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Thread: TFF Christmas Grinches 2013

  1. #1
    Boxer of the Galaxy TFF Christmas Grinches 2013 Rowan's Avatar
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    TFF Christmas Grinches 2013

    Another thread to vent about the 'holiday' season. The forced family gatherings, the awkward hello's and goodbye's to relatives you see only during this time of the year, the stress of buying gifts that match both quality and money, which for me is a safe estimation of $60 since we buy for each other in the family (doing KK next year, will be so much easier). And lets not forget the obligitory family fueds that come with such a festive occasion. Yes aunt marie we all want to hear about why we should all force the bible on children at an early age to indoctrinate them, yes jackson, we also think that working mothers are bad mothers because they wont quit their 90k per year jobs to look after the kids. Oh, by the way Marie and Jackson, you can both go **** yourselves.
    (I dont have an aunt Marie or uncle Jackson, all names are works of fiction and any chance representation to real people or events are purely coincendental)

    But in all seriousness, I do enjoy christmas...

    Once its over.

    Merry Christmas.

  2. #2
    TFF's Resident Messenger TFF Christmas Grinches 2013 Michael Swayne's Avatar
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    I think "Grinches" is the wrong term to use. The Grinch wanted to ruin Christmas. So, to use the term Grinch and link it to people would be trying to say that they want to ruin Christmas.

    Now "Scrooge" (Scrooges, Scroogi) would probably suit people better. Personally, I am a scrooge. I am perfectly happy spending my Christmas by myself, while everyone else does the whole family gathering thing. And that's what I plan to do. It's what I do for Easter, Independence Day, and Thanksgiving as well. It's not that I don't like the people I'm related to. I just see them enough as it is that I see no reason to eat with them in a small room all cramped with nowhere to actually get comfortable. Especially with my, uh, larger family members becoming larger.
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  3. #3
    Queen TFF Christmas Grinches 2013 Crescent's Avatar
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    I use to dread family gatherings too for so many of my younger years until I realised that Iam entitled to a fun and enjoyable Christmas/Holiday celebration SO what happens now is that I do whatever the hellI want. I still have to go through all the awkward greetings as soon as they all sift thru the door but when all thats done I sit with all the fun peoples i.e. the kids and play videogames infront a huge Sony HD plasma while the "grownups" talk about pointless and self righteous stuff they will never do because they're all talk while Im pwning all the lil kiddies at Mario Kart and UMvC3 with my team- Vergil, Deadpool and Dante. Then lo and behold all the adults have flocked to the living room to where ppl are actually having fun because we cant stop laughing n shoutingprofanities(not me! gotta set an example for the childrenz). Then most of the adults start probing me as to why Im so good at games implying how is a ("pretty"/"beautiful") Girl so good at/know so much about videogames?!?!) I dont fall asleep but I get it too many times to care to give a coherent response so I shrug. Then my girlfriends come and save me pick me up, we exchange gifts then we drive off and have some more fun..sometimes with boys

    New Years is the one I really love and party for.

  4. #4
    What I don't like about Christmas is the gift thing . So much pressure is put on that. I'd rather randomly get a gift out of the blue -it's a surprise and nice instead of that one day a year (besides your birthday...which is a different rant I have ). I don't buy gifts . Usually I don't and when people ask me what I want I'm like seriously I don't want anything . I don't get them something but they buy me something then look at me like I'm an Ass, even though I expressed to them how I feel...yet I'm the bad guy. I don't mind spending time with family and having a nice dinner. But shit the money people spend sometimes on one item could easily feed a few kids or animals who need help .

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  5. #5
    Permanently Banned loaf's Avatar
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    As I get older I'll want to hang out with my family but right now I'd rather spend it with all my friends.

    Plus my family is annoying.
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  6. #6
    (ღ˘⌣˘ღ) TFF Christmas Grinches 2013 che's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by loaf View Post
    As I get older I'll want to hang out with my family but right now I'd rather spend it with all my friends.

    Plus my family is annoying.
    Is your family also a bunch of......


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  7. #7
    attempting to bribe the Mayor of Lambeth TFF Christmas Grinches 2013 Xanatos's Avatar
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    Luckily we don't have to deal with that gift nonsense as it's not a part of the tradition here, in fact it's frowned upon. I do love Christmas, I love spending time with my family, relatives and friends, the sheer atmosphere of it, though most of all, food. You have no idea what Christmas meal is until you see what we do, prepare, better yet. Your Christmas is more or less all about gifts, ours is all about food. Each household prepares over 10 kg of lamb along with dozen types of pastries and other baking goods, plus several traditional dishes. And that's just the gist of it, we do share some of it with less fortunate of course.

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  8. #8
    Gingersnap TFF Christmas Grinches 2013 OceanEyes28's Avatar
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    I like Christmas....

    I don't care for the extra traffic or feeling like I should avoid all shopping centers for a month, but so much of my shopping is online anyway.

    I think my family is awesome and funny, and great to be around. I look forward to seeing them. It's nice to have another excuse to get together, drink, eat good food, AND there's glitter. I ****ing love glitter. And twinkling lights. Any lights. I love peppermint bark and apple cider. Eggnog and eggnog flavored ice cream. I love justification for my Bailey's coffee at 9am. I love thinking about the end of the year, and reminiscing. I love that we've been getting more snow here (but not so much that it doesn't melt after a couple days so we can drive to decorated restaurants and bars for holiday themed cocktails and desserts). I love cozy sweaters and wool socks. I love picking out gifts for the people I'm close with, and seeing their reaction when they open a gift I put so much thought into. It gets hectic, but I love all the parties and gatherings. Rereading my favorite books, and making my favorite soups on the days leading up to it. I love that for most people, it's a time to be generous, and that it brings out that quality in me, too.

    I don't celebrate in a church anymore, and it's not really about Christianity at all (for me). I just really like the time of year, and all the excuses to be with people I love. And peppermint bark.

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  9. #9
    Registered User TFF Christmas Grinches 2013 Sang Hee's Avatar
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    Merry Christmas as well! It's pretty much a good excuse to lay back and play some more videogames. No need for gifts, just enjoy. Who's religious knows what to do.
    Got snow? Nothing in the Central Europe so far. In fact, it's kind warm.

  10. #10
    Permanently Banned loaf's Avatar
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    Christmas reminds me how poor and selfish I really am.
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  11. #11
    Chief Inspiring Officer TFF Christmas Grinches 2013 Cyanist's Avatar
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    Oh poor Loaf, just wrap up a random item and hurl it at someone - Christmas = War - And you'll feel so much better afterwards!

    I've totally been preparing for this by knitting assorted socks and scarves all summer, mom has been breaking into the goody bag and swiping stuff, but there should be plenty for everyone.

    Merry Christmas!
    ~I'm sorry I haven't been around very much~

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