I make this thread, having come to a revelation. Recently, and not to make a labor of it, I was drunk in the presence of a cadre of fellow fencers who were likewise impaired. It wasn't terribly long before we were all swearing brotherhoods with each other, challenging nightstands to duels, while regurgitating lines from The Princess Bride. After a while it was decided that a test of manhood was in order. Wine glasses were brought out, eggs were opened and, carefully, several lines of a drink called a Prairie Oyster were arrayed. You may remember it from an episode of Cowboy Bebop.

Not even bothering to shirk, but also not having made a careful calculation of what I was drinking, I tossed one back. I must've made a funny sound as I held everyone's attention. My eyes bubbled and watered and I felt my system back up. Through painful meditation and pure effort I managed to keep it down. And although it didn't have a totally unpleasant flavor, the texture makes me queasy to think of it now.

Anyway, my experienced caused me to beg the questions:

What would you say the nastiest thing you've ever imbibed/eaten?

What is the most unusual thing you've ever imbibed/eaten?

I ate an octopus once. Wasn't bad at all. I'd eat it again if I could and no longer truly consider it unusual save for the fact that a few people I mentioned it to, said it was gross.

Also ate caviar. Most people wouldn't consider it unusual, but that's okay. As a lover of fine food that actually TASTES good...I consider it unusual.
