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Thread: TFF and Roleplaying

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    Don't mock me! I have a big stick! TFF and Roleplaying Magi of Worlds's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    NW Arkansas

    TFF and Roleplaying

    Ok. I've noticed that this has been going on for a while now. Very few people are posting in the RP and RP OOC forums. Now I know this isn't recent or anything. Its been happening for quite a while now. I've just been biding my time and now have decided to act! Most of our new members and even older members are concerned with only a select few different forums on TFF. As example: H/WG, General Chat, Intellectual Chat, and even Gaming. Now I'm not saying down with these forums or anything. I just wonder what happened to Roleplaying? Isn't that one of the larger forums in the TFF commmunity?

    Why do very few people post in there or join RP's? I mean hell, even Andromeda will join one now and then. But very few older members seem to be concerned with the RP forums at all. That makes me really sad. What makes people steer clear of the RP forums? Do they think its too hard to Roleplay or something? If that's the reasoning behind this crisis then ask for some help! DragonHeart has even put up a thread explaining how to RP!

    I just want to know one thing. What, as a community, are we going to do about this? Please give me all of your thoughts and concerns regarding this. Thank you everyone!!
    Last edited by Magi of Worlds; 05-30-2010 at 06:40 PM.
    DON'T MESS WITH THE MAGI! 🤘 Check out my new RP Constant Vigilance! It's been completely redone and I'm looking for participants!


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