thing. It was really fun.
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  4. #4
    Arachnie Suicide That's Gross, Not Yummy! ChloChloAriadne's Avatar
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    As far as actual food... I once ate fish testicles. I was at a friend's house with a few of her friends playing truth or dare, and that was mine. So, we tramped down to the local fish and chips store, where [lo and behold] they actually KEEP the fishie testicles. Not TOO bad. Kinda creamy.

    As far as drinking, I had a sip of this weird, home-made cocktail at a Hallowe'en party last year. A couple of the girls were trying to make Hallowe'en themed drinks. This was basically a Bloody Mary, but with half the tomato juice substituted for pumpkin juice, and iced, crushed pumpkin pulp mixed in. [With pumpkin and ghost swizzle sticks, of course.] It was... Unpleasant. I don't like pumpkin, anyway.

    Maybe they both count for nasty/unusual. I'm not sure how to differenciate for this context. Oh, I did eat an ant brownie once. Somebody left the container open, and by the time I got to it and took a large bite, ants had hollowed out and inhabited the inside of it.
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  5. #5
    ...means nothing to no way Furore's Avatar
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    What would you say the nastiest thing you've ever imbibed/eaten?

    Probably chicken feet or possibly sheeps brain. The chicken feet were deep fried in batter and while the batter was nice, the legs themselves were a little too chewy for my liking. The sheep's brain is hard to describe, but it's gooey, the flavour wasn't too my liking and the thoughts that what I was eating were brains is also a bit of a turn off. Both were dares.

    What is the most unusual thing you've ever imbibed/eaten?

    Who knows? Witchetty grubs, croc meat, roo meat, escargot, baby calamari...
    And all the ones I listed above were damned tasty (in a good way), I'd really recommend the croc meat.

    I've found it's always good to keep an open mind, and most foods go great with cheese.
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  6. #6
    Cilla vs. Games That's Gross, Not Yummy! Priscilla's Avatar
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    What would you say the nastiest thing you've ever imbibed/eaten?

    Hm, crab that is alive? I am not a big fan of seafood anyway but when I was in Japan they bought a crab because they thought it would be nice to spoil me and put it in the middle of the table.. ripped off a leg when it was still alive and handed it to me. It tasted bad and I felt terrible eating the leg of a crab that was dying infront of me.
    Uhm, once my friend and I found a sour lolly on the ground and someone dared us to eat it and we did.

    What is the most unusual thing you've ever imbibed/eaten?
    Escargot, which I admit is wonderful =D
    I don't know what else counts as weird.. Kangaroo, Crocodile, Eel.. chicken skin kebab. D=

  7. #7
    Nastiest would probably be raw oysters...or dirt if my retarded elementary school years count. And the dirt was a dare.

    I haven't eaten many unusual things unfortunately..but there's always tomorrow.

  8. #8
    Always the b**** That's Gross, Not Yummy! little.miss.VIOLENT's Avatar
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    What would you say the nastiest thing you've ever imbibed/eaten?

    Well, I don't actually know what was in it, but I think it was something like creaming soda, pepsi, chocolate sace, apple ruble, potato skins, potato salad, jelly, marinara sauce, spaghetti and wafers. Disgusting. I went to Sizzler with my friends, and I got back from the bathroom and there it was. Playing truth or dare, I had to have some. Worst drink ever.

    What is the most unusual thing you've ever imbibed/eaten?

    Hot dogs with marshmallows. Not as bad as it sounds.

  9. #9
    Genocide Unfolds, I Forgive All Chez Daja's Avatar
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    I live in a country where no particularly strange animals live. I haven't been abroad either, so I don't often get the opportunity to try weird things. I remember when I was a kid, though, my sister made me a jam and sprinkles sandwich. I thought it was the best thing ever back then, but now? Not so much.

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  10. #10
    Registered User That's Gross, Not Yummy! winterborn86's Avatar
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    The nastiest thing I have ever drank was a mix of all sorts, and i mean all sorts, me and a few friends put a mixture of stuff into another friends drink to see if he would drink it, but he suspected us and told me to have a sip 1st I thought I was going to throw up, here's a list of what was in that drink: 2 different types of Beer, WKD blue, strawberry yogurt, a squirt of washing up liquid and half a shaker of salt. Disgusting. lol

    The most unusual thing I have eaten has been what I have been eating lately mint sauce. I have been putting it on all sorts of things: Pie, chips, toad in the hole, fish fingers and chicken dippers, then I drink the leftovers of a soon. Also when I was younger I use to eat french fries (the packet of crisps) with spaghetti hoops.

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  11. #11
    When I think back to all the things I've eaten, I find that nothing seems unusual or really nasty to me. I eat lots of random things, so that might count.

    What would you say the nastiest thing you've ever imbibed/eaten?
    The nastiest thing I ever ate is doughnut that fell on the ground, glaze side down. I was dared to eat it by one of my friends, and I did- after dusting off some of the larger pebbles and particles stuck to it.

    And if that isn't really what you're looking for, I would pick fish liver. It's terribly bitter, but pastey, so that it sticks in our mouth. Pig intestines aren't good either. They don't actually taste that bad, but the fact that they're really soft and chewy makes me gag since you have to chew for an eternity.

    What is the most unusual thing you've ever imbibed/eaten?
    Even though I've tried lots of strange things, none of them seem too interesting, so nothing goes here.

  12. #12
    Mr. Person Taco-Calamitous's Avatar
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    I can't really think of too many odd things I've eaten. I have drunk my fair share of alcohol in my time, however, and I have had some unusual drinks.

    One was my brother's "power shake," which included a variety of vegetables. I can't remember most of it, but I know there was spinach in there. It was nasty-both in taste and texture-and I was only able to get down half the glass.

    There was another odd concoction I drank at an all night party that involved mustard and horse raddish. It went down fairly easily, actually, but at that point I'd been drinking alcohol on a regular basis, so...

    Most mixed alcoholic drinks I've had have been fairly nasty, particularly if there was more hard A in it than the other stuff. However,there have been a few that tasted pretty good, including: a white russian; an irish car bomb; and a drink I made mixing dr. pepper with southern comfort. My friends thought it was too strong, and called it the "dirty south." I liked it, and had 3 44 oz. servings of it. I was hung over the next day, and my stomach hurt the next several days...

    I also had some straight apple cidar vinager the other month when my throat was sore. It made it much worse. Thanks, Dragon Heart Anyhoo...

    Wuv, Yer Mom

  13. #13
    I think the nastiest thing I've ever eaten is cow tongue the most unusual too. It was just gross the texture was thicker then liver and it didn't even taste good with cheese.

  14. #14
    Sentinel DragonHeart's Avatar
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    Hey I only listed the remedies, I never said I'd use them. Hence the disclaimer, lol.

    Let's see...nasty things. Well, I did accidentally eat a caterpillar when I was little. One of those big hairy ones, too. Pancakes with moldy maple syrup once. -_- My father insisted it was still good if you just scraped the mold, no it wasn't. Luckily I only had one or two bites of that. Wet catfood dried onto a fork, didn't notice till after I started eating. I now thoroughly inspect all utensils before utilizing them.

    As far as weird things, nothing intentional, though I guess you could count the caterpillar as being fairly unusual. Well, I did try bird seed once. Figure if the birds can eat it, so can I. XD It wasn't too bad, but it was mostly stuff humans eat anyways like sunflower seeds.

    Can't think of anything else at the moment.

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