On Sunday, me, my mum and step-dad went up Camden. On the way back, we saw this chest that I fell in love with, so we bought it - it is biggish, and was only £25 while all the very small ones were £15 each. Bargain.

I got it home. Cleaned my shelf. Put it on the shelf. Put stuff in it. Went to bed. During the night, about 10mins after I turned the lights off, I heard this scratching noise coming from the end of my bed. The shelf I put the chest on is at the end of my bed. I crapped my self - not really - thinking that my chest was haunted. I managed to trick my mind into thinking it was haunted sooo much, that I thought I heard the clasp on the front of it start moving and wacking the metal.

I tried to sleep the whole night curled in a ball, with the covers over my head to block out any noise.

Woke up and the first thing I noticed that my door was open a small faction. By the looks of things, my dog had tried to get in my room. The door is also at the foot of my bed, to the left of the chest. So, it was my dog afterall. ^^