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    Memento Rhapso Talk to your pets? Rhaps's Avatar
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    Talk to your pets?

    I walked into my kitchen a little while ago, started dinner, cat walks up, I say "Hey".
    Then, I think! Don't normal people. . . not do this? Stereotypes label crazy old ladies as people who talk to cats and I'm quite sure I'm neither Crazy nor Old nor a Lady. Then my dog joined and I said "Hi!" and thought "Dammit here I go again!"
    So, I was wondering what are your opinions on animal conversations and do you have them?

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    Re: Talk to your pets?

    i talk to my pet hamster all the time but he died like 2 weeks ago.

  3. #3
    Dragoon Talk to your pets? TigermusiQ's Avatar
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    Re: Talk to your pets?

    I so talk to animals I say things like "Dammit, dog! You smell!", but seriously I think I recall talking to my cat (before she had to be left behind for a house-move)
    ...I miss my cat.

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  4. #4
    Memento Rhapso Talk to your pets? Rhaps's Avatar
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    Re: Talk to your pets?

    I'm sorry for bringing up such painful pet experiences. . . .

    *On an unrelated note, 100 posts! F*ck Yeah!

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  5. #5
    Dragoon Talk to your pets? TigermusiQ's Avatar
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    Re: Talk to your pets?

    Not too painful, it's been a while now. Though poor hamster, in fact I think my sig of Kefka is trying to pet some animal, I wouldn't let the crazy mad-man near it though. He's crazy.

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  6. #6
    Gingersnap Talk to your pets? OceanEyes28's Avatar
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    Re: Talk to your pets?

    Of course! It's me and my Gatsby dog most of the time, so yes, I communicate. He's indifferent to most of it, so I have my fun. Like.... "You little bastard, get out of the trashcan." And then he comes over wagging his tail. We love each other. But he's got his bratty I-dropped-my-chewy-out-of-my-crate-geeeeeet-iiiiiiiit barks, and I swear at or about him sometimes.

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  7. #7
    Paladin Talk to your pets? Voltaire Adams's Avatar
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    Re: Talk to your pets?

    I talk to my cats all the time. They may not know what I say, but the fact that I can say something to them and they will respond with a meow, or rub their head on me...what have you. That means they at least understand I am talking to them and feel loved.
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  8. #8
    attempting to bribe the Mayor of Lambeth Talk to your pets? Xanatos's Avatar
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    Re: Talk to your pets?

    I talk to my hamster quite often, the only time I get the felling that he understands me is when I scold him, he stops, raise one of his feet and stares at me with those cute little eyes with "I'm sorry" expression.

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  9. #9
    Paladin Talk to your pets? Voltaire Adams's Avatar
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    Re: Talk to your pets?

    What does a hamster do that he/she needs scolded?
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  10. #10
    Dragoon Talk to your pets? TigermusiQ's Avatar
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    Re: Talk to your pets?

    Quote Originally Posted by Voltaire Adams View Post
    What does a hamster do that he/she needs scolded?
    I was thinking similar, then I thought maybe... A much needed cage cleaning?

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  11. #11
    attempting to bribe the Mayor of Lambeth Talk to your pets? Xanatos's Avatar
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    Re: Talk to your pets?

    Quote Originally Posted by Voltaire Adams View Post
    What does a hamster do that he/she needs scolded?
    He's quite a rascal and trust me he can be rather annoying sometimes. The one thing he loves to do is to walk on me whenever I'm sleeping or to nibble my hair, but the worst thing is when he puts his tiny cold feet into my ear. He also like to jump from dangerous heights, dangerous for him that is so he keeps me worried sometimes.

    Sure he's a rascal but I like him, the best pet I ever had. I went through a lot just to get him, he's not an ordinary hamster. My friend raises a special kind of hamsters, really rare. They're faster than ordinary hamsters, more intelligent, they don't have any kind of scent and the only thing that grows is his fur so he stays little and cute all his life.

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  12. #12
    Dragoon Talk to your pets? TigermusiQ's Avatar
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    Re: Talk to your pets?

    Quote Originally Posted by Xanatos View Post
    Sure he's a rascal but I like him, the best pet I ever had. I went through a lot just to get him, he's not an ordinary hamster. My friend raises a special kind of hamsters, really rare. They're faster than ordinary hamsters, more intelligent, they don't have any kind of scent and the only thing that grows is his fur so he stays little and cute all his life.
    Oh, is he a dwarf hamster? If so (or if not I guess), I had one of those and my earlier mentioned cat liked eyeing him up.

    I call out these prayers to the sky, heavy with thought, see your face.
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  13. #13
    Paladin Talk to your pets? Voltaire Adams's Avatar
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    Re: Talk to your pets?

    Quote Originally Posted by Clint Eastwood View Post
    I always talk to my neurotic dog, but she's very rude, so as soon as I say anything indicated at her, she walks away. The only thing that I can say to her that doesn't make her nervous is when I make threats against her life. If I ask, "Who's a good girl," she walks away, but if I ask "Who wants a Colombian neck tie," she wiggles her little nub of a tail and walks in half-circles.
    I think your dog is suicidal. Or at the very least he/she is a masochist.

    Quote Originally Posted by Xanatos View Post
    He's quite a rascal and trust me he can be rather annoying sometimes. The one thing he loves to do is to walk on me whenever I'm sleeping or to nibble my hair, but the worst thing is when he puts his tiny cold feet into my ear. He also like to jump from dangerous heights, dangerous for him that is so he keeps me worried sometimes.

    Sure he's a rascal but I like him, the best pet I ever had. I went through a lot just to get him, he's not an ordinary hamster. My friend raises a special kind of hamsters, really rare. They're faster than ordinary hamsters, more intelligent, they don't have any kind of scent and the only thing that grows is his fur so he stays little and cute all his life.

    I've never had a hampster but my good friend always had them. She used to always make me hold them, and she would always put them in my shirt pocket. But all of that stopped one day when we were laying on the couch together watching TV and she put that hampster on my head. It was fine at first but then the little bugger bit me hard on the ear...
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  14. #14
    I invented Go-Gurt. Talk to your pets? Clint's Avatar
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    Re: Talk to your pets?

    I always talk to my neurotic dog, but she's very rude, so as soon as I say anything indicated at her, she walks away. The only thing that I can say to her that doesn't make her nervous is when I make threats against her life. If I ask, "Who's a good girl," she walks away, but if I ask "Who wants a Colombian neck tie," she wiggles her little nub of a tail and walks in half-circles.

  15. #15
    The Bad Boy of TFF Talk to your pets? Block's Avatar
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    Re: Talk to your pets?

    I like to punch cats in the face... talking to them is just weird though.

  16. #16
    Registered User Talk to your pets?
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    Re: Talk to your pets?

    I talk to my kitty. Didn't know that made me weird. I would think it's weird if she talked back to me.

    Not doing much/any talking here lately, but when I did, yeah, I would talk to my pets. I have a bird who knows a few words. If we worked with him more, he would probably know a lot more than what he does now, but it's still cool to here him say "Hello, baby!" He can also do a catcall and whistle the theme song to Popeye the Sailor Man. My dad taught him that. Random fact: Male birds like to talk more than females, so if you want a bird that will pick up on learning how to talk, get a male one.

    As for my dogs and cat, it usually revolves around stuff like "Who's the best/cutest/smartest animals in the world?@/!?!" and other little cutesy talk of that nature.
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  17. #17
    Only plays for sport Unknown Entity's Avatar
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    Re: Talk to your pets?

    I talk to Rolo a lot. I always say good morning and good night to him, and hold random conversations with him throughout the day.

    Sometimes he replies back in his own way. Like if he's hungry or thirsty, he'll lick his chops and race to the kitchen ahead of me. Sometimes he barks back. For obvious reasons, I can't understand what he's saying, but I like to think I do. ^^;

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  18. #18
    Asking all the personal questions. Talk to your pets? RamesesII's Avatar
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    Re: Talk to your pets?

    I talk to all my animals just the same as I would a child especial my birds they actual suggest you talk to them while they are in their cage just so they can gain your trust etc and its funny because they look at you sometimes as if to say what the hell are you on about, when I get up my dog she gets all submissive and huddles down it is cute but I shouldn't really do it.
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  19. #19
    The pizza guy! Meier Link's Avatar
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    Re: Talk to your pets?

    I talk to my 2 pets all the time. The oldest one though tends to back talk and has to get sent to his room, the youngest one just sits there and giggles. Oh wait you are talking about the animal kind of pets?!

    Yeah, when I had pets I would talk to them just like they where human. My old dog would sit there and listen to me ramble on and on. She would pick up on my tones and react accordingly, it was pretty rad.
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  20. #20
    Cilla vs. Games Talk to your pets? Priscilla's Avatar
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    Re: Talk to your pets?

    I talk to all of my pets. They get really excited and happy when they hear people talk to them so I do it all of the time. I say hello when they enter the room or whatnot. Or I go out and talk to my horse. Especially now that she's injured. My birds as well. They are really curious when I start talking to them.

    I don't talk to the fish though. Haha.

  21. #21
    Death Before Dishonor Talk to your pets? Josh_R's Avatar
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    Re: Talk to your pets?

    I talk to my pets all the time. I had no idea that was considered weird. My two dogs can be a hand full at times, so I yell. They respond, they whine and lay down.

    My friend was holding our Red Tailed Boa one time. And this was right after we watched Harry Potter. So I tried to talk to it. In return the sanke bit the shit outta my room mate.

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  22. #22
    Dragoon Talk to your pets? TigermusiQ's Avatar
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    Re: Talk to your pets?

    Quote Originally Posted by Josh_R View Post
    My friend was holding our Red Tailed Boa one time. And this was right after we watched Harry Potter. So I tried to talk to it. In return the sanke bit the shit outta my room mate.
    Haha that's so funny! I mean, of course it's bad but...

    I don't think it's really considered weird to say stuff to pets, I think it's more when you have a one sided conversation that you tend to keep going on. I think I tend to do that to myself more now then when I had pets.

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  23. #23
    Sharing is caring, and caring is ment to be shared Talk to your pets? The Dark Crystal's Avatar
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    Re: Talk to your pets?

    I'm guilty as well!

    I have always talked to my pets, and I have said things like "Hey, Hello, Come here, Sit down, you wanna go outside/inside, etc..."

    I had a long haired chiwawa that probable new at least a hundred words if not more. I mean you could say anything and she would understand!

    Off topic a bit-

    My favorite thing to do was to get her attention by yelling "Sofe", and her she came running to see what was up. Afterwards I would say "Do you want to bath" and she would run and hide in the cloths basket with her head barely poking out.
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  24. #24
    Freezing Ring! Talk to your pets? Darkdragoon's Avatar
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    Re: Talk to your pets?

    Yeps! All the time ^^!
    I talk to all my cat's, and my dog babe (AKA Babygirl) all the time =D
    A talk to my cat princess, and I'm pretty sure she talks back to =)

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  25. #25
    Do the elements trust you? Talk to your pets? bahamuts heir's Avatar
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    Re: Talk to your pets?

    I talk to my dog all the time and I think she understands me, considering that even things like "get out of my room" without a tone is followed. Plus I'm not crazy, old, or female. I think people talk to their pets so they can talk out their feelings without the other person being an @$$wipe about it(at least that's what started me, and it stuck)
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  26. #26

    Re: Talk to your pets?

    I talk to animals and children the exact same way. You know that overly happy high pitch tone you talk to kids with? Yeah I use that for animals too. Well most of the time. Not that I deal with much of either. But so long as neither are shitting on my carpet it's a good day.

  27. #27
    This ain't no place for no hero Talk to your pets? Tiffany's Avatar
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    Re: Talk to your pets?

    Quote Originally Posted by Maridia View Post
    I talk to animals and children the exact same way. You know that overly happy high pitch tone you talk to kids with? Yeah I use that for animals too. Well most of the time. Not that I deal with much of either. But so long as neither are shitting on my carpet it's a good day.
    That is eerily similar to what I was going to write.... but yep, that sums it up quite nicely.

  28. #28
    I would explode to save your life~ Talk to your pets? SeaAlchemist's Avatar
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    Re: Talk to your pets?

    Yep I have. I'm weird like that

  29. #29
    ...means nothing to no way Furore's Avatar
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    Re: Talk to your pets?

    I talk to animals. I figure they probably don't know what I'm saying (with the exceptions of animals trained to recognise command words of course), but I think some of them can get something from it based on the tone of my voice or something.

    I've noticed I can coax most dogs/cats over while I'm working a boring shift which is great and I've even been able to make the occasional other animal like a fox come over (though most foxes are right skittish little things).
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  30. #30
    I feel epic... Talk to your pets? Ralz's Avatar
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    Re: Talk to your pets?

    I don't think its very strange. Sure they have no idea what we're saying, and to them it mostly translates to "No," "Sit," "Food," and Here!," I guess we need someone to talk to, even if they don't necessarily talk back.

    A while back, when we had a house dog, I would talk to it a lot when I was in my room with it. (It used to sleep in my room, go figure.) I would discuss how school sucked, and would celebrate with it when I beat a hard boss in a game. Dog's like "WTF?"

    Then he got booted for all kinds of things: tearing things up, among other things. Now I feed them outside, among other dogs, and I say "Get back." While I try to feed him, among other things. Not quite the Axel "GET BACK!!!" but...

    I didn't know people found it wierd. My moms talks to her cat, too, so I figured everyone did it... Huh. =/

    I'm going through a bit of a The World Ends With You phase right now.
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