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Thread: Sushi

  1. #1


    I roll my own. I love it. I want some right now, but lack the fishy bits. Or the money to head to Yatai. Oh Ichiban, I miss you. Why must you live only in Glasgow?

    Get ravin'.

  2. #2
    beep boop. Sushi
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    I effing love sushi. Fusion and traditional alike.
    Though, too many bad sauces in Utah. I miss my Asian people in Vegas. Sushi on Rainbow<3.
    Anything spicy = love. Spicy tuna is my favorite. There's a roll in vegas called last samurai roll.. Spicy tuna, cilantro, garlic ponzu sauce. Yum yum. First thing I do when I go visit, have lunch there. Any tempura there is amazing.
    turd burglar.

  3. #3
    I do what you can't. Sushi Sasquatch's Avatar
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    Sushi's awesome -- the problem is finding it. It's not a "popular" thing like burgers or pizza, so most towns don't have any sushi joints.

    In the picture ... what is that stuff on the top left? The yellow stuff? Never seen that before. And what's right beside it, bigass eggs? I don't know about that. Roe's good, I love that, but I don't think I'd like the squishiness of raw fish eggs.

    And eel. Too slimy, no thanks.

    Everything else, though, for the most part ... damn good stuff.



    Now I want some, dammit.

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  4. #4
    Genocide Unfolds, I Forgive All Chez Daja's Avatar
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    There was a sushi stall in Wimbledon a few weeks back.

    I admit it, I'm too scared to try it. I hate all fish dishes and I can't warm up to any of them so I just get the impression that I'll hate sushi as well. I can imagine a squealchy, slimy taste, that's cold and... well, fishy.

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  5. #5
    Zell Dincht's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Chez Daja View Post
    I can imagine a squealchy, slimy taste, that's cold and... well, fishy.
    :-) It can be very, very squealchy. Might be why I love the stuff so much. I lived in japan for a few months and oh my goodness... Firstly I don't think I've ever had more raw things in my life. Raw fish, raw cow, raw horse! It was intense.

    My favorite type of sushi, it took a long time to grow on me, is Naatto maki. omgoodness. naatto+sushi=oishii!

    If you don't know what naatto is well... essentially its twice rotten soy beans. In English we also use the term fermented. I almost tossed it back up.

    So hooary sushi! I think there might be three or four places you can get sushi in my city. Sadly though none of it is as good as it was in Yokohama or Nagoya.

  6. #6
    Aww yeah! Sushi Wolf's Avatar
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    I love sushi. I remember awhile ago my family and I went to a Japanese restaurant called Nagasaki's. It was amazing how they served the sushi and all the main dishes. They would seat you a table with a stove on it and all the chefs would go and cook the sushi and other dishes right in front of you. My favorite sushi would be the spicy tuna, every time I go to a Japanese restaurant I always make sure to order it.

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  7. #7
    Oh my God, Calfornia Rolls. Or the soft-shell crab, roe and avocado cones you can get at Yatai.

    There's only one place in this city to get sushi, and they charge you through the nose.

    I think my favourite is probably sweet shrimp nigiri. California rolls and tuna maki come a very close second.

    Sasquatch, I have no idea what those things are either, but they look tasty as. Especially right now, as I am in one of those crave-sushi moods. Oh man. Seaweed wrapped round rice and raw fish. Who would've thought?

  8. #8
    Only plays for sport Unknown Entity's Avatar
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    I like sushi, but it rare I have it, and when I don't have a bloody clue what I'm eatting lol. There has always been something which bugged me about it... Everyone says that sushi is raw fish. BUT I keep being told that sushi means "with rice". Now I don't know what to believe.

    All the sushi I have had doesn't seem to have fish with it. Mainly rice wrapped up in this dark green leaf with peppers and spice's... and soy sauce. Sometimes wusabi.

    Am I even eatting sushi lol? I'm sorry if I haven't, and if I've just spammed here lol!

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  9. #9
    I do what you can't. Sushi Sasquatch's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Unknown Entity View Post
    Everyone says that sushi is raw fish. BUT I keep being told that sushi means "with rice". Now I don't know what to believe.
    From what I've heard, "sushi" is the actual fish, and "sushimi" adds "with rice". My brother spent nearly a year in Korea, and he would talk about "kegogi" and "bulgogi". "-gogi" means "cooked meat with rice", basically, and "bul" is beef, while "ke" or "keg" is dog.

    Of course, judging from that, it might verywell be that "sushi" does mean "with rice", and "sushimi" is something different ... hell, I don't know.

    EDIT: From

    sushi: cold boiled rice moistened with rice vinegar, usually shaped into bite-size pieces and topped with raw seafood (nigiri-zushi) or formed into a long seaweed-wrapped roll, often around strips of vegetable or raw fish, and sliced into bite-size pieces (maki-zushi).

    sashimi: raw fish cut into very thin slices.

    So sushi is the fish with rice and such, or rolls, and sashimi is just fish.
    Last edited by Sasquatch; 09-04-2008 at 04:59 PM.

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  10. #10
    Au revoir. Sushi Doc Rocco's Avatar
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    I effing love sushi. I buy it whenever I can which is when I head to the city. Luckily most food courts have two or so sushi bars so I'm kept happy while at the various shopping complexes. I'm not sure what my favourite sushi is. I tend to eat it all. As for rolls with cooked meat, I adore marinated chicken with avocado. That stuff is orgasmic. I could eat it all day. Damnit. Now I want sushi badly.

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  11. #11

  12. #12
    Cilla vs. Games Sushi Priscilla's Avatar
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    I really do like sushi. I like it with everything. When I was in Japan I got over my "That sounds gross, looks gross, smells gross so I won't taste it" Therefore I love sushi with sashimi. Yum raw fish. I don't mind natto as well.

    There are only one or two sushi outlets around my area. However it never tastes as good as the real thing. Resturants do a nice job however they are usually sparce. Except Little Tokyo in Brisbane. Yumm <3

  13. #13
    ...means nothing to no way Furore's Avatar
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    I also like sushi. A lot...
    And I can have it almost whenever I want as there's a place that sells it in the city, which isn't too far away.

    But then I prefer a lightly grilled tuna steak with freshly squeezed lemon juice over it as well as some nice cracked pepper.
    victoria aut mors

  14. #14
    Arachnie Suicide Sushi ChloChloAriadne's Avatar
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    I like sushi. It's not my favourite food, but I do like it. I've had it a few times, as a nearby plaza decided it needed to expand its food court and now has two sushi bars. I've tried stuff from both of them and enjoyed it.

    I haven't eaten it that much, maybe ten times or so, so I'll usually just order what the person before me had so I can try something new.

    Admittedly though, if I'm going to eat it I have to see it made. There's a lot of talk about food poisoning from sushi, and although I'm sure it's highly unlikely I want to see it made fresh, not pulled out of a freezer where it's been for ages.
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  15. #15
    Permanently Banned loaf's Avatar
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    A place down the street called Sage Sushi is awesome. I only get the same thing all the time, Spider Roll's and Crunchys and also an Atomic Plate now and then. Those are the only sushi I ever eat.

  16. #16
    Gingersnap Sushi OceanEyes28's Avatar
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    Goddamnit now I'm hungry.

    I love freshwater eel. Unagi. Lord'av'mercy, eel in that awesome sauce is my absolute favorite. There's also a roll at a local sushi place that I love. It has crawfish and it's crunchy and spicy and I get it every time. I must eat there once more before I leave.

    I don't like tuna sushi (nigiri especially). It's the texture and the taste, but it's mostly the texture. I love cooked tuna, but oh god, keep raw tuna to yourself. It's one of the only sushi items I won't eat.

    I like squid. I enjoy that it's really chewy. And when they give you that pink pickled ginger stuff.... mmmmm.

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  17. #17
    sushi is increadable

  18. #18
    Whistling Songbird Sushi Asectic's Avatar
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    Definitely I love eating it, considering I'm an Asian; Korean to be specific... But not those japenese rolls. There's a slight difference between the countries. The ones I eat are vegetable ones and in these, they put a lot of ingredients in them. So basically, they're so fat than the regular small ones that u'd usually see in restaurants or probably ones that you'd make. But, I do eat them as well.

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  19. #19
    I invented Go-Gurt. Sushi Clint's Avatar
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    I'm not a fan of sushi. I like fish, but I like my fish cooked. Eating any kind of meat raw is just completely disgusting.

  20. #20
    MMMMMmmmMMmmMM-MM + MMM!

    Sushi is my girl's and my absolute favorite! I live in Atlanta, GA so there's actually a bunch of sushi restaurants and Japanese steak houses, but sometimes we also goto the Asian market place and just buy Sushiami salmon, seaweed, creme cheese, rice, and avocado and make our own at home... it doesn't suck

    I really want some authentic sushi however. Every time I goto the grocery store and see those pre-packaged California rolls, I just don't picture that as Sushi for some reason. Maybe it's just Americanized, but I would love to have some real ingredients from the South Pacific and make it like they do in China/Japan/Korea.
    Last edited by hellbred; 09-10-2008 at 06:42 PM.
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  21. #21
    Registered User Sushi winterborn86's Avatar
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    I've never had sushi before, i always thought it was just fish, i never knew it was mainly rice, after seeing someone making it on a cooking channel i thought it looks rather nice, and i would really like to try some now.

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  22. #22
    God damnit. I love sushi. What I love even more though, is sashimi.

    DE❤LI❤CIOUS! So long ago though

    I'm pretty much good with any type. Though favorite sushi would be crunchy roll and spicy tuna rolls ~ forget veg and Cali rolls Gotta get it from the good places though. The buy and run places usually suck. TERRIBLY. Although there's a great Japanese store (a couple of them sort of) near the NY Public Library, I think. Gotta check street address. But OMG. So GOOD. And the onigiri ~~~ oh god. They wrap it kind of weirdly though.

    Haven't had any in ages, but hopefully will have some when I'm going up to New York for my birthday. There's supposed to be a really good sushi bar in the city that NYU students get 20% off or something.

  23. #23
    When you've actually been in Japan you realize how much the sushi sucks that is around in the rest of the world..
    Ugh I miss Japan, need to wait 1 year still ;_;

    Peace out

  24. #24
    Actually, I've never eaten Sushi... But since I don't like fish I doubt I'll ever will... At least the 'normal' ones... But gonna try to make some with just vegetables sometime I guess. x3


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