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  1. #1
    The pizza guy! Meier Link's Avatar
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    Tattoos: love em, hate em, meh

    So cruising the ole facebook news feeds this morning and came across a shared post from the page "tattoos ruin lives." If you haven't had a chance to check it out I recommend seeing it first hand. They use random depictions of obscured information to try and demoralize people and "inform" believers.

    So I figured I would come here to discuss your thoughts on tattoos in general. I personally love a good tattoo and feel for the people that have low quality tats. I have 6 and have sat through 10 sessions to get the ink that I do have. I also will be needing more done to my half sleeve in the future.

    Back to the page I referred to earier: personally I think people are idiots on both sides of the fence. While I can see the reason for the out rage from the tattooed community they are also helping spreading the moronic words from the page by commenting and posting on it while sharing "anti-inker" propaganda. The old saying "bad publicity is good publicity" comes to mind and yet I come here telling people to check it out for the sake of discussion.

    So thoughts on anything tattoo related?

    (This isn't my most well put together post.)
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  2. #2
    The Mad God Tattoos: love em, hate em, meh Heartless Angel's Avatar
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    I like them within reason. Simple images in places that can be relatively easily hidden. I'm particularly fond of Celtic knots around upper arms. Whenever I see someone with ink on their face, I immediately think that this person has no desire to hold a job at any point in time.
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  3. #3
    I invented Go-Gurt. Tattoos: love em, hate em, meh Clint's Avatar
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    I don't have any tattoos, though if I found something that had significant meaning to me, I would have no problem finding a permanent place for it somewhere on my body. That's pretty much my opinion on tattoos. You can get something that looks cool, or you can find something with a specific meaning that defines part of who you are as a person. Everybody has a different story to tell, and I think it's pretty cool when somebody can tell it through art that they've placed on their bodies.

  4. #4
    Bananarama Tattoos: love em, hate em, meh Pete's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Goddamn Clint Eastwood View Post
    I don't have any tattoos, though if I found something that had significant meaning to me, I would have no problem finding a permanent place for it somewhere on my body. That's pretty much my opinion on tattoos. You can get something that looks cool, or you can find something with a specific meaning that defines part of who you are as a person. Everybody has a different story to tell, and I think it's pretty cool when somebody can tell it through art that they've placed on their bodies.
    Pretty much exactly this. I have two that I've had designed for years, but I'm either dragging my feet about it or afraid that they'll get colossally ****ed up. Not sure which.

    One is a Celtic cross I drew up in memory of my dad and the other was my grandfather's dog tags
    Crao Porr Cock8- Rebels, Rogues and Sworn Brothers

  5. #5
    Gingersnap Tattoos: love em, hate em, meh OceanEyes28's Avatar
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    I think tattoos can be cool. They can be stupid and ugly, but most of the ones I've seen are pretty or interesting.

    I got a tattoo this year.

    I've always thought like you guys, if I figured out something I really liked, then I'd get it. But that never really came along, because I wasn't really searching.

    And then one night, two of my friends were getting their noses pierced, and I was sitting there in the tattoo parlor with another friend and we got to talking. "What if we got tattoos?" "Like little ones, on our wrists." "Yeah, I think that would be cool." "What should we get?" "Are we really doing this?" "I dunno, are we? Do you want to?"

    She got a symbol that meant something to her, and I got an eighth note. Left wrists, little things.

    I'm happy with it. Got a tattoo before turning 30, and it was a fun experience to do something impulsive. The guy doing it said once I got my first one, I'd want more.

    He was right.

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